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Everything posted by richg101

  1. Well personally I am looking at my options now, before all the other 'johnny come latelys' show up. My prediction... Contax Zeiss f1.4 sets are gonna be the ones that benefit most from this. 35mmf1.4, 50mmf1.4 and 85mmf1.4. Sod modern Canon glass. Way too expensive when when we start to consider the AF part of them is near unusable. Id rather the sharper and faster Zeisses for less money. when they nail an aps-c sensor that is 80mp with base iso of 800, and stick a speed booster type system on there we will be looking at a system that will surpass the eye of a kestrel in sharpness/detail, and with low light ability better than an owl. The planar 50mm f1.4 is the single best performing 50mm design for full frame, so this is what i'm gonna focus on. Only brand better would be a set of leica, but this is not within any forseable budget for me:)
  2.   Nice.  I had a feeling this would also help with focus pulling in low light because the lens wouldnt need to be opened up to as large aperture.  however, due to the wider angle of view (because it is now uncropped), i'll need to move closer to the subject than before (to get the same framing) and thus, the depth of focus remains the same.  changing to a longer lens with the same aperture will have the same effect on the depth of focus.     currently i use a 35, 50, 85 and 135mm taking lens on my anamorphic setup.  when I have this speed booster I'll have to lose the 35mm due to vignette, but since the 50mm will provide the same field of view as i get now with the 35mm i'll be ok.  A stop of extra light on each lens is well worth the £380 for this new metabones:)
  3. thanks for the test Andrew.  A true comparison between real full frame and aps-c was what we all needed.  I am amazed at how much the images look alike.  If anything I thought the branches on the trees in the first shot were sharper on the nex7!  and nex7 was iso1600 vs iso 3200 for 5d!  WOW!     Assuming the shot of the olympus camera was at f2.8 on the 5d and f2.0 on the nex7, if you set the lens to f4 on the nex 7 it will be effectively as bright as the 5d set to f2.8.   so at the same brightness, with the cameras set at the same iso, shutter, but with the nex's lens set to f4 and the 5d's lens set to f2.8(assuming the lens had a manual aperture ring), the depth of field will be less shallow on the nex7?  
  4.   very true.  once used to shooting on a flat profile and judging by what you see on the evf/monitor, if it looks good on the monitor/evf. when the contrast is brought back in post it always seems to work, 
  5.   IMO I don't think a m4/3 version will come any time soon.  They never bothered with a smart m4/3 to ef.  Metabones nex to ef was created with FS100 in mind.  Most owners of the metabones nex to ef are users of fs100 and fs700.  e mount is priority to metabones because of this.  Due to BMC being both ef and m4/3, but with little hope of there being electronic control on the m4/3 version, maybe they will release a dumb version for m4/3.  I hope they release a dumb nex to ef version myself, which will accept a load of vintage MF to ef adaptors for use with contax, m42 etc      
  6.   I'll apologise to Andrew now for drawing this further into politics, but here goes:-    (Disclaimer.  I'm not saying I am right, I am just saying this is what I believe)   I mean corporations on the whole are greedy.  Being brought up since the early 80's i guess I have been shaped to be greedy, but i'm less greedy than most.  I remember a time when items were made in the uk for the masses.  Now only small runs of specialist goods are made here, and this is not good for the economy.    My point is that most western companies are so inefficient the only way they can earn profit is to take advantage of cheap labor.  Smaller companies like metabones will be manufacturing in China due to it being the only option (western labor is too expensive).     Now, if we boycott the Chinese manufactured goods and say "NO" then companies have to manufacture in their own country.  When this happens we end up paying what products should cost, not what 'sweat shop low' paid kids and their parents are allowing the corporations to get away with charging.  Conversely to your comment, I'd rather not have the cheap knock off option so easy to obtain.  A dumb lens adaptor (for example) should cost more than £10 (including delivery).  I have bought them instead of the original one that was copied,  If it weren't there I'd have paid the £50 for the original one.  When we buy these things we are lowering ourselves and lowering the value of everything.  This IMO has played a large part in why the western world has found itself in such problematic financial times of late.        If Chinese and other cheap manufactured goods were banned from being export out of China, it would take less than 2 years for the rest of the world to rebuild their manufacturing bases tothe point where we become self sufficient and I imagine prices of items wouldn't be very much higher than if made in China today.  The longer this goes on, the less productive the world will become.  When China want more money per hour (which they will do), The business model stops dead.  Western society wont be able to call upon the African workforce that China are developing, so who will make all our stuff for us at a price we can afford??  Every decade this continues, the less likely it will be that there are people in western society that can work and do for themselves.    
  7. Sad but true. Innovative products need to be manufactured out of China if there is any chance of it retaining long term value. the locusts devour all profit margin and end up rotting the company to the point where it is no longer running and breaking the mould with new stuff. Based on western greed, sending all manufacture to china and paying peanuts, now the only option is to manufacture in China otherwise your prices are too high, and usually this means your product will soon appear under a number of different brand names, for less than a 3rd of the price you have to sell them to cover your initial R+D outlay and pay your overheads. @ Tony. Do you think the Chinese will be able to mimic the optical design? moulding plastic and soft metals, and copying circuits but adding loads of hot glue to hide the bad soldering is something the chinese factories do well, but will the copycats actually be able to acquire the glass elements? I cant see them remaking elements without proper data or a direct supply
  8. @ powerbanks a m3/4 to ef 'speed booster' adaptor will still allow you to use a ef-fd, ef-OM, ef-m42 and ef to contax lens adaptor for use with vintage MF lenses. Just plan your lens choices based on if you owned an ef mount canon dslr. you can fit almost any old full frame lens to ef. the only ones you wont be able to use is minolta MD mount which are not able to be adapted to canon ef.
  9.   Hey Andy.   Please can you let me know the century model number for the wide angle adaptors with 72mm rear elements?  Im looking for one for anamorphic use
  10. Having a little hand held meter which you can use to check every element in frame while the camera is locked down I imagine would be really nice.  I don't own a light meter but am planning a purchase for use in a film I am writing.  when using a camera with limited dynamic range that needs scenes lit properly I think it will be an invaluable addition when lighting a scene. 
  11. Now... How does a NEX6 _ speed booster + canon 24-70mm f2.8 L zoom sound? BOOM! Phase AF, low pixel rating of 16mp while still getting full frame field of view, and a 24-70mm f1.8 equivalent! (assuming metabones implement AF on this like they say they will on the current nex-ef via firmware
  12.   hence all the unbelievable lens figures in m4/3 mount.  Wides with nuts fast apertures.  Now it makes sense how they actually do this.
  13. this is the best bit of news i have seen in a long while.  What a simple yet superbly innovative idea.  At first I expected it to cut down light transmission as you get with 1.4x and 2x extenders.  and affect the sharpness loads.  But from the tests it looks only marginally softer.  the best part of this is that we'll get extra speed, while the dof remains the same.  is this right?  
  14. I'm noticing all of these raw cameras seem to be designed by software designers who can use solidworks rather than industrial designers who know how things work in the real world, in the physical domain. Surely they could have made the whole thing longer and thinner, with some way to hold the damn thing. no matter what rig this is fitted to, this will remain a 'tripod mount only' setup just like the BMCC. Lets see some ergonomics and great design rather than silly specs that try to compete against cameras most of us would just hire if we need them. The reason this will be so cheap is that no real industrial designer was employed to do a proper job of designing the product itself (in a physical sense). Numerous other corners and oversights will have been made. Granted I bet the pictures out of this thing look nice though.
  15.   From my experiences I have yet to meet a clever person who gets excited about seeing a film in 3D.  People who choose the 3D version of a film are the same numbskulls who buy a kindle instead of the book.  The people know queue outside the Apple store all night for a new Iphone..  The ones who went and saw the remake of Total Recall.   They do it, but don't quite understand why they do it.  I assume it's because they are stupid and have nothing else to fill their spare time. 
  16.     James Cameron is a relic of an age now gone.  T2 and Aliens are flawless.  Avatar is not in the same league and even if it were, it gained zero benefit from being screened in 3D.  2D was more than adequate.  the 3D option was to make more money, not to benefit story telling.        Maybe.  We'll see.       It takes a good director to say no and be listened to by the studio.  Hopefully the skillful directors will put their foot down and say that they don't want their work bastardised for the sake of a fad.  as these good guys die out, we'll see more and more stuff like the recent remake of Clash of the Titans where Ray Harryhausen's legacy was burned to ashes in a second by a kid who doesnt understand anything more than what is in front of his nose at that very point in time.  I bet the people who produced The Thing (2011) would have shot in 3d if they had only had the budget.  John Carpenter on the other hand wouldn't.     
  17. 3d will always be confined to films for stupid people.  proper artists don't hide behind gimmicks.  Only when the world has no real artists left will 3d become normality in film making.
  18. I'd have told her to go and do her nails or something. And pointed out to the men around her that in my opinion, the wide angle and low light ability of the full frame sensor more than makes up for these slight obstacles, and that even if the final product were (very unlikely) played on a display higher res than full hd, most of the viewers wouldnt notice the slightly soft line skipped 1080p anyway. I'd finally remind them that it was a conference setting where we are not filming fast paced car chases or quick pans where rolling shutter becomes an issue. No one, and i mean no one with any idea about anything would question a man working with a 1DC, -unless they were jealous they didn't get the job that is! In every situation like this there are 'do-ers' and 'talk-ers'. Usually it's the talkers who outweight the man who is actually doing something.
  19. it would be great if ML sorted out 5d3 owners with a s35 crop mode like the 1dc.  unscaled full 1080p would be a nice upgrade!
  20. check out the evf attachment for the dp4. I tried the zacuto and even de-squeezed it was great with the magnifier.
  21. zacuto's evf also has some nice options for de-squeeze. though to me I feel you'd have to use the magnifier loupe with it otherwise the height is so small on the screen you wont know what's in focus personally, using a screen without this option ( sony 5" clm v55) I just shoot and frame with the squeezed image. im using a 1.5 anamorphic so i'm used to it and am used to accounting for how the end result will look. it's actually quite nice because the images always look that much more wow when you desqueeze at a later date and see it at the correct ratio later that day. based on my experiences I'd say that using a screen with a desqueeze function on it, without a loupe to magnify the image, you'd want a large screen so the desqueezed image is at least 4" tall, otherwise you'll need to constantly pixel magnify to see what it going on focus wise.
  22.   you may have factored this in to the equation, but in a recent topic over on PV someone suggests that working with 8bit footage within a 32bit environment allows significantly more headroom when grading our limited 8bit colour palette.  I recently made the switch and now only use 32bit colour effects.  I notice less banding since.  if you are yet to try it, you should give it a go.  500% better results and you can go a lot further with your colour correction if needed.
  23. it's not about pixels, it's about area.  even if this were a 720p sensor, for me it would still smoke any 4k  s35mm sensor with regard to capturing moving picture in a vast sense.  its the same reason why my ruined vhs copy of Zulu (shot on 70mm) still looks better than anything peter jackson shot on red epic, and projects at 4k.  Resolution isnt everything.    
  24. 1. it's true 4k (the aps-h crop uses a 4k portion of the sensor and doesnt downscale). 1b. 8 bit is perfectly usable, especially when grading in a 32bit. I assume you just don't know how to set your white balance and end up running out of headroom when grading. 2. record audio separately if you need phantom power to mics.. duh!, or buy a mic with built in power. And on a side note you can then get your 96khz 24bit uncompressed audio. 3. overpriced? that's subjective. most people are buying these and using them to earn money. not posing. posing Arabs in Abu Dhabi wont buy this, they buy leica. 4. just because you don't need a stills camera with above par video performance doesnt mean no one else will. people earn money from 5dmk2's, gh2's etc. why cant this camera fill the gap where true motion picture cameras are not required?
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