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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. Emanuel

    Fuji X-T4

    Doc, my friend, you'll have all my admiration other than the usual one I already have if you'll put some additional service on my recent Sirui 50mm f/1.8 acquisition soon to come on MFT mount towards to my next camera purchase... LOL ; -)
  2. Knowing your posts almost as my own hands : P I can imagine the talk between you two... LOL ; ) You're a funny guy, miss to read them more often, as much as your shots BTW, dude, what have you done with all that power? : -)
  3. Emanuel

    Fuji X-T4

    I meant a X-mount adapter, it is doable, just needs some Chinese manufacturer offer it! : -)
  4. Emanuel

    Fuji X-T4

    Is there such thing?
  5. Emanuel

    Fuji X-T4

    Exactly my approach on P4K, I use it as my finest hybrid, go figure! LOL True : -)
  6. But I didn't mention the P4K equivalent, I meant the cine mantra instead referred here, so that's the one. There is this one for under a thousand bucks. Why bother to claim P4K must be what it isn't? People are eager to buy the best to fit their needs for cheap, very well, that one will do the job. Don't presume the elitist cine-like approach will satisfy the expectations of all of us because will not. It's wrong, it's pretty inaccurate. Pocket series cam design is a perfect one to me and many others. Look at the endless preorder waiting list ; ) No matter how we can criticize or want to see the manufacturer to improve their attitude or business policies. I pay attention to my son I care, not of my neighbour's. E : -)
  7. Emanuel

    Skydio 2

    And here are more tests -- must confess the more I see it the more I like it: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFn8YMyYN6L5QxgkeoZXukw
  8. Father and son, three to four decades and the same eternal song in-between:
  9. It depends of the quality of the alcohol! : D The price of the bottle not just a few times! :- D LOL E : -)
  10. Emanuel

    Fuji X-T4

    Apples to oranges as far as price range concerns, at least ; ) Better to wait and see... ; -)
  11. Emanuel

    Fuji X-T4

    Why PITA? In 2020? 3:2 will do the trick ; ) I hope not only one but several desqueeze modes, that's the only problem I see with the manufacturers, they tend to forget diversity...
  12. Emanuel

    Fuji X-T4

    @androidlad precious/priceless asset this forum has here: your info : -)
  13. That's because you Dutch people have large windows to let sun pass through... LOL : -)
  14. Of course, other than that doesn't make any sense... This idea that everyone needs is actually my needs is purely BS, no other. Pockets came to fulfill a market segment. What's the problem of some people? Their projects have no run to some other capture devices form factor, more expensive? Is that so? Ends to condescendingly criticize the DSLR/SLR-like or mirrorless movement? What are we doing exactly here on these boards BTW? What comes next? That "I refuse myself" to take a photo with a smartphone because it's not heavy : D or I personally don't like the ergonomics or yet the customer will struggle to pay me a higher quote so it must be crap?? Frankly, I have no patience for certain arguments, I simply have not. I'm sorry. Especially when there's a Z cam version for under than a grand, today. : -)
  15. Things have always a mid term. I can't surely agree with that one. One thing is to somehow second tupp's input, the other one is to infer I can't praise and take advantage of BMD's Pocket series form factor or be able to easily manage it... C'mon, give it a full break : ) Otherwise, it's even totally unfair! I don't mind if this sounds contradictory, the same to me. Love mine BTW. Not only output, but their design, without mention their camera interface: the best you'll ever find for many years to come, my best bet ; -) There's no perfect world out there... count on it first time spermatozoon sees the light : -)
  16. You'd need to go back to the brand's course on these boards. Precedent Andrew's episode too. There's back story also from my own experience with the brand itself crossing their different sales channels, marketing and B2B departments. Petty's as well. I actually recognize much of those remarks on their business policies. Reason why I wrote it here. Invariably not so much well received by the clientele because we tend to want to ignore the stuff which bothers us. As usual. I agree with your post and the content you wrote there BTW, matches my feeling and perspective. AFAIK their support service is stellar though.
  17. I'd rather not feed that (tag 'childish' and my name and you'll easily find it though), hence that trailer... ; ) title's not innocent either ; -) Robert 'Butch' Haynes : Hey, you ever ridden in a time machine before? Phillip 'Buzz' Perry : [shakes his head] Robert 'Butch' Haynes : Well sure you have, what do you think this is? Phillip 'Buzz' Perry : A car. Robert 'Butch' Haynes : You're looking at this thing bass-ackward, this is a twentieth century time machine. I'm the captain, [taps Phillip on the head] Robert 'Butch' Haynes : your the navigator. Now out there that's the future [points out front windshield] Robert 'Butch' Haynes : , back there, [taps on the rear view mirror then points out the back windshield] Robert 'Butch' Haynes : well that's the past. If life's moving too slow, you wanna project yourself into the future just step on the gas right here, [steps on the gas pedal] Robert 'Butch' Haynes : see? [giggles] Robert 'Butch' Haynes : If you wanna slow her down, well hell you just step on the brake here and you slow her down. [car comes to a stop] Robert 'Butch' Haynes : This is the present Phillip, enjoy it while it lasts. E : -)
  18. Two of my fav cam companies. Don't want to add a negative vibe on here. Do you remember when I was somehow reprehended to eventually embarrass BMD staff over here...? ; -)
  19. TBA on Feb 11 and reaching the stores on March 6. https://www.gsmarena.com/galaxy_s20_release_date_is_march_6_official_website_says-news-41303.php Samsung Galaxy S20 – $1,130 Galaxy S20+ 5G – $1,245 Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G – $1,541
  20. And here is the link to the full article: https://www.qualcomm.com/news/onq/2020/02/04/first-8k-video-captured-snapdragon-865-5g-mobile-platform-smartphone-video
  21. The zoom sharpness results testify the use of 8MP crop to reach that rather than the 2x mode from 12MP on the 7T model as much as iPhone's.
  22. Emanuel

    Fuji X-T4

    You're fairly right : ) Better a good laugh than cry... ; -)
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