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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. Why the others don't, Tom? When you pay a high premium you could rather use accessorizing your gear at your wish and command? ; ) And yet, save some other amount for your production values, what about that? Camera department is just a single piece of the puzzle, not much else... ; -)
  2. I love this camera and your comments Doc, BTW ; ) I agree. Interesting pastel colourship anyway @Mr. Freeze ! Seems a painting that light added to the palette... Well explored, fellow : -)
  3. Thanks for your comment : ) Difficult days for this industry, well, to any business as matter of fact. Even work produced for prestigious institutions such as London Film School. Honor as much as History we're living nowadays stands though. This virus doesn't choose the quality of the victims. Worldwide established or not : ) Seems we all are the same these days... ; ) Hard work and tough tasks can actually become more demanding in these defying times in a way or another BTW and bring much more rewarding feedback when we finally succeed. E : -)
  4. A very personal journey... on YouTube: on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/392683012 Produced to London Film School as Associate Producer. An Aaton Penelope camera was used to shoot on 35mm Kodak colour film stock and bring a striking vintage look to this narrative. By Paul Maziere, a young promising French filmmaker based in London. Mainly shot in the south of France. Going now to the usual film festival circuit these days.
  5. I'd probably never buy anything other from them once again, I guess, unless their customer service would give me an extra reason for. Pretty stellar AFAIK, that is, from what I've heard in the opinion of some other end users. Never had the need to call them so far in any of my Blackmagic gear or my associates' to whom I've had an important role promoting the brand among them, modesty aside. Generalizations, especially negative ones, from personal experiences can mitigate how useful they can be IMO.
  6. P6K is the most underrated camera over this forum ever! Hence why Andrew had the feel to open that thread to explain why : ) His personal experience should not interfere in our evaluation, though. A case study is not enough to provide science about ; -)
  7. Canon, Panasonic. No DR to my guess, CS is. Did it without your help BTW ; -)
  8. I had posted this one only a couple of months ago in this another thread as far as Sirui's introduction concerns:
  9. Nice post, I just don't understand why this is not posted on footage subforum or better yet, why you ALL underrate that precious corner Andrew has opened for his priceless forum? : -)
  10. One of my fav ones ever, for sure, by Stephen van Vuuren: Stop motion @ 2fps shot (coupled to Twixtor in After Effects) on Pentax K10D.
  11. What looks like interesting if APS-C. To top their price range. Which actually is S35, the motion picture production format standard of film cameras for so many decades now.
  12. But companies or professionals can deduct VAT, so that doesn't apply. That is, if you have open activity, obviously.
  13. Speaking of AI, you lose lots of it with any of them from a double attitude: either immersed on multiple AI suggestions flooded through your browsing or simply ignoring it. That's where a digest effort from a balanced research can help. To select the content. At the same time when you orient some external perspective on your picking up, you're always excluding the viability of digression. That's where the contemporary interactive media counterpart flows. Who here has predilection for Deleuze? : ) I honestly don't understand how people expect to develop themselves going on unilateral frame of mind. Really. These times are also exciting for the number of possibilities they offer us to evolve, not exactly for the most recent gimmick. Hard to neglect such powerful tool as YT is, obviously, as well.
  14. Well said : ) That happened a few years ago when we had finished to shoot that feature film shot on 5DII.
  15. I've always appreciated your digest research BTW for obvious reasons. YT is unbearable these days. Suggestions by AI don't fulfill the purpose at all. Hence I believe we can't wear all the same shirt for sure : -)
  16. Probably they see the video embedded feature with some different use? I think Andrew nailed it with the digest concept. As written up there, it doesn't seem a bad idea at all after all since I guess it is consensual the overload exists from the origin on YT as our contemporary video hosting mainstream or am I wrong on it? ; ) What seems pretty clear to me it is that despite the repeatedly calls from our webmaster here, the footage subforum on EOSHD keeps going overrated as it has been well observed in this thread. And I continue seeing a few people who present themselves as professionals but I can't find a single work or gig they had worked for years I am reading this website in any way other than as their customary blah blah they'll buy the wishful list of next camera to come...
  17. Two feature films in UK and US. It shall depend on a series of factors yet. I love DSLR form factor, so I usually tend to push there. Being Blackmagic cameras my favorite ones today. My business partner has shot a horror feature on Blackmagic Production Camera 4K, I humbly push him to adopt. We had shot a feature film on 5DII before. RED usually arrives because of investments already done in the past to match a very personal path of our own to also comprehend industry connections. I've just opened a thread in the footage subforum on a feature documentary already completed and to currently be released (90% shot on Epic MX/Dragon). The other two features to be made between 2020 and 2021 are narrative stuff.
  18. With the current situation I'm afraid new purchases are a bit of compromised investments to make these days. To bet on already pre-existent gear I believe is the most balanced approach for a successful business along 2020 at least. I've just canceled all our plans for now. Even the projects, two feature films to be shot yet this year have their shooting schedule suspended until further notice. There are some much other work to advance of course. Just not camera related.
  19. Unfortunately, YT is a mess flooded by the monetization mania and I concur, the participation on footage subforum here is underestimated, anyway. No new cameras in the horizon to launch nowadays follows, the talking heads live sessions on YT grow up as new hype... as well, brands seem to choose youtubers to promote their marketing as a sort of new internet shills. Even the ads we had to avoid from generalist TV channels are now transferred ad nauseam to YT each couple of minutes, well, a weekly digest looks like a great idea for a new website indeed, Andrew ; ) With the current quarantine, I'm afraid we'll have exactly what Kye has mentioned on his new thread, and a decrease on content quality until the crisis will last, so be ready yet for some months to come...
  20. Hadn't watched yet, an uncle of mine had died on the eve of your post, so only today. Left my comment on vimeo : ) Very impressed, buddy! : ) I guess that thing bigger than life has just won one more child... first short film? WOW : -)
  21. Andrew Benz credits ; ) That drone shot done by his hands and directors' inspiration is incredible, my fav drone shot ever! : ) Need to enjoy it there in the middle of the doc stream... Thanks for your kind words (E : -)
  22. I do concur in fact : ) Here's the recent international launch presentation: Samples: Last but not least, a cinematic attempt of a COVID-19 video ad in the middle of a review: To conclude, here are two interesting comparatives from one of the usual most popular smartphone camera YT reviewers:
  23. I fully understand you Márcio @Márcio Kabke Pinheiro, seems we have no alternative to look in any direction indeed. Well, you're welcome over here for sure! : ) We've fallen in love with your country, no matter the current nonsense panorama and how incredible the situation the country of Bossanova is living today... : X Remember Jorge Amado... Roque Santeiro? Universal language. Take a look on this other feature documentary financed by ARTE: It is ironic this great name of the Portuguese language and Brazilian culture died exactly last year, isn't it? ; ) In the same way, the feature doc A Machine To Live In praises Oscar Niemeyer's work but not only... One of the main themes of A Machine To Live In is Brazil’s dream of building a first world utopia and ended up dropping a nightmare into the Brazilian cerrado... The Citizens then took these themes of utopia building back to their satellite cities. These are their reactions so to speak to living in the Dream of the Others. shot from A Machine To Live In (2020) by the cinematographer Andrew Benz over Brasilia Rodoviária / central bus station
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