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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. You are right! : ) As much brand agnostic (actually quoted by @Danilo Del Tufo with that slogan a couple of decades ago : D) as @Django! Another reason more to mention manufacturers instead since it is a way to celebrate a manufacturer cares about building it up ; ) The idea came from someone else @IronFilm mention both of them I also praise ATM. A manufacturer is much distinct from a brand BTW ;- )
  2. I obviously just left P4K out of my list because of that late 2024... LOL Even though I concur that even these days, it's a hell of a camera... Well, they have the Micro 4K G2, let's not forget it either... ; ) I also feel tempted myself to not let the 16 Pro Max outside but my beef is yet the overheating mantra : D especially @4K120fps... Hate limitations of this kind, not some others! ;- )
  3. Vimeo for filmmakers, YT for all the rest. I dare to write that was a bit like that all the way round. Until when, that's the question now, I think. - EAG :- )
  4. Keys of same ring in late 2024, I guess or tend to believe ;- )
  5. PS: Being FX30 the best workhorse and bang for the buck these days... Completely underrated IMHO.
  6. Yes, Panasonic also before but not today to me... I concur I have found GH series out of a rational range nowadays, at least. Just not about Blackmagic, they have produced the best cameras out there! I have bought in the last year both 12K and 6K FF, I don't regret not even for a second! Great devices! Pieces of jewelry BTW ;- )
  7. Here's mine: In my case, FF 6K, FX30, Osmo Pocket 3, Ace Pro 2 (also a weakness for Action 5 Pro).
  8. 1. Blackmagic is one of my favs ever. 2. Sony has been growing up to my eyes lately... Manually and auto modes, respectively, IMO. DJI and Insta360 are the players at small form factor IMO part 2. My bets as of today. - EAG :- )
  9. My hope was that they had introduced it only under certain circumstances... This is terrible news indeed! They will spread it all over the place, I'm afraid. Disgusting to say the least. People have to protest. I wish they could struggle with difficulties to see how it hurts from the user's POV. These people are placing Internet upside down. The free world of before is pure business these days, go to hell with all this. The most horrible side of human nature and senseless/emotionless humans have moved to here instead. The same for ads. Worse than TV in its worst ever! Help!
  10. @Davide DB Yes, indeed, Portugal is full part of EU so no idea why here works differently : ) I only tried to let you know as much as this community that you have a workaround through VPN and free account at least so far. I'll be monitoring it for sure and let you all informed from my side. No worries with that of my name anyway, era una battuta : D Only a point that "E" is part of one of my first names and not some virtual nick in this cyber world we live all in ; ) not equal for all as it seems! Such Vimeo move is incredibly nonsense... I'd feel the same way if I had found that as you did. No excuses for them! Saluti per te e la bella Roma, citta' del mio cuore sempre e sempre : ) Ti contatto una volta lì ;- ) In questo momento, lavoro su qualcosa per Roma prossimo estate...
  11. I know this makes no sense but maybe because you're using a premium account? Here is from a new free account from a Portuguese IP:
  12. No, my name is Emanuel as much as mine is an European account : ) so this is not affecting every European accounts, that I can confirm over here :- )
  13. Here are several examples from that list: Are you sure it's not your access/browser, mobile, Android, iOS, whatever, instead? I am in Windows/Firefox right now.
  14. I don't understand what you're saying... Really. Sounds I have access to all videos over here... I have access to the videos of people I am following. No idea if all of them but some good part of them for sure : ) Looks like not every countries have that ban if any then. Why that? Weird to say the least.
  15. Why to restrict it along certain regions of the globe?! Sounds too much weird to understand it...
  16. It works at my end... PT-based as of now ATM.
  17. As follows from my posts what seems one thing based on pure legal hermeneutics at the first sight, it can happen to be something else in the end of the road as second and deeper approach exactly based on same hermeneutic principles. Both stand. Requires to see the equation as a whole.
  18. I guess the problem here is beyond that use but the fact it's a machine not a human author behind. https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB10922 Then the situation changes because there's a model from where the plagiarism (the representation of another person's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions as one's own original work) may happen and not exactly for artistic grounds but other than pure business, which means someone else getting money from someone else's work. It's all about the concept, not the sample itself. So in short, it's not clear-cut, no simple answer. It depends on variables no less. There's a whole complexity to be evaluated, not a night and day premise.
  19. Despite the fact both elements the character/landscape present there as reference may also be seen as tribute, on the edge. Hope this helps, - EAG :- )
  20. They are just looking public eye IMO. Even though, the character/landscape may serve their lawyers to as we in Portuguese are used to say: "throw the clay to the wall" in order to see if it sticks ;- )
  21. Of course, not. Not for this reason. Ideas are not copyrighted unless when expressed but in intellectual property subject to be considered as such which requires a material/physical medium, not a style, c'mon... This claim is mere nonsense.
  22. In fact : ) Don't kid us : P who needs in terms of IQ anything else later on? ; ) A decade ago BTW, we did straight to the big screen (not YT, not streaming...) an entire feature film with, i.e. shot on glorious 8-bit:
  23. I don't see anything wrong on this release TBH... Only lacks 4K 120fps. But, you have no time limit if you need. Promising dynamic range on FF small and lightweight form factor. 5.9K recording from HDMI + anamorphic 3536x2656/50p there, affordable price... Well, I even think I will be tempted myself to buy it, one of these days ; ) After all, it will match the inventory of fine glass for my 6K FF Blackmagic camera too!
  24. One thing is the film production and the other ones, distribution and exhibition sectors... they are much separate waters. - EAG
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