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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. Still on doubt actually, if just mere another non-sense ('movies looked better before "color grading" was invented' : D I've only paid attention to the talking marks... LOL ; ) or makes us to think better about that... Not a simple equation as much as film isn't either -- post in the previous century or after, is surely part of it (from the keyboard of someone with editing/post as his primary film background* exactly in the late 90s/turn of the century ; ) while digital is doubtlessly also this: No matter how many LUTs, TikTokers & suchlike with their bloody vertical aspect ratio pop up... Lang protested against snakes & funerals as their proper format to shoot them when 2.35:1 cinemascope arrived despite MOONFLEET had been shot by him, go figure! : P While we can only dream in 2.39:1 ratio but on screen and in B&W or Colour out of there too, one doesn't exclude the other ;- ) The director playing himself on JLG's masterpiece LE MÉPRIS... : D [*] Moreover, currently in charge of a large 16mm/8mm inventory in EU, UK and U.S., as well their variations aka Super 16/Super 8 to be digitally transferred with the resource/use of the most advanced colour grading technology and techniques of today... just for the sake of memories preservation shot on film.
  2. You surely have here some Borrego Valley as much more than a local plot. Not necessarily one-sided, confined to a niche ; ) Brazilians have done it pretty well with their 'Nordeste' (Brazilian Northeast) and 'Sertão'. Let alone Amazonia. Masterpieces* of people like Glauber Rocha or Nelson Pereira dos Santos had and still have worldwide audiences and wide-spread recognition beyond the local microcosm represented on screen. Other ones follow. Series Roque Santeiro shot for TV, as for instance, suits a larger time and space than where the story takes place (mid-80s) and some small community to cut across instead the whole country and decades or even centuries of their history. As University/College dissertations can easily prove it (here's an interesting text on topic in Portuguese -- there's a résumé in Spanish though). The most regional, the most universal can happen to be. It's all about language and handling. Loved your wife's work, editing work too (which one of you did it?) to launch from the early beginning not only the main character but the way you have there potential as work in progress to serve the rough cut as far as the character(s) design concerns to be developed later on, targeting the dramatic paradigma to pursue. It's not the Karpman drama triangle but fits the ticket ; ) Moreover, the introductory statement, director's style and theme as the main idea that drives the movie forward. Cinematography and grading (who in charge? only you?) to match the colours of desert and sunlight where hawks cross the sky and distributed a bit or all over the place, fills the cup, so no less : ) Much more can be added to your inquiry, I essentially agree on that already written by the other fellows of these boards I can now read and concur. Wild nature is the bubble where human nature discloses its intrinsic revelation we should all take a look at some point :- ) - EAG [*] PS: How many local story lines there in that breathtaking list...?! ;- )
  3. Yes! Please follow here (from minute 07:37 on) in Portuguese, though, I'm sorry!... but you have enough pictures there : ) https://sic.pt/sic-radical/cinetendinha/2025-01-08-video-ricardo-trepa-esteve-em-destaque-no-bragacine-comecei-pelo-cume-da-montanha-e-aproveitei-6b0373ac (to those who haven't met me in the real world, you can even follow my mug in-between the minute 8 and 9 ; ) This is coming from a Portuguese national TV programme about cinema, filmmaking & alike to also cover my participation as producer joining some other local producers with three movies, a couple of feature films shot in New Zealand and Macao/China + a TV doc series in Macao, which collected six awards in the recent 22nd BragaCine[*] edition (Best Film in the short film and feature film categories, Best Directing and Best Cinematography awards and yet another Honorable Mention by the Youth Jury, as well, Best Actress in a Supporting Role for a Hong Kong actress we had the luck to have in the cast) -- here are the trailers of both feature films: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RSlwmdHhUi9DiH74um86FCtJ-a3HKott/view?usp=sharing KILLER SOFA (covered by Hollywood Reporter & HERE for remaining press) https://drive.google.com/file/d/18Er41RU5DVcouAOrb85PQbjyS0a25MLC/view?usp=sharing INA AND THE BLUE TIGER SAUNA (LINK on IMDb) I understand your comment and I even concur. As already reported by myself, so many times... : ) that I've already hinted that I should refrain to talk about work related with but cameras, hence to come here only now... because I can barely stand to become silent when I read this I fully second without remorse : P I hate anything anonymous BTW :- ) I will try to take a look as soon as I can but projected on the big screen through a 4K projector I use to see everything I can straight to a proper large screen if thought to be s(cr)een(ed) there ; ) Here you have the Macao's doc short film directed by António Caetano Faria (who also directed one of the feature films just mentioned with Bernie Rao who wrote the script and is the award-winning director/cinematographer and writer of KILLER SOFA too), 22nd BragaCine winner from where we are working right now to produce a local documentary TV series somewhere else in the other part of the planet, inspired by and in order to commemorate the transfer of sovereignty of Macao from Portugal to China a quarter of century ago, with local students of nowadays by the hands of one or more national film schools into a singular international Atlantic cooperation associated to a couple of other film school programs in the other side of the Ocean too, tracing a path... :- ) [* the oldest International Indie Film Festival currently operating in the country]
  4. It's Sirui the 5th brand to join the L-mount alliance, after all... just announced: https://www.newsshooter.com/2025/03/20/sirui-joins-the-l-mount-alliance/ And a fast lightweight tele is the 1st one to arrive... https://store.sirui.com/products/sirui-aurora-series-85mm-full-frame-autofocus-lens
  5. Ciao Daniele, nice to meet you too! Good initiative and kudos to you BTW, be welcome! : ) Maybe this may help some other ones here to look for cooperation with other users and make this forum to always have in mind that film making is essentially a colective work... and not some lonely activity behind a distant keyboard ; ) I will write you through DM... where are you exactly based in Italy? - EAG
  6. The worst is the vertical ratio like humans have both eyes distributed by chin and forehead...
  7. Good initiative! That's what I am already used to do! : ) It also depends on you, Andrew, the more you post the more people come to read you... Don't you take notice? :- )
  8. I found his video very long. Much yadda yadda. To me. Couldn't hold for long. Others think the same of me! LOL So, all OK : ) Out of curiosy, I even had to go back (either outside there or here abovementioned and posted) for so much buzz... A short note anyway: if I'd write the history of this release, I wouldn't focus on his subscribers mark, not even the criticism about the guy. Only the cons of this camera. How to overcome it, no less. And how this compares with the competition (with... not compared to ; ) That and the recent Z8 talk here on EOSHD is something much more interesting IMHO. The pros, we're already aware of it in a camera release launched this year of 2025.
  9. Same here for those f/2... Totally agree, but you're still able to find them for $100 :- )
  10. This is more or less a similar dilemma to me... In love with that piece made of glass, Z8 (vs S1RII) becomes an alternative for using it along E-mount... A strong minus for L-mount ecosystem without adapters to be compatible with.
  11. So, keep going strictly on topic about this camera, seems interesting to have available some kind of test with the different coverage of vintage glass as for instance, for those different crops (1:04, 1:10, 1.11, 1.17, 1.31, 1.52, 1.65), wouldn't it be? If not for all : P at least for those to mainly be used. As earlier mentioned by two of us, RS can even be irrelevant. Let's not mention the shooting style now but the selectable recording mode chosen. I don't even mention from my experience with a particular L-mount camera of my own : D but OM or Adaptall-2 to L-mount are two fine examples of affordable glass options, already existent, we can use it right there :- )
  12. That came from my answer to other user who directly addressed a personal question to me I politely answered him. I am used to answer everyone because I think it's not cool to let anyone without reply. Same for the topic about Gerald. I even agree with you that sometimes people are focused on the reviewers than the gear itself. Let alone reviews... This one liked this, that one liked that. WTH serves this reviewer's likings or the other one? I think we can learn with the experience of each other, so I try to talk about what I'm doing just for the sake to share. Also for letting some other users do it if they feel like. More in the sense to share, give and not expecting to come here to collect and collect. The same for my interest to read from you on your findings about the cameras you don't like included : ) TBH at times, I think it's more useful to hear what someone doesn't like and has to say about this or that, that the other way round = D People call it feedback : ) but there are many Olivias named with the same name... Maybe one of the reasons me and many others come here? I believe people are a bit uninterested with the customary praise after praise to each camera release. Like that will finally boost their careers! : D Oh gosh, well, on the main topic then (not that the career of people is or not for any use), but you haven't answered yet if you intend or don't know yet if you'll test the S1RII? I am thinking to buy the camera as many others who come here, so listen you really helps! : ) And your recent Z8 bet only fuels such interest even more... I can't obviously talk in the name of anyone else here, so only by myself ; ) that both cameras are exactly the ones I mainly focus today. Hope this won't sound self-centered 'cause looks like that can happen to be inferred from my written speech. You know we are not all the same. The world would be poor without many colours. Intentions are always a bit tricky to be translated in the written communication. We have no everyone the same level of speech, with different cultural backgrounds, etc., so I try my best. My apologies if I don't succeed to reach this or that level of satisfaction of whom we would like to. But it's not easy either if you or anyone here currently address me whatever topic is : D despite my pleasure to talk to you all, go figure off topic! LOL But I will try to behave : ) also because of you! I guess the fact I've addressed my fair concerns on this camera topic just now along the previous posts (not for looking like just fine in the picture) expresses very well such goodwill and even agreement (you can say it) about that. Yes, in behalf of what we're doing here :- )
  13. In fact, same here : ) And seems 6K 50p or 60p can be an interesting route to justify it ; ) I second what you say, mate, so it's under my radar these days... This customary specs list is always a pain for lacking what FF and crop (thinking about those new anamorphic AF releases, OK I confess! LOL ; ) is, respectively, from there: EDIT -- OK, here is then: source As Andrew has defended, that massive ProRes bitrate is a source of concern no doubt... I wonder (and following their video tradition and customer care) if not possible to overcome it along next firmware updates?
  14. So much vintage love is plainly mouthwatering... LOL ; ) Pity that L mount is still fresh in this business. There are rumors on the last announcement that the 5th new brand to join the L-Mount Alliance can happen to be Viltrox... that would bring some freshness and affordable options for ; ) RS coming from S1RII doesn't bother me so much, even though a few report it as unusuable but of course, depends a lot of the use you do under your shooting style. However, many other cons brought to the equation can diminish any potential enthusiasm for a new Panasonic release, as Andrew has pointed out on his article. I can't wait to see more of it!
  15. Sorry Andrew, two birds with one stone... Gerald's subtopic or subplot and my request already left in my previous post to see you testing the camera! : ) You're right! Why bother with the usual marketing channels? And also my enthusiasm to see you and many other people here but for real and at full colour! :- )
  16. Man, do we meet? When? ; ) Tomorrow I will meet some Polish EOSHD user I crossed my life with over these same pages. He will be with his Fuji and I will be with my FX30 and some vintage glass, that is, if I will locally find an adapter till tomorrow... I am done with Amazon's local courier (CTT Express failed their delivery for today!). Any pics from those setups BTW? PS: Andrew could organise a meeting for those users interested to test my spoken English skills! LOL ;- )
  17. They have it in their roadmap. Looks like an exciting improvement indeed! We only have some 3rd party app solution to solve it, I'm afraid because that's a Sony firmware thing till they decide for an update if any: https://monitorplus.cc/
  18. Sure : ) I live my work with passion. I couldn't live without it. I don't lose a single opportunity to live it or interact with other people sharing the same vibe for. But we cannot expect the same from everyone. Unfortunately, even stealing hours of sleep and to my family. I don't think it's even healthy that obsession about it, so I tend to refrain myself but it's like a drug, I'm afraid to admit it. Your forum has something those other places don't have. The enthusiasm of the people here. It's alive and vivid. Some other aspect, it's a tough craft, so we have need for that attention, I guess. The most effective paycheck. I don't do it for money. But I believe we cannot think the entire world outside us is like that. Speaking of your enthusiasm, including when you hint to not prone to like it. And also because something we should never forget -- no matter the plot, hence focus on the outline. So, all about the story structure in benefit of us who share that (I've got it and on the line you now introduced in your edited post to pair my answer to @wolf33d already left, so let's easily move on : ) any chance for a shootout between your Z8 and the S1RII? I speak by myself obviously but I think I can also do it on behalf of many others here, we have more need of some review from someone like you rather than the usual marketing channels out there.
  19. Indeed : ) We can easily ignore that. As for instance, I usually don't have patience for his reviews but I eat each word of yours! ; ) Even when/if I don't fully agree... even though, I must concur I often agree with most part of your observations : ) Passion can make the difference but there is place for everyone, well, except bad students! : D I firmly hate them! :- )
  20. Oh God, lot of people have zero interest about some topic but they need to have a living, you know? : ) In a different tone, I understand your perplexity though : )) This business is tough like hell, so how someone is able to survive without passion? ; ) People have no need to know how to play a guitar for selling them! You need knowledge but for your craft. The camera world is much beyond a creative field, it is a complex business instead : ) PS: I've found the best professionals among people who actually don't appreciate art or have need for. And those who love it, the most part of the usual bunch of idiots we can find, unfortunately. I'm sorry to write that but it is what it is. From my own experience, of course! ; ) Moreover, a lot of the most important players of this industry, they don't like those who think creation is everything in life, but on the opposite : P A last interesting note albeit also the fact the best students are those who really love the art, the leftover is a PITA, that is, from my experience as instructor :- )
  21. I am typing you right now from Portugal for family reasons but Rome is where I mostly intend and like to be as much as possible : ) UK (from London to Belfast) is my official residence and Malta will follow at same time for soon, very likely. With a few productions a bit spread all over EU and East Europe to include Moscow and Kyiv as well all ex-YU as supplier from 2005 until the beginning of the current war. Brazil for this last decade. U.S. (NJ and Florida) where I run two warehouses of gear and film business altogether. Asia is one of my preferred markets (Japan and China but not only ; ) and I've also produced a couple of feature films in NZ. I prep some feature to come soon I hope in Australia, a country that I fairly appreciate to work with : ) I've never lived there but I have assets distributed in one of the most reliable locations this market is, without mention I love Aussies! :- )
  22. Yes, I think he is in his own right to only be a seller or using his channel to promote whatever he feels like. The fact everyone thinks because someone is somehow connected with cameras needs to be an artist is pure nonsense and even some lack of knowledge how an industry works. There are children of a lot of mothers : ) Hope my English is not lost right now! LOL ; ) Without everyone, our craft is impossible to become a reality. Thanks to God we need of all in order to also bring bread to our families. This is what to be a professional means. Respect for every departments. And even the amateurs are entitled to exist too!
  23. I dunno, I think people ain't only looking for a phone but they are not aspiring filmmakers, that's for sure! They just sell their content to make happy the same billionaires who decide nowaways the future of our planet as never before. Smartphones should be named small swiss army knife instead. Mars is coming.
  24. I've just jumped thanks to your post now... on both E and L mounts also? (this guy here says that covers full frame... nonetheless, that hexagonal bokeh looks like a bit as weird as those mirror zoom) Maybe yes straight to the cart, no idea yet, maybe not and checking the reviews to begin with. Although, L mount is also promised on the side of Blazar, without mention the 50mm f/1.8 is better than the Sirui 40mm f/1.8. A mix with the Sirui 20mm f/1.8 + the Blazars 35mm f/1.8 (yet to come in 2025) + 50mm f/1.8: it is a hell of a set to couple AF to anamorphics for first time available at this level :- )
  25. How come? Well, cameras are one of the main points for marketing to each release... ;- )
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