Equivalent to 400Mbps on h.264... Go figure, in such tiny form factor... Double WOW.
No overheating issues going on that 180-200Mbps then?
4K 120fps too?
...and you did it pretty well, that's what doctor has prescribed to this community and this is great outcome BTW, kudos to you Glenn and your labour :- )
Funny, I've just watched it on YT and was here to post it for a simple reason, no idea about anyone else but I find there the 10-bit differences very easily...
I obviously cannot know but can guess. She didn't like to be fired for sure LOL ; ) One thing I know though: I wouldn't need to be shady or play all in darkness to not dare to hire her ;- )
There is, maybe just not available online anymore... Hope someone will help you out, after all I believe I should not be the only one using it even though from Windows side so far, not for much longer anyway ; -)