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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. The point is always the need and question of operating with the POV with or without shallow DOF. The issues with that equals to those who are addicted to that look the same ;- )
  2. PPS: Such position to end the scene as mere resource is typical of modern cinema instead; just to clarify it now, also as alternative to the classic use and not to advocate the narrative/dramatic strategy of its adoption.
  3. PS: BTW typical of modern cinema (BUT only) when present... ; ) With minimal use, as matter of fact and both Bogdanovich and Fuller are expression of such concern indeed :- )
  4. Yes, despite the fact no establishing shots about trains crossing the landscape from that allergy to give the POV to the cow... And he was not contemporary of MTV with the frigo replacing the livestock! LOL However, that position of the establishing shot to end the scene is typical of modern cinema and it is the way we at film school were used to end our exercises as part of our learning how to deal with the narrative potential and the need of its dramaturgical empowerment :- )
  5. Now on notebook form factor side too! https://videocardz.com/newz/this-custom-laptop-has-450w-desktop-geforce-rtx-4090-gpu-weights-nearly-7kg
  6. Sorry for suggesting this type of solutions, sound a bit nonsense when people spend well more than a grand of tiptop equipment, no matter the inherent mobile side this time, I guess. It's like those RGB versions of this type of gear, making us, computer stuff users look like all retarded... LOL It's purely insane and lack of any notion of good taste (I wonder how their homes are decorated BTW, sorry for sounding too harsh but I simply have no patience for lack of everything when I take a look on these gadgets' design, poor and fully uneducated to say the least : )
  7. @eatstoomuchjam Nice to know more about you and your insights, much appreciated indeed : ) and thanks for your findings :- ) Still wondering about it, though then: https://www.amazon.in/Cooling-Adjustable-Universal-Streaming-Outdoor No idea why that silly light anyway : D
  8. An angle not strictly (or/and exactly) part of the visible realm provided by the objet d'art but suggested from.
  9. The point with shallow DOF is only both: a) three-dimensional approach as alternative of a pure reality construction; b) the game with the elements inside the frame coupled to the interconnection operated by the viewer, with that requiring the necessary angle to be built up from observer/participant's mind -- pure vibe based on the qualification of reception aesthetics; OK, thrice... People struggle to care about the Hitchcock's standpoint: What for cows' perspective is, after all? When Truffaut asked him why his movies with trains as location have no establishing shots outside the train. - EAG PS: Hope this helps for a better and educated scope on the subject matter ;- )
  10. As much as Welles : ) Obviously deep DOF is much more challenging as much as 2:39:1 ratio once there are more elements to handle during the framing... Despite the saying of Fritz Lang that the format only serves to film snakes and funerals : D
  11. Simply hilarious... So actual... : ) This usual (un)suspect is actually more often brilliant than not ;- )
  12. https://www.instagram.com/whoismatt/reel/DAbRqzIOfiC/
  13. 8-bit 3:1:1 HDCAM 1080p BTW... ;- )
  14. No worries Marty, I wouldn't even call it harsh, just a flamed way of protecting your POV and feeling on art versus technology, I see and actually share : ) Just not the fact I don't like smartphone smell as matter of fact and I could let well expressed in the 1st posts of this thread, this drives me away to wonder how all this technology can help us to use it, as mere arrival of more resources to our craft, on the other hand :- ) Time is a scarce asset indeed and no cinematic versus anything else will bother me to enter in sterile discussions. It is like to compare theatre with the screen, what for? There are some other media and ways of expressing ideas, whatever, going on today? Yes, but nothing touches what we do already know since ever. Certain introductions like those above-mentioned, they capture my attention. I even don't mind to open that information to tell me how cinematic is this or that anymore. We live in a time where only skills count, the device not anymore. When ultra high resolution 10-bit (but could be 8-bit as 3:1:1 HDCAM a couple of decades ago) comes with an action camera nowadays. Speaking of devil, Insta360 ACE PRO offers the best outcome among them and is only 8-bit ;- )
  15. This one is coming too... Disclaimer: Osmo stands as my fav anyway, just horses for courses, no more no less ; ) Impressive propaganda BTW...
  16. These guys already have it on small form factor: https://www.youtube.com/@BACKBONEca/videos Pity no option for the best of them (Insta360 Ace Pro) too so far...
  17. I meant external drive instead, obviously.
  18. Listen Marty, I will be very straightforward and friendly as always with you. 1 - Yes, I am not upset. 2 - Life is well beyond art, filmmaking, whatever. 3 - I admit people can be lot of times committed with creating beauty and all that stuff. 4 - But admit you too : ) when you have "gazillions" (as you call it : ) of concerns (let alone private/personal/family life... I brought a 94-year old aunt, like a mother to me, from hospital today where she was with a multilobar pneumonia all week long in the same year I've lost my father just in less than a minute) on keeping your business running up where you need many people to help you in your team... you probably are less focused or even don't give a damn for deep discussions on this or that aspect of aesthetics or technique or even some other angle. 5 - Do I praise a smartphone look? Have I ever purchased an iPhone yet? (a rhetorical interrrogation to respond some other) 6 - They have delivered ProRes from an external device recording, Log and now 4K 120fps. 7 - It's not where 4K 50p/60p distinguishes from 120fps because they actually do (for some reason there's a "p" versus "fps" there ; ) 8 - I wonder then on their new thermal management which claims to be 2 to 2.5x superior now. 9 - That's where I am focused. I won't change the world, unfortunately. Apple or pure marketing other than electing the wrong one to the White House which is actually prone to bring some effective difference to our world instead wherever we belong to... phew, that is, everything else doesn't bother me at all. 10 - That said, I think of 4K 120fps on mobile side without overheating as an extra layer of income. When your team stands as your primary way of thought. So, not because of a high life standard or alike. But operating in a complex industry like this one digital has brought nowadays, any open gate for increasing our chances of a survival suit is an oxygen breath. And remember: I) The best camera is not that cinematic one but the one you're able to bring with you when you'll need to ; ) II) Digital has fiercely this meaning too. Probably why me and @eatstoomuchjam, who is the same of those other threads cine-like related but also praises miniaturization after all, both share here the same pages of this thread. - EAG :- )
  19. Me too, love it : ) The problem is thermal management. Thanks for the reminder : ) No idea if Apple Watch or any other gadget can do the trick to switch off the monitor? Were you a YouTube camera reviewer? Have you posted anything you can share? Thanks, that actually makes a whole of a difference between a probable purchase and not.
  20. Without mention my appraisal of everything else you wrote, that's not exactly : ) 1080p can be enough for filmmaking and 4K can even become counterproductive sometimes, so be it -- only to concur. But this doesn't mean 4K 120fps isn't a hell of a difference from a lower resolution because it is. And this can really mean a new world of possibilities, no less. :- )
  21. Show me? Are you kidding me, Marty? Something that really annoys me is not the way you express yourself but both: The fact people, you included, in this occasion forget the way a camera serves you, IS NOT the way some other people have application for. NOT everyone is willing to use a camera for a cinematic outcome... And this coming from someone who has a full time career mainly based on cinematic results means, or should mean a bit, I guess : ) If there are people who come to online boards for keeping up the self-esteem they are unable to reach elsewhere, there are also people who have nothing to show off here or anywhere else. Hey, there's a whole world out there full of windows to show our work. And there's still who comes here to ONLY talk or share information, perspectives, experiences and that's it : ) But I understand you ask for a good reason. You struggle to understand why people can be interested on rolling a camera for 4K 120fps along hours if possible. And what special can happen with a particular shot. If you had paid attention to a post of mine up there, you'd already have the example above-mentioned. Music concerts as for instance. But could be sports for example. High speed plenty of (high) resolution can give us that single shot (the case of stills for multiple usage as target but also stock footage, for example) and getting the paycheck... The customary mantra of 1080p sucks whenever these kind of threads pop up. One thing is discussing the 120fps aesthetics as @kye did -- part of the 1080p army called as military reinforcement LOL sorry mates! Where I can even join the party... (most recently we had that infamous one on calling 24p outdated) Some other thing is to infer because there's some kind of aesthetics we associate to filmmaking, no specialist tools (as @kye wisely called them up there BTW) are needed. Like everyone needs to specifically focus on narrative or documentary motion picture forms, so no room for anything else : D And? Are you the only one keep coming here? Does a blonde girl exclude a brunette? ; ) I cannot be upset at all : ) The same way I appreciate that "kye's essay miniseries and screenshots from his journey with the micro cinema cam", I don't buy any sort of elitist approach either. That's the whole thing, I see about that sorta censorship or putting people outside of any discussion which may somewhat embarrass them. Like there are the filmmakers and everything else. I am in this filmmaking business for longer than 30 years now and something I can quote is Giuseppe Tornatore who came from outside this industry and once said something like this: "Before I thought that in the filmmaking, there could only be good people, now I know only movies count!" Don't like 120fps slomo hell? Welcome to the club! : P But it's not because people only get 120fps as slowmo purposes or the matter of HFR aethetics may bother my playground, I will refrain to see a different use for it. Last but not least. I find the most part of the posters here as freelance workers or amateurs. No idea how many of us struggle with paychecks in the end of each month. Probably this is the question. We live in times of media convergence. Filmmaking is not as much independent or small as before. Digital technology has brought a lot of competitive players who will operate with the most innovative resources you haven't had yet. You have to look for a new range of market segments or die. - EAG :- )
  22. Indeed! And to me, that's a no-brainer in fact : ) For that purpose, I find 4K 120fps great once we have the chance to let it record for ages up to let that shot enters...
  23. Well, it's more to be open to have it without much restrictions. When you're looking for that shot in specific, you can have the chance to roll if for long until to reach the magic moment we'll find the exact moment that will be gold for all the time spent and efforts invested there. Some other day I was throughout 2 hours of a concert which led me to results I variably lost or not, which means in 10 possible millions, one of them is still a loss, no other 9 will bring it back. If you follow what I mean here. Yes, I am insatiable for shots ; ) Sometimes they make all the difference just in time for paycheck of people working with me. Well, I understand your fair concern and nothing I hadn't thought of it yet, really. However TBH, comparing both options with my last purchases: I don't think Max route will make such an inconvenience other than weight maybe? I found ASUS Zenfone 7 Pro a cumbersome brick for daily use but not really OnePlus 9 Pro : ) https://www.gsmarena.com/size-compare-3d.php3?&idPhone1=10806&idPhone2=13123 I wonder though if the larger screen on Max model will bring more heat anyways or more room to dissipate it? https://www.gsmarena.com/size-compare-3d.php3?&idPhone2=13123&idPhone1=13315 I usually don't like white stuff, black is always my fav but if I will buy this one here it will certainly be for handy 4K 120fps on mobile side. Some other day, that would have saved the night when teles stayed at concert door. PS: I have obviously followed up your most recent post now, so I do appreciate your findings... Maybe you could try it up to the edge? Thanks BTW :- )
  24. I also wonder if both PRO and PRO Max won't offer different results to handle heat?
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