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Everything posted by ND64

  1. There is 5 companies that use Sony full frame sensors: Sony (both still and cinema), Nikon, Panasonic, Leica, and now Sigma. Also some variants of the sensors these companies use are available for cctv and machine vision. That volume of production lowered the price. That's not case with MF.
  2. I mean even iPhone could achieve 12 stops! with NR.
  3. Its more like an engineering horse race and some people love to bet. Of course exposure mistakes happen, but nobody should make a 5 stops mistake.
  4. So CinedD published their new lab test and in imatest there is not a noticeable difference between Z9/Z8 and R5ii 5 stop under with NR shows different color cast But AF striping noise is visible in Canon image, even after NR
  5. So despite super35 being better choice for documentaries, they go full frame because they use convenient zoom lenses that are slow, and need the low light performance of low res full frame sensors, and only Sony offers that in several form factors. Did I get it right?
  6. ND64

    Forum ideas

    Would die long ago if marketplace wasn't added to the platform. Zuck is idiot, but his team is clever at resurrection of zombie services. Reddit is another example of how people get used to live in terrible places. Its ocean of high value information/experiences/stories, but it needs high mental capacity to explore. Its cascading comment section is unbearable. Garbage/bot volume is insanely high. We need more smaller, neat, well administered forums; and less public squares.
  7. Nikon's zealousness in keeping backward compatibility for lenses made their early efforts for DSLR video almost fruitless and hurt them badly in market share. Canon's fully electronic EF lenses, on the other hand, made the DSLR video "useable" for the first time. Nikon's engineers were always ahead of competition in increasing the data bandwidth; the reason they managed to make D90, but the overall performance of a camera is dependent on many things, and bandwidth is only one of them. They're still amazing in bandwidth, as they introduced 8k60p raw with no serious overheating issue, and now they're not handicapped by ancient mount system. Every Japanese camera maker had a modernizing issue somewhere in the last decade. Nikon with modern lens, Canon with modern sensor, Sony with modern codec/storage media, Panasonic with modern AF. But there is one that all of them are equally incapable of: modernizing the menu and UI.
  8. I want them to make a FX3 killer with low noise 5k sensor, 120fps, active cooling, and RED codec/log. But they won't. They're much smaller a company than Sony, and have to spend the limited R&D budget on upgrading the current line up. And they have to ramp up their glass business too; they have much work to do: filling the gaps in still lenses, and develop cine lenses (they got curiosity from cinema community, now they need their attention).
  9. Is this a Z-mount Komodo with a Sony E-mount adapter? LOL! Yes, second camera from the left. 2:00
  10. In Nikon's CP+ booth they had RED with Sony lens on it. They're now officially endorsing that.
  11. The thing about smartphone industry is that the hardware and production is the easy part these days. The hard part is making deal with operators, and they work like cartels. And its too late anyway. The market is so saturated and competitive that even Chinese brands with thin profit margin are struggling to attract new customers. This new approach of magnetic m4/3 lens is sign of that. For 99% of people picture quality of flagships is so "good enough" that they see no reason to upgrade, and AI is not much a differentiator. So Chinese are attacking the niche areas of the market.
  12. The C30 mode, which is 30fps burst for still, is limited to jpeg and HLG is not available. It can be a hint that open gate video with log profile is beyond sensor/CPU capabilities.
  13. With all the firmware updates its different camera than what it was at release date
  14. Democratization of videography introduced a group of people to the community who do. The expectations of a TikToker from a dedicated camera is obviously different than mine.
  15. A comparison between Resolve and redcinex in handling of nraw would be great. Resolve has blue channel clipping issue, tho there are some half solutions for that, and redcinex support is still beta and has a bug as shows color noise in clipped highlights.
  16. Once a fashion photographer told me, in a humorous way, that why he doesnt need high DR. The scene was a hotel room and half naked model was lying on the bed. He wanted the window, that has a view to a historical building, to be completely blown out, because "the facade of that damn building is sexier than my model". It was interesting to me that how much they're obsessed with viewer attention heat map in their frame, like they even plan for the eye movements.
  17. It still boggles my mind how youtubers don't understand for RS comparison you should put the two footages above eachother, not place them horizontally.
  18. Try 40mm f/2. Incredible price performance. Apparently in new firmware you can have separate banks for still and video. Also digital zoom is now available in DX too.
  19. In China launch event there was this slide that says 5 new companies joining the L mount DJI, Blackmagicdesign, Samyang, Astro, disclosed before. The 5th can be Viltrox.
  20. For some reason, and for just few hours, Rakuten offered A7cii for $1000. Not living in Japan was one of my many strategical mistakes in my life.
  21. L mount market share is in such a promising shape that the chinese lens maker who made a L mount version of its 85mm lens don't know any portrait photographer who is in L mount system to give him/her the lens to review, so ask "hey, anybody here?" on social media I guess the reason they're suddenly support the L mount is that they know DJI or another chinese company will release a L mount camera. And if that happens, I don't know, is it good for Panasonic or bad? Because in that case even the "close enough specs to competition, but at lower price" strategy doesn't work, as the Chinese body will be even cheaper, and certainly with modern UI.
  22. The problem with fixed lens full frame is that it won't be cheap and at that whatever price any focal length is a let down for a lot of potential customers. If they choose 24mm many will say its too wide for all my shooting scenarios, I won't pay that much to be this much limited. if 35mm many will say its not wide enough not tight enough. Thats why Sigma had to make three DPs with different focal length, and it wasn't even full frame.
  23. They still have three registered but unannounced camera. One of them is probably a fixed lens. One of the remaining two can be S1Hii.
  24. The fact that we're comparing Nikon, which until four years ago was called "potato" in videographers community, with Panasonic, which was making pro video cameras when my mother was a young girl, and score points are about "anamorphic modes", is crazy if you think about that. Anyway, feature leapfrogging is a never ending game. You get a capability in brand X that is missing in brand Y, but you get something unique in brand Y that is still missing in X. After two years, both will have them eventually with some differences in implementation. Decisions, in my opinion, should be based on "system advantages", not feature set. I love to have eye control AF in Canon cameras, but RF system is the most restrictive, while the native lens choices is like super cheap/super exotic. But some people would say they have 50% of the market share so there should be good reasons half of people bet on this system, and its ok. I don't think thats a good logic for choosing a system, but at least its an evaluation about the system, not the features.
  25. Here is the list of compatible lenses
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