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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. Real world?! LOL Indeed! To begin with yourself... Speaking of devil, that year of 2000 was the last year of Clinton and the following result of his administration. Remarkable for America and the world translated in numbers BTW, let's be fair... "Clinton presided over the longest period of peacetime economic expansion in American history" (not my words now, google it ; ) People had the luxury to focus on sexual affairs then (not anymore) go figure! : D I guess this tells a bit on those golden times... While 2009, Obama's response to the crisis opened with the real estate bubble of previous years (let's not mention who was in charge for a couple of reasons being free market one of them but also those red bars during the period of war) + the Lehman Brothers crash. https://www.investopedia.com/features/crashes/crashes9.asp Man, seems just a few people over here must learn a bit of Economics and History! ; -)
  2. This one comes with both Snapdragon 855 and Sony IMX586... Any idea on Meizu devices? Any takers?
  3. Well, I'd add then, no much different than Trumpists' propaganda to say the least... more prone to call it 'fake news' instead LOL when the numbers show a different reality as matter of fact:
  4. Hey, what that graphic says it is something a bit different than literally took from such interpretation... the art of it, BTW... pure political (sales? : D) marketing LOL : ) Those Obama numbers were *stable* between 12,300 and 12,400 along the last two years of Obama Presidency and actually took off indeed, however, in the last couple of months of Obama before he left the White House! Trump was elected but his rule is from late January '17 (not before!) while keep going in the next months (let alone the fact that the first months of Trump are result of Obama's administration, not the opposite!), but just reaching a bit over 12,700 in September '18... Last but not least, these figures indicate something other though: https://tradingeconomics.com/united-states/non-farm-payrolls Take a look on that monthly peak early 2010 (Obama took office a year earlier) when surpassed the 500 mark. During Trump period, it doesn't even reach 400 in any month of his administration... More or less, similar to Obama's years, without mention that peak already referred across the first half of 2010! Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's... What about that then? (E ; -)
  5. Look at this man and how he believes on both: - free market -- he doesn't directly make mention to the US government in charge launching the ban; - humbleness -- without lacking the perspective who they are and what they have... 2-3 years in front as far as 5G concerns is an eternity (call it "cheap gadgets"... : P) and the ultimate reason why the ban decree popped up now.
  6. That comparison video up there hints the findings I guess you'll reach. God bless India because either Bollywood, digital projection (I worked with Qube in their European expansion), now these revolutionary devices, the contribution of your market is priceless and unique to the world, this industry and the digital age in particular (E : -)
  7. To read that man is right on anything other than he wasn't wrong himself at the time of the day when he said 'good morning' today is the most funny thing you could have written. To say radical right wing is really concerned about people outside the border whoever they are, is no less. No surprise though, I wish : -)
  8. I obviously agree with you : ) The point is when you see the Redmi Note 7 Pro (IMX586) and the 7S (in India, without the letter S for the rest of the world) with the Samsung version, then you see Sony's beats the competitor. Smartphones with the Camera2 API provides up to 200Mbps bit rate + log higher DR + manual settings. With a competent sensor, you're able to match a decent outcome. Amazing combos IMHO : -)
  9. https://www.awaqa.com/umidigi-s3-pro-review-buy-price/ https://www.laurentwillen.be/en/test-reviews/umidigi-s3-pro-test-review-and-price/ According to this latter reviewer to conclude the acquisition and image processing performance is not much enthusiastic either without mention: "It is possible to install GCAM on the S3 Pro but you have to unlock the boot loader", so... ...let's wait for some reviews on other models such as Meizu 16s to use this Sony's IMX586 sensor.
  10. I recall when RED ONE started to be compared with 5DIi... Funny comparison anyways:
  11. To those in Europe, as for instance, to have the need to use the 800Mhz band mainly outside downtown (once Redmi Note 7 Pro was not introduced other than China and India to not cannibalize the Xiaomi high-end) here's a much interesting alternative based on the superior Sony's IMX586 sensor -- seems Camera2 API compatible: Support directly from YT with firmware updates introducing new features looks like very customer friendly too -- you definitely won't have that going along a major player: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxF0elPgHWU
  12. To my book, this is the most crucial hassle I see to this device to pair or even beyond Trump's persecution, at least and IMHO: https://uk.community.huawei.com/ask-questions-about-the-camera-on-your-device-26/p30-pro-full-support-for-camera-api-2-and-camera-hal3-4267 https://consumer.huawei.com/en/community/details/?topicId=6790&showBread=1 On the other hand, this is the most interesting deal to me so far, Sony's sensor beats Samsung's:
  13. Exactly. No possible to live without them, isn't it? ; ) So, why to go lower and exclude the upper? Why to ignore the most crucial clientele basis interest only to unilaterally impose some self-centered business aim or/and corporate agenda? Why to not comply the full specs, prior-advertised, launched and released as well PURCHASED CinemaDNG camera, as due? Why to not let people to keep the chance for choice and use whatever they/we want? Why to keep and extend such cut-off with the new display firmware now, practically towards a P4K Mark *Minus* II? Why such lack of respect with the customers who pay the existence of the brand, after all? Why telling us lies like we are all naive consumers with a prosumer toy in hands? Why to tell advantage in a pathetic show off presenting the whole thing as the most important invention since Steven Sasson when it's not consensual if we can all call it raw? More questions we could address here... nuff said for now though. Pictures still worth a thousand words. They speak by themselves. Useless the usual childish denial. It simply doesn't work out. E : -)
  14. https://www.xda-developers.com/google-revoke-huawei-android-ban-blacklist/ https://s3.amazonaws.com/public-inspection.federalregister.gov/2019-10829.pdf
  15. The most funny is to see America to behave like was born USSR... Kolkhozes would end to be a good western set anyway ; -)
  16. Seems so. Disgusting premise though. I guess a good principle is when we accept our neighbor's wife can end to be prettier than ours. To live with that. It happens.
  17. People tend to look for the neighbor's dish, envy it. Without wonder about the route to precede the arrival there. Let alone the cost.
  18. Fair play oblige. Not cheating. Not this nonsense from irresponsible and silly boys used to easy pussies paid (but) not with hard work. That is, in some other words, 'Blood, Toil, Tears and Sweat'... some people become used to not have idea what it is. Without mention, the world has changed. Nationalities are a damn of a bloody fiction, an autocratic speech from one side (populism not people) trying to rule over the other, when everything else failed. 5G is only the corollary of this. E : -)
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