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Everything posted by Emanuel

  1. It doesn't make any sense to me your approach. Not about the content now. Ain't you a democrat (different to be a Democratic Party supporter for the matter) lover just for the record? I have nothing against your political comments. I just notice you have always something to say if you see or think someone else makes the same as you. Just sayin' but doesn't seem to me very democrat indeed. You also infer who you feel is not with you, is against you, doesn't love your beloved America. FYI I love U.S.A., I loved Reagan (well, I must confess I was his fan as cowboy even before his administration LOL) as much as Clinton. I appreciate Jimmy Carter's integrity and I have a weakness for Obama. Last but not least, I learnt to sympathize with Bush, the son. And I even defended the father also when he was accused to not behave accordingly the most conservative rules as far as the female world concerns. He was old then. So, which means we need to try to globally comprehend the whole thing. Bias like fear, is a bitch ; -)
  2. He already know it was addressed to me now, even though you don't like what he writes anyway. Why to desperately try to accuse some other side to go political even when not (like my case a few weeks ago) when it is exactly your game?
  3. Amigo, very true, oh well, me not you, he accused me of something again, this time on my totally friendly comments (as usual BTW) addressed to mercer... LOL : -)
  4. I try my best, my friend : ) When do you realize this is a friendly community and the only and most uncalled thing many of us have the fortune to see here as well is to not mistreat each other but with respect? This includes do not start to guess someone's else mind and kindly ask when we don't understand. We can only intend to have our point of view respected if we are able to give the same in reciprocity ; -)
  5. Not idea if you actually had that in mind to follow my analogy... But that one to reach the minute of such piece is beyond to match the text in point of fact ; ) Certain human attitude applies when they see so many to surround the area, they shoot in every directions they can as the only way they know to handle the supposed adversary they built... ; -)
  6. For what? The most funny is so am I the bully and not you trying to also attract followers to your cause then?? LOL What's the name of it, humm? : X The more you post the more is possible to see how lost you invariably are about my intentions and posting or yet whatever else to be honest to you. Sad to see it. Don't think I am glad to write it if I can expect anything from you. I've always had a friendly vibe with Glenn FYI (as many others here BTW) and it is a dirty filthy job you infer something on the contrary. When do you stop this little game of revenge trying to distort and decontextualize ANY words of mine still many weeks later in a row? I'm sorry I can't help you out. Yeah, you're the ONLY one here to ask for irony (oh the sarcasm) from my side now. Wonder why? ; -)
  7. Stop to spread hate. Your issues against my persona are well known, dude. This tactic now to feed up the rumor is anything you look for but doesn't dignify you. You try, you always receive a response you don't like. How many threads you need this time? Grow up for once. Do I need to post them and embarrass you?
  8. I know the sensitive soul you've always expressed through your posting. The stats are the numbers of the pandemic so far. Here's a good source already posted earlier: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
  9. I like you, Glenn, and respect you. If I appreciate to be polite with everyone here, imagine with you! Because there are so many Europes... and a free healthcare system won't handle a gross amount of infected people, so doctors will decide who live and let die. This is a terrible tragedy! Two commercial airplanes per day crash in Italy these days. If one would already be a great disaster per se... A considerable percentage will require mechanical ventilation (stats confirm it) and there's not even enough number of ventilators for everyone. https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/what-if-two-covid-19-victims-need-ventilators-and-just-one-is-available/
  10. Nothing about that : ) Just a distant idea from the real Europe(s), that's it : -)
  11. I'm sorry, I hate to sound rude (you don't even deserve it!) but you have no idea what you're talking about. There's a percentage who will need it. Stats say it. The higher amount of infected people brings all that, unfortunately. Again, Europe is not USA. We have healthcare for free, yes, but we have no those resources of your own. No fancy hospitals, no female doctors on high heels... ; ) Have you ever been in Europe, Glenn? Please answer this. Not glamour Paris, Rome or London for American tourists. Those towns are "NOT" Europe for Christ's sake!
  12. Forget that... You're always so defensive thinking we aliens tend to hate Americans, oh God, I and many others, we actually love the Americans! We just tend to see you watch Europe from your angle and there are so many differences in-between you plainly ignore, that's all : -)
  13. Exactly. The only way to stop it. There's no vaccine yet, so remains the quarantine.
  14. As matter of fact, it is rather the opposite, the more people infected, the more lack of mechanical ventilation and lack of medical staff to treat people in critical condition. Many more people to die. You Americans are funny, you see Europe from another planet... : ) I guess that's why Hollywood will always struggle to realize what realism is ; -)
  15. How's that math, buddy? : ) It is proportional...
  16. Different strokes for different folks only applies when apples to oranges ; -)
  17. Have you ever been in Italy, Glenn? You know what the problem of Italy is? Nothing about the Italian healthcare, the best doctors are in Italy too ; ) The most touristic country of the world (and the most beautiful BTW) + lack of centralized power in Europe à la Américaine. Here is our beef, we had to close the borders when Macau did and we didn't. Not because makes sense to have them or have them closed then. BUT for sure, when there's a crisis of such magnitude to pop up... and people ignore the only way to understand it. If this Scriba of yours now would be the leader Europe doesn't have, this wouldn't be happening right now... ...and I am no one, just someone with brains to figure out where the mess or misfortune is. E : -)
  18. There's no mechanical ventilation nor medical staff for everyone to fall in critical condition, got it...? This can end as the tragedy of the century if people will abstain to understand the magnitude of it. Still hope not though. E : -)
  19. +368 deaths in the last 24 hours in Italy... more than 1/10 of the total of deaths in China until today... a country with about 25x the population of Italy! Too sad...
  20. It's rather true... There's a big problem with this pandemic as far as I've heard from a few medical experts yesterday night because patients in serious / critical condition, they need mechanical ventilation to survive and struggle against the respiratory infection. Medical staff, they have to choose who lives and dies for handling the increasing number of people with the disease in the dozens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) figures. There's no people nor material to face such tragedy. This is absolutely a drama without precedents... A war situation in peace period but towards an invisible enemy of the human race. Keep safe, buddies! : ) Better to not get sick this time...
  21. To those who still wonder on QC there, my respect to Chinese people:
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