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Everything posted by AaronChicago

  1. I think the ultimate blog/tutorial/forum site that is an outstanding example of community/money-making/popular is Video Copilot. Andrew Kramer has not only developed a huge following based off of his work and tutorials, but he's helped create some of the best After Effects plug-ins available. Even after working with JJ Abrams on Star Trek, Star Wars, Super 8, etc, he's still active on his site and creating new products/content. I would agree that it's probably much easier to create unique products in AE, as opposed to FCP, Premiere, Avid. BUT, I believe VC is a good business model to research.
  2. Clients love Vimeo. It gives them a specific private URL that remains the same, even after updating the file. Password protected.
  3. I agree. Alot of the RED Weapon users are buying them up. The prices for vintage medium format lenses are going up, right now.
  4. Anything that is edited to be entertainment is all about timing and rhythm. Doesn't even have to be music related. I thought he did a good job of pacing and holding shots for a pleasing amount of time.
  5. I think it's pretty cool that they still promote/update ONE camera. Instead of new models every year. At first it seems like a terrible idea, but now it almost makes the camera more appealing.
  6. Haha yeah a lot of them are juvenile, but there are some diamonds in the rough. I usually only catch the ones that make it to the front page of Reddit.
  7. I think that is the key. Getting it out ASAP and being the first well shot example. It seems to snowball from there. Regarding subject matter: even just shooting Berlin's cityscape with people on the streets (like you've done) is great. Maybe find a local acting/model studio that would want to partner and have their 1 or 2 of their students at a time participate in a quick video that they can use themselves as a portfolio piece.
  8. I wasn't talking about unboxing videos at all. I mean taking a new camera the day you get it, and filming a "short film" of footage edited to music (which you've done a lot in the past.) Whenever a new camera is out the most popular examples are people in their house with a cat or a flower. I just mean you could shoot something substantial with a new camera, share it, sell the camera, move to the next one. EDIT: To add to this. You could make a raw file available for people to download and view/grade for themselves. I really don't see anywhere that does this online other than specific brand forums.
  9. Hey Andrew, I agree with you that long form reviews are getting few and far between, but I think there's great value in shooting a 30 second - 90 second demo with a new camera. People are constantly searching for well shot videos with new camera releases. Purely my opinion, but I think you could create good buzz with this approach.
  10. Bright Tangerine. If money isn't an issue. I've used their normal rail matteboxes, and just got the Misfit Atom for Xeen lenses. Very well made.
  11. A lot of the great directors first films were B&W simply b/c they didn't have the budget or team to precisely light/process for accurate color. I remember Christopher Nolan saying he shot FOLLOWING on B&W b/c color added a whole set of skills that they didn't have time/money to do.
  12. I loved Vision Color with the C100.
  13. REC709 viewing would be huge. It's really hard to use V Log with the GH4 screen.
  14. DVX User has way too many sub forums. Basically a unique sub for every camera available, plus all of the typical "general" topics.
  15. Not exactly sure if this is what you mean, but I posted about a sub-Reddit called "Writing Prompts" where you can find some super talented writers/stories. There's no voting for a film though. Project Greenlight does short film voting. It's later in the process though.
  16. Yes the edit drive is when I'm working on a specific project, I'll import the footage into that drive and create a PP project. Cache files, I set up a cache folder on my 4TB storage drive. My programs drive is a whole different drive. It's a 500GB SSD.
  17. Adding more drives in a RAID configuration will help. I don't think it matters otherwise. What I usually do is keep a storage drive (4TB) , an edit drive (1TB SSD), and a system drive (for programs). When I'm editing a project I'll use the 1TB SSD. Once the project is totally finish I'll back everything up to an external hard drive. If a project is on hold I'll move it back over to the 4TB storage drive did I'm editing it again.
  18. Ursa Mini You can also do it on the GH4 but lose a bit of quality.
  19. 36fps is my new favorite frame rate for slow mo. Everything flows in a smooth motion and doesn't take too long for an image to resolve. Especially when shooting shorter spots where 60fps is too slow for anything to happen.
  20. I was at Alex Buono's Art Of Storytelling tour and B&H was a sponsor. The guy from B&H stood up and said "HI, my name is Christian, and I'm the ONLY one at B&H." Got a good laugh.
  21. Yeah, I mean David Fincher shot some commercials for Gap. Nicholas Winding Refn for Cadillac. Darren Aronofsky ,some cologne commercials.
  22. It is possible. You just import the Premiere Project file and it asks if you want to import the entire project, or specific sequences.
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