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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. Well, photography to coexist with painting and TV with Radio actually make the topic move back to XIX and XX centuries, isn't it? ; ) In any case, we talk about the way industry is driving the storage sector with the advent of cloud services to become mainstream. These charts speak a bit if not much about it. Just not the manner a superficial view can wrongly tend to lead. That's the whole point as matter of fact, whether fits the 'planned obsolescence' you mention or not (E : -)
  2. That's easy : ) I'd buy the X-T3 if not for much else aside the 10-bit internal and FujiFilm color science, let alone 4K60p for the price, well... : -)
  3. The introduction of a newcomer only means something to vary, not necessarily to rule out the precedent technology. Unless when disruptive. Far away to be the case when the user access is subject to still depend on bandwidth and price ratio to only mention two variables. Cultural shifts don't mean the replacement of technologies nor different needs. They just complement each other. Pretty plural in plain diversity and productive coexistence. The photographer didn't replace the painters, neither TV replaced Radio (E : -)
  4. Which seems the demand for cloud services is actually overestimated as eventual external hard drive storage replacement. TV didn't replace Radio (E : -)
  5. It depends on the concept of mobile... We're waiting this, other than only towards the sky for so long now:
  6. Mobile world is what is driving the sales. Inevitable from microelectronics and mobility times we all live in. For some reason I have claimed for such market call and users' need since mid-noughties when RED popped up and very early then, promised the Scarlet. Although delivered with the 5DII to begin with. Mirrorless offer to follow. Smartphones later on, despite their tiny sensor size so far. As well, the success of this forum is the finest example of this change for the camera realm. Andrew was very clever to take the train when it was ready to go from the station. Since capture devices to sexuality... (only to mention that) we live in a hybrid world. E : -)
  7. What the hell is that?! Kryptonite?? My bet from and very deep inner wishful thinking: raw on mobile side... ; -)
  8. Emanuel


    Odin... Humm, got a perfect nick, mate! LOL : -)
  9. I stand corrected going even furthermore (once I can't edit anymore now my post above of about one hour ago): ...not three actually BUT in these last four years! It is "no more or less"... 2018 got back to the same figures of 2015 for external category. And the forecast for the next couple of years keeps the status quo. That is, a period of six years! More than half of this last decade... Where's the recession on manufacturing of this stuff then? *phew* : P Let's put such stress to rest, OK? : ) It is mandatory to know how to read numbers and charts or becomes just to trend 'fake news' yet again and those who believe so ; ) The only decreasing data to retain from there is the rise of mobile devices to also consider (side by side to the increasing of large storage facilities) hinted by the PC indicator stronger than the 'consumer electronics'. That is, with its unique fall behavior since the early beginning of the period face to face with any of the remaining ones. That's what pushes everything: mobile devices, not necessarily the cloud sector. Corporate subdivision only follows the picture and obviously confirms that.
  10. Emanuel


    Is she blonde?
  11. I firmly believe and those manufacturing charts prove it to me that instead (external hard drives, more or less the same in these last three years and for data services they're increasing the sales, so?) larger storage will happen as cheaper as it gets for soon. Time to be optimistic, really. Only time for flash memory, that's all! : ) Other than that, well, I've just updated from 2TB to 10TB with x2 hard disks for EUR168 each, no more no less : -)
  12. I had it somewhere. As soon as I'll find it, I can obviously post. Not promises though. It is archived in some hard drive, no idea where to be pretty sincere to you : ) Great tool BTW : -)
  13. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Externe-Bateria-Energia-Supply-Para-BMPCC-4K-Blackmagic-Pocket-Cinema-Camera-FS/163596201134?epid=24031256197&hash=item261717ecae:g:dgYAAOSwOM5cifhG
  14. Without mention you can always arrive there, no matter how hi-res'ed your acquisition is, the point is how robust the other crucial parameters are.
  15. And mostly talent IMHO, without it, fail. I loved that face factor steady... LOL As well, the vintage policy! ; -)
  16. Lovely footage, Anthony, you made that combo sing! In a documentary style of your very own no doubts on there ; ) You could apply with that material to any doc competition indeed and let us to enjoy all that together, think on it ; -) 1080p? Upscaled to 4K? WTH that finely proves there are no pixels to matter but talent to make them shine! Glad you're here again alive and kickin'! (E : -)
  17. June has a long road yet to walk by... : ) last Friday was still May! And end of July, eight weeks away... The year is not even in a half so far ; ) July the beginning of its second portion which composes the whole... and next season, some people who met for first time in May, they have no clue they will end divorced in July... LOL ; -) *The magic of life*
  18. Nice to see you around! (E : -)
  19. Sure, I mean something you had already bought it and know it works...
  20. OK, spill the beans... : ) What enclosure? : -)
  21. Seems they read some post in this thread... ; ) https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trade-china-rhetoric/china-vice-minister-says-provoking-trade-disputes-is-naked-economic-terrorism-
  22. LOL : ) Add blur on PotPlayer can also help! : D Not SNP policy on United Europe though! They are hope and a lighthouse for our civilization! ; ) Still optimistic nonsense won't prevail in the end of the road... </OT rant over> Just worried about our common future, long life to people united! (E : -)
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