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  1. Both brands refuse to add an option to let the user experience other brand's approach. Nikon's approach gives a stable EVF, but poor AF performance at low light, which created this widespread notion that their AF system is a generation behind compared to competition, whereas in reality its just getting less light. Funny thing is they tried to address this issue with introduction of 30fps EVF feed at low light, which created laggy image in panning movements and worsened the EVF experience. DPR, Petapixel, or youtubers didn't push them to let the user choose the tradeoff depending on his/her priority.
  2. People would still buy their products with all the reputation wreck behind the brand if the product had a good value proposition, just look how Elon still manages to sell expensive cars.
  3. When I opened the link I thought the most alarming thing in the video is that how fast Jeromy is gaining weight! Then I saw a comment by a random user claiming to be former employee, was making fun of him referring to his smoking of white powder in his office, which CineD deleted. But the real sad part was the technical subject. When asked about the future, or "why people should buy your next product?" in a polite way, he had no answer but "higher frame rates"! He can't explain why external recorder is needed, in this day and age that even a $2500 camera records 6k60p raw internally. He just begs the camera makers to add even higher fps to the specs that their own outdated 14nm chip can't handle, assuming they're stuck with that node forever. Here we have a CEO that doesn't know what to do next, and is very honest about that (probably because his tech bro vibe overtakes his financial ego). The reality is that hardware part of the industry is becoming like the Hollywood part. As we now have either $100m budget movies or $500k ones, and everything between is gone, you either get the high end most expensive gear, or get the cheapest available that is good enough. Basically SmallHD vs. any hard to pronounce Chinese brand. We can't have middle ground when someone who's supposed to make money from the middle ground can't tell us why it should exist.
  4. How exactly 60mm equivalent makes 36mm equivalent almost redundant? Its like saying I dont need 80-400 because I already have 24-70!
  5. There is no clear rule over there. Moderators decide who is the trouble maker. They once removed my reply to a guy, because I judged his integrity very quickly! lol.
  6. They have to answer a lot of questions if thats the target. What sensor? Super35 or full frame? Regular Sony made full frame or RED developed Vista Vision full frame? Should it be 6k or 8k? How far should it go in frame rate? What kind of battery? And what should be the price? Let it cannibalize Komodo?
  7. There is already 24mm f/1.7. Nikon forgot to market this compact combo.
  8. Sure Travis Pastrana can do amazing job with 1983 Subaru GL Wagon. Sure its anything but a 1983 Subaru GL Wagon.
  9. What I'm talking about is very clear and there is an expression for that in english language: Horses for courses. Just because two different devices do a similar work in some situations doesn't mean the CPU inside device A is suitable for the device B. GoPro isn't a Japanese conservative company, and yet they didn't use Snapdragon. Nobody said smaller node is bad! Points are: 1. Snapdragon, fabbed 12nm or 3nm, has an architecture designed to do a lot of things that are not related to professional dedicated camera, like gaming, playing music, video editing, web browsing, online money transfer, controlling diverse set of peripherals. Look at the M4. Nearly a quarter of the chip is occupied by the GPU: Ray tracing while you half press the shutter, huh? See those big rectangles at the left? Those massive CPU cores are there to run Genshin Impact, not calculating Zone Exposure. 2. While smaller node for dedicated camera chip is always good news, the big portion of the heat is generated by moving electrons from point A to point B (Sensor to RAM, RAM to CPU, CPU to CFe card). So as long as resolution/frame rate war continues, we'll have heat issue no matter what. So a slim active cooling system should have higher priority than an expensive jump to smaller node.
  10. With that logic Ericsson should use Snapdragon for its 5g infrastructure products, because its cheaper! Not yet. Sensor output is 10 bit. ADC is 10 bit. They put 10 bit data in a 12 bit file. 5W is 5W, whether you're able to cool it down or not doesn't change the fact that its not insignificant. Another issue is movement of the data. 6k60 raw is about 14Gb/s. No matter how state of the art is your CPU, 14Gb/s is 14Gb/s. Its too much to not generate heat.
  11. The correct translation: "Smartphone makers overplayed their hand in image processing in such an aggressive approach that some of their users came to this conclusion that the only way to get better image is to have a camera with bigger sensor".
  12. Sorry, it has a lot of to do with the way the OS works. Its designed to handle a heavy and complicated OS system. The whole architecture is overkill for a dedicated camera in some areas, and underperforming in other areas. And remember all these 3nm ISPs are working with 10 bit images. Not 14 or 16 bit that your mirrorless chip is handling at fraction of a second. They don't design their own chips. They tell a ASICS/FPGA vendor what they need, and that vendor offer them one of their products. Nikon buys from Socionext. This giant company has TSMC as its 2nm partner. But doesn't make anything in its portfolio at cutting edge node. Because they don't need to, and will be expensive. And iPhone 15 pro overheats shooting 4k, remember?
  13. Excuse me, why we need Snapdragon for our mirrorless camera again? If you're suggesting it should have mini Instagram app built in, I should say that's a terrible idea brother. A dedicated camera is a professional tool. You can't tell the NFL players wait a moment guys, I need to reboot my camera! Maybe you're asking "why my camera can't automatically stitch my pano images together to give me a single file?". Well, if you want all things "auto" why you use a dedicated camera in the first place? That tool is called professional camera because its supposed to give you control; and now you want less control? The funny thing is that Apple is decreasing the auto things, like adding log profile, and increasing controls, like the new shutter button. The funnier thing is younger generation don't ask for a iOS camera with a full frame sensor, they like the Nikon Zf/Fuji X100 ideas, cause these cameras have more direct controls on them (a retro styled camera is slower than the modern ones, but thats another matter). What we need is better implementation of wireless connections, between the professional tool and the consumer devices. I can't use my Bluetooth headphone as monitor headphone of my camera, as one example (BT6.0 will solve the latency problem. Lets see what they do). Things like this move very slowly. USB4 can deliver power and uncompressed 8k60 data, but nobody dares to replace SDI with that.
  14. Please test the new Rec.709 LUT too. "The LUTs for N-Log, which were previously provided for each individual camera, have been consolidated into a single file and optimized for video production based on color science developed by RED (Red Digital Cinema, LLC). The Technical LUT converts the N-Log color space to the Rec.709 standard, making it suitable for general viewing."
  15. Isn't it easier with a boxy camera to rotate the body 90 degrees?
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