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Everything posted by tlski

  1. I used Ptool and the 88 Unified Hack Setting and did the firmware upgrade. How can I now verify if the resulting files are really higher bitrate and hacked? I opened them in stream parser and the graph shows only a average bitrate of 30. See here: http://cl.ly/0N3a253N1i1M320g440Y I used Creative Movie mode and selected HBR. What did go wrong? Or do I just misinterpret stream parser?
  2. I will be shooting on the GH2 in 2 weeks and I want to use some old lenses of mine. I have M42 Lenses, Contax Lenses and EOS Lenses. Now I would need to buy 3 kinds of adapters for the GH2 to use all of them. This would be very expensive since this will be a 2 day shoot with a rented GH2. So I had an Idea: I own a 5D and I already own adapters for each of those mounts to EOS Mount. So all of the aforementioned lenses are already adaptable to EOS. Is it possible that I now just buy a M4/3 to EOS Adapter to use those lenses on the GH2? Or will this cause problems? Thanks
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