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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. https://***URL not allowed***/samsung-nx500-video-quality-firmware-update/ https://vimeo.com/user1945704/videos
  2. Interesting article on topic: http://***URL removed***/articles/1652088044/sony-an-eye-on-focus
  3. Studying glass choices for my a7RII pre-order, here is an exciting release to add to the current Zeiss primes available, obviously lacking the new focal lengths to complete the offer: http://www.zeiss.com/corporate/en_de/media-forum/press-releases.html?id=new-full-frame-autofocus-lenses-from-zeiss_2015 The press-release is already from April, in any case, just for the sake of sharing...
  4. Correct. The best attitude anytime at any rate : ) The trouble is to handle everyone in the same frequency outside My point is to make a point. People need to understand the rules of the game. No breaks takes nowhere. Neither to not understand someone's else reasons or to not consider the other side as equal and as much respectable as we want to be accepted from. So, it serves as general reminder to all and each one of us. The world can be a better place if we put a little effort to.
  5. Zak, I'd really like to see Ed's posts there... Maybe you as dvxuser mod can do the diplomatic work, what do you say? BTW, with Andrew too. As I could write once on those same boards, internet wouldn't be the same for us -- friendly filmmakers ; ) without this unique resource of information; and obviously the same for Landmine territory : ) dvxuser / reduser / bmcuser (hey Kholi, someone is calling you ), undoubtedly, both web corners have already gotten it. We all know Ed is a terrific shooter and poster, even though, with a tough POV, as well He is the first one to know it. Isn't time to stop this hostility against each other between both sides of same coin?? Ed, there isn't "they" & "us", but we all share the same neighbourhood (and membership in both teams!) in plain diversity. Zak, me, you and many others (no wisdom able to beat Barry Green's hand) with frequent (and friendly, as much as possible ; )) presence on the best of both worlds. So? Why not a simple move for better between partners of route?! Time for a change, isn't it? Let's go with a very serious professional attitude as grown up parties, right? Caesar's wife must be above suspicion * Peace for all, Jason included :-** E :-) * In my native language, we're used to say in a slightly different use of words that's mandatory to Caesar's wife to SEEM rather serious, not only to be one of them (that is, a honest wife).
  6. ​ Come on Ed, you know you're just spreading your new avatar and weren't banned on dvxuser, but only reduser AFAIK. It is not true they love to ban, on the contrary, they feel like to do it when people act there exactly just not trying to not embarass them ; ) As same as when you've played your clown part with that good joke on your video allegedly shot on an unreleased Weapon. Right, they take their business for serious. I couldn't reply you there once the thread is closed, I'm doing it right here. No good humor can save the grace if you're hurting their business. But, hey would anyone allow to break the bank account resources on the payroll bill when there are lots of people to whom to pay salaries in the end of each month? Or the solidarity blah blah only matches when stuff and staff are on our own or outside of this greedy camera industry in any rainbow-good-looking politically correct campaign, as for instance? This is the thin red line to separate the artist from a real professional with bills to pay. The fact is, trust me, they didn't ban you because you've greatly peed both President and CEO of the company in their backyard. They're used to on dvxuser, to begin with... ( BTW I've never seen a single ban there for such sin; as much as I am used to defend anyone when I see people are not there to defend themselves such as happened when eoshd has become notorius for a simple flaw of the humankind -- envy from whom didn't praise Andrew to see him to succeed </OT> ) ...and they could have a fair good reason to have hard feelings, after all, they are human beings as same as me or you. One thing you wrote rather well, but I believe you were too short on your acknowledgement. People should have more gratitude on their contribution for the democratization of technology at sane prices in the hand of many. I still remember when artists had no other choice unless to ask for loans if we'd want to keep dreaming with a pro/broadcast standards going on our work. And as you said, you ended to be able to buy three examples of such. Their competitor's souvenir or not, few years earlier, not even one you'd buy with the same amount of money. Maybe some sorta proprietary branded accessory without which you couldn't finish your product? PS: That said, last but not least, I've pre-ordered the upcoming a7RII and I am enthusiastic to buy new stuff for: A Whole Hearted Thanks to JIm! - E :-)
  7. ​ I've been on dvxuser since a decade for now. I've never stopped to publicly write whatever I wanted. And open to facing anyone when and if necessary. It doesn't matter if mods or even the founder (with whom I could found a healthy friendship, BTW) if and when necessary. Using a friendly tone? For sure, for same reason I came to defend Andrew more than once when people were used to attack him there. Not so far from now. Curious never to have seen no one else from outside doing the same. Anyways...
  8. ​A hybrid camera? Large prints? Fast and accurate AF? FF/35mm look? What more? What about more (and clean) detail? ;-)
  9. Very well, where are they? Now you've mentioned, just waitin' for... E. :-)
  10. Well, these threads around this case have become in a comedy, actually. A tragicomedy, to be more precise. No one knows what exactly happened there between them, except the characters who lived THEIR lives ; ) Even them, to each his/her own perspective on facts. Remember Citizen Kane or Rashomon. Once public, is there room for judgement outside? Sure, as same as for misjudgement too ;-) Facts are made of a different kind.
  11. ​Exactly because we can't dismiss some stuff, in the same range of thinking and certain procedure codes. The point is our actions/reactions speak by ourselves. Our silence as absence of something is informally or even formally to the eyes of opinion public, a substantial deed, as well. To add the fact that to be a public personality has his cost, v.g. Jim Jannard and his record of lawsuits (Arri, Sony and so on, even yet from Oakley period for sure :D). Those Industry matters opposed to this, because they're actually and only private affairs is perfectly irrelevant and even inaccurate. Kessler statement is there to prove it. Relevant is the fact their accusation is somehow a bomb in Philip's reputation. Once public, public became. On that, Ed has nailed the course.
  12. Last but not least, other than you Ed, I believe (my opinion) the reasons behind the women are not so strong, or the only facts strictly from one side of the events. Or the alleged victims would have material to also go straight to the Courts, if it was easy to identify some side as guilty. The fact is that they are going to where is easy to produce loss to Philip. Without the trouble to face him and the full story before of a judge. On the other hand, for same order of thinking, because it is a serious attack to the honour of an individual, if Philip is innocent of all these nasty accusations, I'd never hesitate to end in the last consequences against whoever had the chance to think twice and be decent, before going public. His/her/their own grief aside, from a private story. With the usual ups and downs and personal memories, once a (love) relationship. Pity Accusations are a very serious matter and require burden of proof at any time from who claims the issue. No US Constitution First Amendment, if in US soil, could ever justify those grievous allegations towards someone's reputation. Our acquaintance or fellow geek/reviewer/photographer/internet personality/filmmaker or not. Decency has no price. Dignity is boundless. This applies in cases of domestic violence. Defamation, as well. Let alone the damages in the career of a renown professional. How many? How much? To distort facts in order to achieve a goal --, if any in this case, it is whatever you want, but far to be innocent. From what I read, his name was a very clear target. I guess, it says a bit (?) on the source, amongst other. Life is not that simple. Neither truth*. *(s)
  13. ​ There you can properly say, there's no "all of us", but "each one of us", multiple sides, even though, when apparently only two.
  14. Well, opinions are like the famous Dirty Harry's quote... And definitely away to be science or fact, especially when we are out (go figure if we'd rather type < off > instead :-)
  15. ​True. Interests too. But, not a conflict between a couple. Or a conflict between a couple in the proper place outside the private walls when necessary: the Courts. Only public piazza can mean it. Or subplots inside the main plot of a couple relationship. And where there is more than two, it doesn't fit the number two inside anymore. As same, "the number two" stops to make sense when more angles outside the facts are added and that's not their business to even be inside them.
  16. As I could write before in the first page of the other thread, any story has always two sides, hence two versions. So, how can anyone forget it? An opinion, any judgement requires solid information to the least detail as far as possible. Not only based on a party of the equation. That's why Courts can be not enough sometimes but they're still the best forum for. Granted their procedures in the sense to protect consensual values and the best method way to reach the goal of equity, an immeasurable truth. To listen everyone in such serious case, able to kill the reputation of a professional with a life and career made, is fully mandatory. It is a relief to all Philip's internet followers to have the chance to see him to start to react to this sad story... with facts thrown to the table. Even though painly from his private life, I believe. Worthy to be protected side by side to any other 'personality right/asset' such as those claimed by a victim of domestic abuse. Therefore his silence as his first reaction, I guess. Justice is not property of only one side. And should never be hostage of the virtual world, because there's a real world out there where fairness can trade places from a distorted narrative to serve an agenda, if so.
  17. ​ I see... a matter of terminology though, once the link is not down: http://www.eoshd.com/uploads/gh2/hack/patchvault/setf.ini.zip But, a 50KB corrupted file, actually. When just checked now.
  18. And here, it seems still up... http://www.eoshd.com/gh2-patch-vault/ is this one just such a newer version? http://www.eoshd.com/uploads/gh2/hack/patchvault/setf.ini.zip
  19. Don't you find it here? http://www.dvxuser.com/V6/showthread.php?269936-DO-NOT-POST-SEPARATE-THREADS-GH2-Hack-Questions-and-Answers-Thread Or here? http://www.personal-view.com/faqs/gh2-hack/gh2-hack-faq
  20. Emanuel

    Joe Cocker...

    - RIP http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-30582761 Coincidentally, with no key on his illness, I had been watching the video of this concert earlier today: Truly sad... : (
  21. ...97% funded (ends Tue, Sep 16 2014 22:18 PM EDT): https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1908807079/the-baldlands-feature-film-finishing-funds We crew ask for your support :-) Thanks, Emanuel
  22. I guess life online is only part of the real XXI deal. There's no exactly B&W or there shoudn't be. I see Andrew's work as fair serious enough, though. Or you woudn't see people like me or Noah Yuan-Vogel, as for instance, posting in the same page. There's absolute zero of cruzade over here. Just a complementary attempt to give meaning to certain discussions people entertain themselves to have in such boards ;-)
  23. hahaha True. But I think people will easily conclude by themselves to read between the lines. And a number is only a number. Like Fahrenheit or Celsius to be read from different angles and in opposite readers/sides of Atlantic. There are no magical numbers, that's part of my try to elaborate here. A GH4 can equal a Dragon (under control of certain variables), except on price :D A comparative approach based on comparative terms is what can bring some light from there.
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