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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. I guess that example posted up there proves exactly the contrary.
  2. Have you followed the basic example I posted up there? (I mean, the A-B-C case). That's the whole point. In any case, I bet the new BMD cameras will stop the usual whining on 10-bit like a savior mantra. HDCAM was 8-bit 3:1:1 and all that began the replacement of film for digital. Anything higher is better, yes, but the difference can be pointless or of lower importance when you're able to rid off banding when necessary. No need for an Uzi to hunting birds. PS: IIRC, it was ProRes and not uncompressed. The comparison is still worthy.
  3. sunyata, read the post of Karim... :-)
  4. Emanuel

    Great article

    Symbols. http://www.dvxuser.com/V6/showthread.php?340174-new-4K-iPhone-6s-can-edit-4K-video-in-iMovie-on-the-phone&p=1986574974&viewfull=1#post1986574974
  5. Very true, on 4:2:2 vs 4:2:0... those figures mean color! In any case, don't forget we're speaking about banding, not exactly full grading...
  6. Who said 4:2:2 is more important than 10-bit? The difference between 8-bit 4:2:2 and 8-bit 4:2:0, it is more significant for your grading. Much different statement. Of course, for certain type of grading. No mention of raw or alike where even 10-bit is short by default. People too much focused on the 10-bit holy grail tend to forget ; ) But, banding was the topic (hence my "the-real-difference" of my post; numbers help but like machines need i-n-t-e-r-p-r-e-t-a-t-i-o-n :-D) : http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/9390-sony-a7s-ii-is-out/?do=findComment&comment=106562 Speaking of math, let's see with a very simple case: 1) 100,000; 2) 1,000,000; 3) 10,000,000. Where's the bigger difference? Now, take these figures as bucks and your single expense as any number between 100,000 and 1,000,000. Which step will make the whole difference? Here goes your single example on pictures, posted and reposted more than once: http://www.eoshd.com/comments/topic/9355-canon-announces-development-of-8k-cinema-eos-camera-and-120mp-dslr/?do=findComment&comment=105935
  7. Emanuel

    Great article

    Right. Explain now to the consumer who spent some hundred bucks today on that brand new 4K display in the place of the great grandparents' crucifix in the Catholic family's living room (choose the Bible to Orthodoxes, Pentecostals, Baptists, Adventists and so on, other sacred books to other confessions): resolution... who cares?! - Emanuel http://www.dvxuser.com/V6/showthread.php?340174-new-4K-iPhone-6s-can-edit-4K-video-in-iMovie-on-the-phone&p=1986574974&viewfull=1#post1986574974
  8. Scarlet? What Scarlet? 3K for 3K aside, now converted as 4K4all (the only point is that's a bit late actually...) Scarlet doesn't exist. There is Mini-Epic or, better put, RED. Once Epic Dragon, whatever is, will be converted soon in Weapon. That's the actual truth. BTW, RED One was a prototype. Sold to thousands of developers or beta testers who rather than to be paid for, paid the R&D. A couple of big names (v.g. Peter Jackson, Steven Soderbergh) as forfait of their own name and reputation, but probono. The deal comprehended to inscribe their lettering in the history of 4K acquisition. People always forget RED is more than a camera company, they are simply the best dream sellers the industry has ever met. With a little bit but significant difference, they sell real IQ + QC based on supply and demand. PS: Last but not least, ...with success as usual.
  9. Ebrahim, you're unique. Pity I am not in Egypt or I know where I'd let someone to care the front page of my real expression... Greetings only a little bit more to Northwest from you, - Emanuel :-)
  10. So, we have here a very demanding viewer... LOL : ) You are right. This or that camera can give you less than what you're looking for. But. There's no 'pictures' without post. This doesn't exist. And if exists, you can't complain. Much effort on post is mandatory. And that is the territory where you can provide the deterritorialization for reterritorialization* of your material, as you wish (e.g. that Japanese sample/video). For a simple reason, flat is higher because comprehends the wider. Hence the fashionable logs nowadays. Straight out of the box means nothing. What are we expecting for? Godard said motion picture is the truth 24 frames a second. He was right but only in a half. The other half is that actually is a big lie whatever frames you decide to tell. How can't they give you what you're looking for? Trust me, you're just looking for a decent capture device and post. It is useless to say I like this or that camera in a way or another. The best you can say to yourself is if that camera is decent for your purpose/proposal or not. Believe me that you'll find a lot of decent cameras in the track. The trouble is when we blame technology when this one is already available. It only requires much work to find out the best balance and know-how from all of it. No teal + orange stamp (others would call it look of their own which makes them happy with) will affect the countless options on your choices of and for your set(up). BTW, Ed is very good & versatile. E :-) * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deterritorialization https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reterritorialization
  11. People are too focused on 10-bit versus 8-bit, when the-real-difference between 4:2:2 and 4:2:0 is higher than 10-bit 4:2:2 vs 8-bit 4:2:2.
  12. Correct. Loans too. Writes a Canon's customer who has invested the most part of his share in gear made by Canon. True, Canon means quality and rules on IQ. As same as Sony has tried to steal the thunder. And has succeed as a legitimate one.
  13. http://www.photographybay.com/2015/09/10/close-up-with-canons-cinema-eos-8k-camera-lens/ http://www.canonrumors.com/first-photo-of-the-cinema-eos-8k-camera/
  14. It depends if your needs are compatible with such form factor. I concur on the high ISOs though. People love to bring a gun with them even when it is not needed. Makes them to feel stronger.
  15. I vehemently concur! : ) Gotten, Doc... ;-)
  16. Customer, Pedro... Abraço, Emanuel :-)
  17. If their model of business fits with launching a new generation of their models each year (RED is upgrading ; ) in the same timeframe) each year and a half... what can we be expecting for? (nevertheless, RED cameras don't lose much value compared with; for some reason the company has been a success) No, they aren't lying. There are many ways to kill fleas. Sony is one of the most* valuable companies of the planet. * to those who haven't noticed yet ;-)
  18. 4:2:2 to begin with, even much more important.
  19. Price of what? Camera body? Doubts to whom has no clue on Jim/Jarred duo. 3K for 3K is still the rock in their own shoes, don't you know? They need to recover a market segment with BMD nowadays. I just wonder if they aren't arriving late. And they will* need to open up their hands from proprietary media to succeed more than a sounded meh. Greetings to Jarred and Jim from the deep Southern Europe, Emanuel :-) * much different than "would"
  20. I agree with you on slog3 vs slog2 and partially on the rest. GH4, as for instance, it is a hell of a video camera (hybrid too, with a speedbooster, not even four-thirds can be an excuse anymore). The point is you can't think you can neglect post. Color comes from there too. Even glass has a role on your path, as you wish. Today, practically, any average camera can give you what you're looking for :-) PS: Here are two examples of people who know what they're doing, already known for the most part of you but, once memory is short at times : D
  21. That magenta for red? Apart Slog3, IBIS and internal 4K (a7RII only Slog2), what else for new? With no mention lower stills resolution. Hold on kaylee, better to bet on the a7RII.
  22. http://images.apple.com/media/us/iphone-6s/2015/dhs3b549_75f9_422a_9470_4a09e709b350/camera/4k-download/iPhone6s_4K_Sample.mov
  23. 50Mbps for 4K... but, there are some apps which can give you something between 100-200Mbps.
  24. No idea where you were 20 years ago (once I have no grandparents alive anymore, unfortunately, for your example -- no worries, I got the rhetorical intention behind of it, I guess you fit in a younger generation and both experiences follow accordingly) but exactly, as TV-producer in national and international broadcasting, that was my job in the business, then. I can assure you "they" (our relatives, I bet yours too, so average viewer) they probably don't give a damn (more accurate to write like that) for a difference between 4K and native 1080p, but that's the real point. Because, neither they don't give a damn (even less, more likely) for better DR and color depth. Hence to tear off a bit, my analogy with the reality today in (ex-)communist regimes. Your point can also be mine, ours as geeks or filmmakers, but the way you all defend it as you know very well what they care about, it is pretty useless IMO. And if you are so focused to give them what they want as they could care for any quality (they won't), I assure your egg ends fried in boiling water before you can see anything worthy to watch from there, because the final work will always be crap, it doesn't matter how pure our intentions are. For some reason, I've exchanged to bet in another screen size for the result of my efforts as producer, not because of audiences* but for the sake of my product. Where resolution counts -- to pair with everything else you/we like. For a better product, more chances and windows of distribution/exploitation, future proof (yeah, why to deny the obvious?) and so on. * Nino Moretti (a hard-core communist : D or former one, no idea) has one very interesting on it when he answers in some interview more or less like this: "Audiences? What audience are we talking about?" So, here you have: What audience are you talking about?
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