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Everything posted by QuickHitRecord

  1. I have been trying for an hour to remove the front "Isco Gottingen" ring. It's on there pretty good. I have washed my hands many times. I've tried latex gloves and rubber bands, but nothing is budging. EDIT: Rubber-dipped gardening gloves did the trick on my first try.
  2. Good hint. I'll try that. What's the min. focus on your Centavision post-mod?
  3. As soon as I get home, I think. I'm looking forward to it!
  4. Rich, this is huge. You are an innovator and a pioneer in the world of anamorphic shooting. With your discovery, my Iscorama becomes twice as usable. My hat is off to you!
  5. This is great news, Rich! No need for the expensive Van Diemen mod now... I don't suppose that you took a photo while you were working on it?
  6. Or so it would seem. I just ordered a set of these for my Iscos: [url="http://www.xumeadapters.com/"]http://www.xumeadapters.com/[/url]   It should make swapping and combining diopters a snap.   I will let you know my thoughts when I receive them.
  7. The brand new Genus Eclipse fader is getting some good reviews: [url="http://www.dslrnewsshooter.com/2012/12/06/genustech-eclipse-fader-nd-filter-sets-new-standard-all-for-165-us/"]http://www.dslrnewsshooter.com/2012/12/06/genustech-eclipse-fader-nd-filter-sets-new-standard-all-for-165-us/[/url]   Also, I have been able to use my SLR magic with my Cavision 3x3 matte box AND my Edelkrone follow focus without vignetting. 4x4 is not your only option.
  8.   I've seen panning judder (or 'strobing' as someone else is calling it on another forum) from my other anamorphic lenses as well but it seems to be worse with the 2x lenses than the 1.5x. That leads me to believe that level of anamorphic stretch is directly related to the severity of the judder.   Truth be told I haven't shot with it much yet. I just got it and put Alan's clamp on it last night. But it's lightweight and doesn't need a lens support, and I can already tell that it has the perfect oval bokeh that I am looking for. It's a keeper for sure.
  9.   That would have been my first guess as well. But both clips are 23.98 on a 23.98 timeline, and both MOV files (i.e. the original, and the squeeze/cropped) look like this when played in Finder.
  10. It's a head-scratcher. I shot this at at 1/50 (shooting at 24 frames).   There's always this, for those who can afford it: [url="http://tessive.com/the-time-filter/"]http://tessive.com/the-time-filter/[/url]
  11. I have been dismissing this issue as a symptom of my aging home computer and its occasional inability to play 1080P files smoothly (a replacement is on the way), but now I am starting to think otherwise. Judder (also called "studder" or "stutter") seems to be a known issue with the GH2 ([url="http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/526/gh2-stutterjudderstrobe-issues-discussion"]http://www.personal-view.com/talks/discussion/526/gh2-stutterjudderstrobe-issues-discussion[/url]), perhaps moreso than other cameras that shoot 24 frames, and it looks like shooting in anamorphic magnifies the problem. Here's an example of what I am talking about, shot with a GH2 and Iscomorphot 8 2x:    [url="http://youtu.be/2FBUue1-6Lk"]http://youtu.be/2FBUue1-6Lk[/url]   If you aren't sure what you are looking for, watch the edge of the monitor and note the smoothness of movement (or lack of it) as I pan the camera.   Does anyone have a solution in post?
  12. This worked for me (at a fraction of the cost of the other filters that you are talking about): [url="http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/1212-panasonic-ag-la7200-diopter-mounting-solution/"]http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/1212-panasonic-ag-la7200-diopter-mounting-solution/[/url]
  13. [url="http://www.cavision.com/rods/R15-60LS06U.htm"]http://www.cavision.com/rods/R15-60LS06U.htm[/url]
  14. B&H lists the EF model as "Backordered" but the MFT version is still "Expected availability: December 30 2012". I talked a rep today who has said that there is no indication that they won't be able to stick to that date. Has anyone else heard otherwise?
  15. If you are thinking of shooting in 4:3 mode with your GH2, just know that you'll be limited to 29.97fps instead of the cinema standard 23.98fps. I avoid it altogether.   If you can afford it, consider using a SmallHD to make shooting with your GH2 a little easier: [url="http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/1625-how-to-crop-2x-footage-to-15x-footage-on-a-smallhd-monitor/"]http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/1625-how-to-crop-2x-footage-to-15x-footage-on-a-smallhd-monitor/[/url]
  16. [url="http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/1299-gh2-iso-tests-rethinking-the-iso-bug-iso-320-cleaner-than-iso-160"]http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/1299-gh2-iso-tests-rethinking-the-iso-bug-iso-320-cleaner-than-iso-160[/url]
  17.   I've heard this before but I am not sure that I understand it. So this is a piece of hardware that has been watered down in size (and thus performance) to fit into a smaller device? That's disconcerting. How much of a performance hit could I expect?
  18. Tomekk -- If you had $3000 to spend, what CUDA-accelerated video editing workstation and monitor combination would you get?
  19.   Yes, I saw. Not sure why they are doing that. Definitely the 27".
  20. I make a living editing and working on a Mac, but I have also been considering other PC options as I consider an upgrade. I just want a computer that works. Something that I don't have to fiddle with too much. I already spend all of my time doing that with cameras.   Here's why this seems like a good fit for someone who edits professionally (like myself): [list=1] [*]I have been advised that there is currently no 6-core PC with Thunderbolt that is optimized for grading RAW in Davinci Resolve 9. It's one or the other. Thunderbolt is going to be invaluable as we push past 1080P. It also allows for a computer to be upgraded externally. If I really wanted to, I could add a second graphics card to the iMac. [*]After purchasing a high quality 27" monitor, the workstations that I have been looking at would cost more than a new iMac (the $3000 option I have mentioned above). [*]Finally, my 2007 iMac is still valued at around $800. If in five years I can also sell this iMac for 1/3 of the price I bought it for, then that's a strong consideration as well. I doubt that the same could be said about a PC. [/list]For 3D or advanced motion graphics, I think that I PC would probably be a better fit. But for my purposes as an editor, this iMac just seems to make more sense than a PC. I just hope that it can handle 4K if that is really where we'll be in five years.
  21. As of tonight, the new iMacs are finally officially available for ordering from the Apple store. The maximum configuration looks something like this: [list] [*]3.4GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7, Turbo Boost up to 3.9GHz [*]32GB 1600MHz DDR3 SDRAM - 4X8GB [*]768GB Flash Storage [*]NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680MX 2GB GDDR5 [/list]All for about $4,500.   Opting for 8GB of RAM (to upgrade later) and a 3TB Fusion Drive instead bring the cost down to about $3000.    Also, the Cubix Xpander is an external peripheral that allows for the use of second GPU, and the 10GB/s Thunderbolt connection allows for additional drives to be hooked up externally -- including the 12TB Thunderbolt RAID.   This all sounds impressive, but how future-proof (i.e. ready for the next five years) is this setup? I suspect that it can handle 4K ProRes, but what about 4K RAW (and Davinci Resolve)?   I have also been communicating with a custom PC builder on eBay who is going to spec out a workstation specifically designed to work optimally with Adobe CS6 and Davinci Resolve 9. I'll post the results of that when I get them.
  22. My mistake. I think I read what I was hoping you would say (even though it does not make sense optically).
  23. Whoa. And you still keep infinity focus? Really? This is something that I'd have to see to believe. I can't wrap my head around it. I really hope that this is true, and that I could get the same result pairing a SuperTak with my 36! Are you able to post a clip of a rack focus from 30/40cm to infinity?
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