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Everything posted by marcuswolschon
I fear panasonic doesn't need much of this to compete with Blackmagic. When both provide an 8K image with their next cameras, then Panasonic will still have a well rounded hybrid stills+video camera with AF and a ton of features and Blackmagic will still have a no-frills camera that offers great colours, video codecs and time code. That's a very comfortable split of the market. Canon will still be crippling their cameras in some way and stay out of the loop.
I mostly used to record raw for one specific purpose: Denoising in post in scenes where the camera could not keep up with a very dark stage that contained well lit elements. This was absolutely needed on the BMPCC with ISO1600 and is still needed on the BMPC4K when not blowing our the well lit scene elements. For the simple reason that it would not compress the noise, so that NeatVideo (3, later 4) could do a great job on it.
Okay. I didn't know that they could develop over time. I had accepted it that this was part of it being a raw, unaltered output. Just as there is no sharpening happening in-camera or other alterations. (About 100-200 randomly distributed white, single pixels in both cameras, never moving, only happening at ISO 1600 and when the sensor is basically starved of light with lit actors in front of a pitch black stage.) Since the second BMPCC is currently being sold (up to last year I still handed it to additional volunteer operators to provide closeups as an extra for our stage show recordings), the BMPCC4K got the 6.2 firmware with a recalibrate -option, the BMCC2.5K/BMPC4K and GH5/GH4R never exhibited this issue, there is nothing for me to do about it anymore.
No I'm stating that his own statement implies that. It was quite some work to remove the patterns of hot pixels in both my BMPCC at higher isos in post. (Fixed patterns of pure white, individual pixels in near black scenes at iso 1600. Usually fixed by ovelaying the same image shifted exactly 1 pixel in "darken" mode to not loose too much contrast.)
For the sake of clarity, please use "lossless compression" instead of "compression". A runlength-encoding, Lempel-Ziv-Welch Dictionary or similar method of compressing the raw data with the ability to reconstruct it just as it where is someting I feel deserves it's exception. After all, all the higher bits of all red, all green or all blue intensity values for large streches of pixels are to be expected to be equal and thus easily compressible. (just to name a simple example.)
Sadly they also removed Cinema DNG and me as an app-developer using the Blackmagic Camera Control -Bluetooth protocol am in a dilemma. (Cinema DNG removal is due to a patent claim. Can't blame Blackmagic here. It's explained in detail in the video, in case you haven't watched it entirely yet.) Because: They also still haven't added constants for the DCI 4K (BMPCC4K and UMP) and the 4.6K resolutions (URSA Mini Pro) to the Bluetooth protocol despite a " I have submitted a bug internally and I will notify you when we implement this in a future versions of the Camera Control Protocol." in November 2018. The developer documentation for all Blackmagic cameras is still in a state of October 2018. Blog posting: https://marcuswolschon.blogspot.com/2019/03/new-bmpcc4k-firmware-this-time-with-braw.html Android app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=biz.wolschon.bmpcc4krecord
I'm testing it and the Beta crashes too often + one timeline containing another timeline showed a waveform but was silent + when doing a video wall I get animations of the clip positions that I did not animate and thus cannot remove
Only the studio version loads the GH5 10bit footage. https://forum.blackmagicdesign.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=58547 (Haven't tried the 14 beta yet myself. Downloaded it last night.)
Up to now I could use DCI 4K and UHD in the free version (e.g. on a laptop in a train when I didn't have the dongle with me). e.g. to dynamically crop and punch in to add perfect 1080p camera movements for stage performances shot in 4K in post. Just not output in that resolution.
I still have to get used to that new price point. (Luckily I sold my second dongle a while ago.) Up to now the free version was missing high end features and was limited to FullHD. Not being able to read some camera files is inappropriate. It would force you to aquire in 8bit in the first place and you can't make the decision to buy the studio version later and then take advantage of the 10bit 4K footage you had aquired back then.
What? There is a clip format that the free version can not load? There goes the workflow of giving assistants and directors in distributed volunteer projects the free version to make preparations or small changes themself while only I have a dongle for the studio version. Yes...the people using the beta confirmed it. Only the studio version plays backl GH5 10bit clips. The light version doesn't. (Also no new camera including no replacment for the 4 year old FullHD-only Pocket Cinema Camer was announced.)
What sich posting are you referring to? I use Resolve with 10Bit ProRes 4:2:2HQ on a 10bit display all the time and also with 12bit CinemaDNG. DO you mean it doesn't reat 10bit h.265 profiles/levels?
Yes, FCPX is great nowadays. I have gone away to use Resolve for editing only because of the terrible state of Macbook/Mac "Pro" hardware. (No state of the art graphics card with lots of memory, no huge mechanical drive or multiple drives for editing on my many train rides where external drives are no option, screens with a terribly black point and the Mac Pro desaster for 3 hardware generations now. Thus forced to leave when the 2011 Macpro was no longer good enough because of missing CUDA1.2)
I tried Aphinity Photo. Found that the old Lightroom is exactly what I need. Unless anyone implements tethered shooting with Panasonic GH cameras that is. I'm also VERY suspicious of anyone recommending things to me without knowing even the first thing about my requirements.
That's why I never even started with Adobe CC. The only Adobe software I'm using is Lightroom and I got myself the last non-CC version (and yes, it still gets updates for new camera models.). The only thing I'm missing out on is Lightroom Mobile but since I'm an Android user and have no iPad, that doesn't matter much.
According to the manual variable frame rate is still limited to 8bit and 100Mbps. No 150Mbps for all these frames. Does anyone know if the GH5 can output FullHD at 180fps or 96fps or anything >60 via HDMI for an external recorder? (Atomos Shogun Inferno can do 1080p240) Also: from the manual https://eww.pavc.panasonic.co.jp/dscoi/DC-GH5/EG_EC_EF_EB/DC-GH5_DVQP1121ZA_eng.pdf "Motion pictures cannot be recorded to the card at [4:2:2 10bit] during HDMI output" I thought they had finally fixed that limitation! Does that also mean that I still can't use Wifi remote control/monitoring whild doing a 10bit recording internally or externally?
Some here seem to be under the impression that the URSA Pro records raw onto SD -cards...it doesn't. From the tech specs: "2 x CFast for 4.6K RAW and ProRes recording. 2 x SD UHS-II card slots for HD and Ultra HD recording." It can record some form of UHD (the TV-standard, not cinema DCI 4K) onto SD cards. For 4.6K RAW it needs these expensive CFast media... and obviously a lot of that. I have 2 of the Blackmagic Pocket for 4 years now (remember that 500eur deal?). They are great. BUT...who in their right mind would buy a FullHD-only camera with bad audio preamps in 2017? After 4 years I was finally hoping for 4K or at least UHD and SATA SSD or at least M.2 sticks as a recording medium and a fan instead of a peltier for cooling and thus decent battery life. Very good point. Sadly you need to sell your entire MFT lens collection to buy EF and buy these expensive CFast cards (200eur for 12x128GB cheap or 815eur for 128GB from Sandisk). And be ready to find yourself buying the +1600eur viewfinder soon. Right after the 500eur V-mount charger+2 batteries.
Is it? With an aperture matching the same depth of field?
Dear Mr Thpriest, would you like to try again using the English language? Otherwise it may happen that your choice of wording gets confused with modern art. Kind regards.