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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. ​Me too but on Youtube. Here: https://www.youtube.com/all_comments?v=PsQHzB5lgzg The curious thing is that comment is not there anymore...
  2. Nothing special in this case, here goes anyways: On Youtube: "This is just an early test clip. The dynamic range of S-log2 is almost like shooting RAW photos. However, color tuning seems to be much more difficult than expected. Further exploration on more proper grading is still needed."
  3. You're really welcome! And yes, ​indeed. Forums are the last oasis on earth... When happens ; ) Nice to see you posting on dvxuser too : ) It is always a challenge to try to figure out who writes, if Jr. or Doctor Saadawi (E :-)
  4. ​Full informative post *thumbsup* classy, very well! I guess next time, better to wait for your input before to even dare to post or yours will always put ours at dust LOL : ) It is a pleasure to read your posts all the time any time though, keep up the good work! (E :-)
  5. ​Always FF equivalent. 35mm because it is still photography world, not cine standards. Cine 35mm or S35 is normally associated to crop in still photography. Crop format (1.3x, 1.6x etc) came much later than FF. So, 24-200mm in FF.
  6. Go undoubtedly with the G7, don't look back :-)
  7. ​ Well, about 30ms (a7S), right focal length and careful pans are able to produce this outcome:
  8. Here's other people to discuss the same dreaming with an a7SII without rolling shutter... In the meantime, post does wonders ;-)
  9. ​It is too much indeed. But in that test, we can see someone walking from one side to another, so there's a moving subject ! : ) Good for hard arthouse! LOL I am eager for more testing, though... :-(
  10. PS: According to dvxuser member Samuel, worse than a7S, actually: http://www.dvxuser.com/V6/showthread.php?303559-Measuring-rolling-shutter-put-a-number-on-this-issue!
  11. ​ Maybe as same as the a7S. But, the lens tested was a FF tele zoom... in crop mode! ;-)
  12. I know, a lost battle, very true. But, we can always fight to minimize the rule : ) In any case, a human loss is generally a loss for the humankind, so please beware of your families at least :-)
  13. Still on extreme/dangerous sports and our current discussion about 'long-trained' professionals, here's some updated food for thought: http://www.reduser.net/forum/showthread.php?133903-Sad-news I beg my pardon to those other ones here who allegedly love this kind of risky activities, but I can't be silent when I stare my eyes on the thread's 4-digit stat views ; ) I'm sorry...
  14. ​There's also this upcoming one: http://www.imaginevision-tech.com/plus/list.php?tid=22 http://www.43rumors.com/category/rumor/ http://www.provideocoalition.com/the-smallest-micro-four-thirds-4k-camera-for-drones
  15. ​LOL :-) Now in a serious note for those interested to listen about the 5-axis performance coupled to OIS/IS glass. Have you tested? Or only non-stabilized lenses? How does it work for you?
  16. There's at least a shot there (actually, more than one and a way beyond sports as topic) in that ad where the insanity goes further more than only broken bones. Maybe it doesn't shock you once you've done extreme sports as you mention (I also did my crazy stuff with no notion for the dangers then and I can assure you I was raised very very right ), but I bet a very different approach from people directly or indirectly affected by injuries fed up from such imagerie... as well, a considerable possibility to end in the hands of a tough judge if happens.
  17. ​Indeed. Life as same as beauty (whatever this means, the take depends on the viewer for sure : ) should always be celebrated as it is. Precious, a gift. Not for careless advertising campaigns. People must understand their roles in everything we do. Every single number of our existence. Each move. Not putting business in front of values as that's not (part of) our business. Love for sports can be one of the most healthiest ones; shouldn't take "the" almighty place especially when misplaced with anything synonymous of forbidden, dangerously cool and so on, as so many times it seems to be glorified sorta sacred cow in empty societies like ours; spreading it around, unfortunately, like candies for kids in form of attractive young Ladies (at times *cough cough*) or not. Joint liability is not only a matter for debts or how to put on the table in order to a claim. It is also a moral thing. In few words, a matter of responsibility. Glorifying pretty female (but could be male; it always depends on the audiences ; ) models can help how to become viral on Y0utube with more views, the point is nObOdy risks to die in the end 'cause dreamt with a blonde ; )) but... ...there's time for sensible no points and time for them :-) Reality can be made of fantasy and vice versa, with a major difference, it is a very different one. - E.
  18. Praising empty risk as anything worthy should be seen as a crime. There are young people out there trying to mimic such silly gimmicks. I was youngster as everyone here and nowadays I have a fair POV over the silliness of my teens. Aside the lack of 4K as far as I could understand, a last and interesting note in that clip there, though: a word for the female beauty anyway... : D If beauty is life, respect for life is mandatory. That's livin'!
  19. https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_Panorama_in_Europe_in_2015/Contact_your_MEP https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Freedom_of_Panorama_in_Europe_in_2015 https://www.change.org/p/european-parliament-save-the-freedom-of-photography-savefop-europarl-en
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