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  1. Cinema P3 beats Filmic Pro and the Blackmagic app hands down! It is a mystery to me why it doesn't get more publicity.
  2. Just a small comment on the Huawei / Leica thing : I have a P20 Pro and the 40 mpx raw files can be wonderful but you need to do absolutely massive post production work to eliminate the severe vignetting and color casts from the "Leica" lens.
  3. Stupidly I formatted an SD card in camera and partially wrote over data I need (and, more important, that my client needs). I have tried various data recovery applications (EaseUS, Stellar) but none has worked so far. Is Sony in camera formatting particularly thorough in some way, making data recovery impossible or is there a tool I have overlooked that might work? Thanks in advance!
  4. www.leeminglutone.com/ Just follow Paul Leeming's advice.
  5. On reflection, I can see exactly where this would be useful : when you know that a smartphone is the right tool for the job but it's hard to justify using exactly what your client and everyone else on the shoot has in their pocket. This way you can use a similar tool but differentiate yourself as a "pro" because it's Red and expensive.
  6. Except that when you have rigged up the phone you loose all the advantages linked to its size. I mean, if I'm going to add a Beastgrip Pro + DOF adapter + a Canon DSLR lens, why not just use a "real" camera?
  7. If they get this right (and "right" for me would include ND filters, a stable pro filming app on Android, memory management that lets you easily get footage off the device) there's a huge market. Look at all the TV stations and newspapers using iPhones to make content now, for example.... But have you seen how that iPhone was kitted out and the amount of people involved ?
  8. Interesting post. I would have missed this otherwise. That said, on the clips I watched there are actually two C300s (or equivalent, it's hard to tell) on the interviewer and interviewee. Locked off and constantly running so nothing is missed. The whole thing could be edited with just footage from just these two and the image is very classic, very clean. The cheaper cameras are only there, I suspect, to inject an element of spontaneity and dynamism, conveying an impression of intimacy and sincerity associated with (apparently) lower production values. It's very well done propaganda.
  9. Does anyone know if it is possible to use a bluetooth audio transmitter plugged into the headphone socket of a camera to monitor audio via bluetooth headphones? I'm looking to have fewer cables to trip over... Thanks!
  10. Stumbled on this - http://www.newsshooter.com/2014/11/26/rte-video-journalist-philip-bromwell-shoots-the-news-on-his-iphone-6/ And then his Vimeo, blog, twitter...
  11. @BTM_Pix Thanks, useful link !
  12. Haven't looked in here for a while. Heads up :anyone interested in this thread might do well to check out #mojocon (the conference, the facebook group, the YouTube videos and live streaming...).
  13. DPC

    Adobe Rant

    That's exactly what I thought. Then I wondered if I simply hadn't understood how Resolve works. What I like a lot about FCPX is being able to just create a new library for each job and know exactly where it, and the backups are.
  14. Obviously the RX 10 II. Unless you think you can work with one focal length.
  15. I can find problems with Sony cameras all day long but the fact is that I've been working exclusively with an A7R II, RX10 II and RX 100 IV for the last 18 months and still got the job(s) done. It's just that I wouldn't trust any of them (especially the RX 100 IV) to survive very long in Guyana (for example).
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