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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. Cinema is by nature unnatural, truly fake :-)
  2. No way to achieve IBIS and high sensitivity outcome -- a plus for low cost cinematography going on towards that direction. My only beef is that 500 bucks as extra charge is actually exorbitant; I'd even add as abusive this manufacturer or the usual suspects like Sony or Canon fail to explain.
  3. Well, only a pity perhaps. But, you can always buy two GH5 + GH5s camera units (my deal, actually) for the purpose ;-) Not uncommon a shooter to handle two camera bodies BTW. Before color and B&W; higher ISOs and resolution + IBIS today. As simple as that.
  4. Nothing fast glass coupled to any SpeedBooster won't reasonably solve... ;-)
  5. LOL You're going perfectly fine with your GH series unit. To update the tool won't add a trade-in value to the skills of the user; only to take advantage from there. On the edge :-)
  6. I could bet you may have found now your next * low * rezzed love anyway... ;-)
  7. C'mon Glenn, almost everyone of us could have the right to the same from Luke ;-)
  8. Surely not once you have no higher resolution for... That's a GH5 extra. We all need to accept the whole thing from it. They are two different cameras. As someone already said it tonight: that's an alternative, far from being a replacement; hence the "s" tag instead.
  9. That requires to be corrected... Actually, three stops and a half as far as it is possible to find out here:
  10. Yes, it is a pity but it is what it is... Seems we can't have everything in the same package. Native dual ISO oblige. Nothing we can't do about it.
  11. The most funny is the fact they both share Sony sensors technology if so... : D Any confirmation on it BTW?? Anyways, no one else gets such wider release as much as Panasonic is able to extract the best from their sensors with ultimate bit rate quality and proper codecs to match:
  12. What are the anamorphic modes on GH5s BTW?
  13. Well, I wouldn't say GH5s "has 4K DCI 50p/60p at 10 bit " as he is pretty inaccurate to miss the full specs spreadsheet or information supplied by that interview. I bet he is more out of range on the whole thing this time. When we (as much as he does) see others such as Andrew to be invited for the party instead. There are not opinions, but (only) opinion makers ;-)
  14. That is, add a f/1.2 aperture coupled to any proper adapter and you'll basically have an equivalent low light performance similar to the most setups over there: i guess the point might be more addressed to AF range @ low light as for instance. Or as Luke said, the camera sensor behavior on highlights roll off. More than anything else. Probably a better cinema camera by then. Just my 2 cents though (E :-)
  15. You might so because that's the best system available out there by far IMHO. USSR is not here anymore or someone could easily have in mind to make all the other ones disappear from the market shelves... :-D
  16. As Jon patiently inferred, there's no need for some other thread... isn't it? :-)
  17. I bet bit rate will end in a solid key to avoid it as much as when "only" 8bit 422: sample (not mine) extracted from (minute 28:30): https://vimeo.com/114978513
  18. Well, hope not yet finished... : ) https://www.battleforthenet.com/
  19. Without mention zero-rating* (some apps are free) allowed by EU regulation is actually a bit different than no net neutrality at all, as it has inaccurately been mentioned as far as the Portuguese case concerns, by the way. * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-rating On the US case, this NN regulation has only existed since 2015, correct?
  20. @kaylee priceless, kaylee, priceless... (E ;-) I guess Brazil has been the model for the Portuguese case as well. Brazilian Oi as affiliated example amongst every single Brazilian carrier I'm afraid. Meo/Portugal Telecom former owner actually. Before the sale to Patrick Drahi's Altice (Netherlands based despite the triple Portuguese-French-Israeli nationality of their Moroccan-born Jewish founder) to be concluded for 7,4 billions of Euros for a couple of years now. This is 2013 news (in Portuguese): https://tecnoblog.net/131671/oi-facebook-messenger-de-graca/ In a word? Business. :-)
  21. With competitors: https://www.gsmarena.com/vidcmp.php3?idType=3&idPhone1=8854&idPhone2=8712&idPhone3=8505
  22. Indeed. But not mine at all. Fabian Willi Simon's actually: https://www.startnext.com/ankommen-fabian-willi-simon Please ask where I also addressed there my question as well: https://vimeo.com/240672139
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