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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. What about this one here? https://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/angelbird-announces-cfexpress-cards.259049/#post-4113504 "NVMe is not a removable media. Thats like designing a camera for a 3.5" hard drive. They are not meant to be moved constantly. NVMe is also very power hungry, meaning your camera would need a larger battery, a cooling system, a pcie controller and other things cameras are not designed around."
  2. Just got information now... firemen are simply fucked up! : P
  3. LOL Man, you have no idea what I'm doing to get one available now! : D Without this one, I'd NEVER buy it as well more EF glass... What's the most friendly Canon web corner after all? ;- )
  4. Without mention, more EF glass to join the party... and money to enter in the equation and in their bank account and balance sheet. To cripple this R5 device is a pure shot in the foot instead : X
  5. Yes indeed, you da man :- ) Some R5 unit on the way to my orbit... never without this... Count on it, Canon sales team!
  6. Really? Where's such pearl? Well, I still expect for the inventive way to look for workarounds, powered by filmmakers giving power to communities like those we've been to create also because of values such as freedom and democracy, without mention for the sake of our art and craft.
  7. Who believes in those reviewers...? Well, I don't even bother to listen their R5 videos anymore... To have an independent voice is mandatory but also rare, unfortunately.
  8. Sure my friend, no worries, I meant the whole community of users... As Andrew said, this is something huge and people seem to not give the deserved attention to it, puzzles me : ) Looks like people are boring because there's a workaround now : D
  9. Strange silence 24 hours later WTH... Is it so difficult a R5 user to download the bloody hell of the firmware update and give it a fuckin' chance...??!
  10. One of his most recent exhibitions in National Museum, Leskovac (Serbia):
  11. Done. Please share it: http://chng.it/JZ8BqNcPYR Danilo is one of the most talented creatures I've ever met in Naples outskirts... He simply does every single creative job since a mere pen to his multiple multi-layer boards, as for instance this sample here: E :- )
  12. I'd buy the new GoPro then.
  13. Any idea if properly covers full frame for 16:9 video use? If so, what from focal length? What about if for 2.35:1 (aka 2.39:1) crop?
  14. I understand. I posted here because of that comparison with S1H IBIS which is clearly superior and once I was still looking for information on topic (EF lenses on this new mount they launched and I have zero glass to couple to their IBIS), followed the previous comparison.
  15. Sure, if you ask, I obviously will : ) I am in the market for that, you know... : D Wondering about the leftover to add there. This RF mount is completely new and expensive like hell as usual, they charge 2 grand for their new toys... The good news is the good oldie EF ones do the job : )) I've been in touch with other mates through PM, I thought this may serve some other people outside our inner circle :- )
  16. That would be great if they would properly address it... but a professional tool is the one which actually works. This business life in this industry is full of workarounds, go figure... ; ) Budget issues are much more crucial than anything else, if this saves you money you could spend in something much more expensive on their high-end, you'll professionally praise the whole thing :- )
  17. Interesting & uncertain conclusion from a S1H & R5 owner:
  18. I guess Leica is not for sale :- )
  19. We can start the discussion from possible many angles indeed... let alone the customary DOF or use of slower glass and strictly going from a low light perspective?
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