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Everything posted by ND64

  1. the reality is that their D4s customers dont care about the lacking features you asking here, at all as Thom Hogan said there is only 120,000 D4 out there, and most of them sport shooters who are not allowed to make video in events however. what I guess is that they concluded investing in video department, wont dramatically increase their operating income, so why bother?
  2. Aliasing and moire in iPhone video is because of sensor itself and method of readout. If you gonna line skip, even an Intel Xeon CPU cant clean its mess. there are lots of powerful hardware out there that can handle those so called properly-processing. even a hacked 5d mark3 can do it: read a larg amount of data from sensor, properly processe it and output as DNG. and If raw frames are not actually full frame is because of damn buffer, not CPU. Nikon V1 can output 60x10mp NEF raw files per second. and Ive never heard any pro says V1 raw files are not properly processed!
  3. iPhone 5s is already doing 120 720p frame per second. its actually 110 megapixel/sec processing power, with a chip not really optimized for specific task like downscaling. 30 x 2160p = 248mp/s. I dont know why a $2000 camera shouldn't handle a 2.25x of a job that a phone is flawlessly doing. from Qualcom website: "Snapdragon 805 processors also enable users to take, edit and share higher quality photos in low light conditions. The world’s first commercial mobile 1GPixel/s (Giga-pixel per second) ISP (image signal processor) packs a large increase in ISP and CPP (camera postprocessor) speed and throughput, empowering users to take sharper, higher resolution photos with advanced post-processing features for low light conditions."
  4. for fully resolving a pair of lines (one black, and one white), 2 rows of pixels should be used, right? Nope, 4 rows needed because of Bayer pattern: blue,green,blue,green. so in matter of resolution, 4k is not actually 4k, let alone 1080p. so 2 megapixel Sigma Foveon like sensor (3 layered color filter), has potential to be equal to bayer 4k. BUT, its insane to make 2 megapixel Full Frame sensor, cause every single one of pixels will have a massive area, almost 17um x 17um. that will heavily suffer from electron overflowing, and you need a thick dark ND filter for your every outdoor shot. what we lack right now, is not resolution. we lack Acuity. colors are not correct, much of that is based on mathematical guess, thanks to demosaicing, edges are soft for exactly same reason. lots of moire and false data. 4k isnt going to solve all of these, but downscaling, a decent downscaling, can give us some of that acuity we are lacking right now. the problem is, there is no camera equipped with "Built-in Best-in-Class hardware-accelerated downscaler". all the processing is on your own (PC) shoulder. otherwise, why should I care if gazillion pixels has been read out to give me my sweet 1080p?
  5. apparently that  82db is available in 2x2 binning mode. full resolution is just 70db 
  6. CMV-12000 full well capacity is 13500 e Nikon D4 is 100k e so I think BMC 4k user better not go over ISO 800. I know its still decent for many
  7. just few years ago, in Hollywood only, this could be happen 
  8. [quote name='EOSHD' timestamp='1354039266' post='22468'] Again if we take the view that it is JUST content that is important, there's no motivation for filmmakers to put any artistry into their camera work and cinematography. A disaster. If we take the view that it is JUST image quality that matters and that the camera is the most important thing, you lose the motivation to work on the content and just churn out pretty timelapses. Is this balance so difficult for people to grasp? Why is every argument in 2012 polarised, be it about cameras, politics, music, anything... [/quote] why you limit the "artistry" to Resolution? and why not make balance in resolution? I think a 48 fps real 2k image is more balanced than a 24 fps (maybe fake) 4k. why not interprete "more is better" as bigger pixel area, which leads to more dynamic range and S/N ratio? I dont have any problem with 4k or 6k or 8k. good for hollywood, they have no issue buying hundreds terrabyte of storage for their RAW multimilion dollar projects. but for me, if %99 of my content is going to be viewd on phablets and tablets, 1080p is enough. I prefer whinning about deficencies like DR and color noise ;)
  9. Movie name: End of Watch Budget: $7,000,000 Gross: $39,000,000 Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark II,Canon EOS 7D,Canon XA-10,GoPro HD Hero People pay for content, not pixels
  10. Andrew, the problem with 8MP FF sensor with same technology of current MarkIII sensor is Blooming! there will be too much electrons in that large pixel area
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