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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. I guess there'll always be limitations as already posted for sure, but this last DIS/OIS combo example seems to me much cleaner than any other posted previously.
  2. (Exodus 21:24) eye for eye, tooth for tooth... Stabilized on After Effects... : D
  3. Stabilization can surely be helpful to any low budget setup. I still remember the feeling when (in the early 90s) Steadicam Jr popped up or Sony came with Optical Stabilization in their consumer line! The matter is the same that OP's sample posted by his hand can prove. Otherwise, the devil isn't always in the details. At times, the forest is bigger than the tree. Honestly, I can't see where "lots of quality loss" is when all jitters can be properly replaced in After Effects, as for instance.
  4. LOL Right. Especially when After Effects makes wonders! (Sorry Mattias!) Well, here's an Sony's IBIS sample with "lots of quality loss" ; ) PS: Adding information on that sample's OP... Mattias Burling ;-)
  5. I've seen Olympus' IBIS to beat Sony (but no 4K, no 8K), Samsung's AF to beat Sony (but again, something to not offer: 8K for large prints in this case). The whole point IMO is the fact no camera is better than the other but, that camera is better than the other for your needs. My whole beef, actually.
  6. No, I didn't. But that's title up there to ask it ; ) Nothing against new, on the contrary. I just think lots of posts to understimate the new Sony toy, only because we have lots of thousands invested in old toys. So, the feeling is why not to wait for a7SII? (hey, hey, but I do still photography for large formats and for living!) Next Samsung's? (and so on) That's the whole beef over the argument IMHO. I believe we need to argue objectively instead :-)
  7. Why? IBIS does (not)? I forgot, no cheese on toast... Such a lame! Is the next stabilization gimmick the utmost Holy Grail? *cough cough* C'mon... :-)
  8. Why? Because of rolling shutter in crop mode at a7S levels... OK ;-) And... How would you do if you have large prints to put it out there?! You got it? The point is people think for themselves. People tend to ignore the needs of others. There's also something else: filmmakers are yet like the still photographers some years ago, refusing the media convergence, why? Why to try go figure hybrid concept is a piece of crap instead? Or actually a threat...? To my eyes, RED was not much of a revolution in the end, with or without their contribution to the democratization for (new) industry standards in hands of many; HDSLR -- now FF 4K/8K mirrorless camera à la VistaVision/Medium format, it is. - E.
  9. And along other feature comparisons, in the middle out there in that shootout, you can also find another interesting ISO comparison:
  10. *rolleyes* ...from average a7RII shooter ; )
  11. This information is outdated! Here's the update: http://www.dvxuser.com/V6/showthread.php?339161-Newsshooter-Sony-A7RII-overheats-and-shutdown-after-recording-4K-for-a-while/page8&p=1986567078#post1986567078
  12. a7RII all the way, even though, GH4 if your budget is short.
  13. Not perfect, but actually good news here: http://www.dvxuser.com/V6/showthread.php?339161-Newsshooter-Sony-A7RII-overheats-and-shutdown-after-recording-4K-for-a-while&p=1986567078&viewfull=1#post1986567078 "Follow up And I apologize if I posted this already I've been very busy. I tested this again multiple times last night but instead of triggering recording on the camera I triggered recording on the shogun. And the result was that I could record continuously until one of the batteries ran out, usually the cameras, sometimes the shoguns. At most I got about an hour and a half with no overhear warnings; when it shut down is because the battery was exhausted ( as per the message on the screen). I did not test on external power. If I triggered the recording in the camera, making sure that internal recording was off, it would overheat in 30 minutes. I don't know what's going on here and have passed my thoughts to Atomos. My theory is that processing is kicking in when you click record even though it's not dumping to the card but if you just let it roll without hitting the record button on the camera you get the output right from the sensor. I tested the same theory with the RX 100 Mark four. I got the same result. That camera records for less than five minutes before overheating if you record it on camera but if you just roll from The HDMI you can get an hour out of it before the battery dies. Again, with no overheating. Weird."
  14. In any case, there is the chance a fresh battery may somehow refresh the temperature of the camera. And let her work. The point is to know if this can bring any damage to the sensor. Worthy to give it a try and test the thing anyway, isn't it? ;-)
  15. http://www.dvxuser.com/V6/showthread.php?339161-Newsshooter-Sony-A7RII-overheats-and-shutdown-after-recording-4K-for-a-while&p=1986566799&viewfull=1#post1986566799 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reel
  16. Here is a FF sample (I'd dare to say, just kiddin'... you've got a lemon, Andrew!):
  17. Andrew, I will be straight with you: I found your review perhaps passionate, but not exactly honest... I'm sorry. Superficial as well. It seems you have any beef against them. Sorry to be sincere here. I can even be wrong but nah, I don't know... You know I've defended you out there, so I guess my voice can be accepted as unbiased about you :-)
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