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  1. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from Ken Ross in GH5 focus excellence   
    Indeed. Reason why I had asked it to the Max/Joseph GH5 test partnership... Unfortunately, people don't seem to care about. The devil is in the details ;-)
  2. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Ken Ross in GH5 focus excellence   
    We've conjectured that some of the significant AF differences we've seen in different GH5 videos is the result of differences in the lenses themselves. I've always gotten great AF results from my 14-140 and although my 15mm 1.7 is good, it's not as quick as the 14-140.
  3. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from shooter in GH5 focus excellence   
    I am lost on all this AF crap... what the hell... this seems to be pretty accurate and enough:
    Even from fastest settings and not the best light for that background clock, it is not as bad as some people like to announce on web:
  4. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from shooter in GH5 focus excellence   
    And here's another one -- well, that's actually touchscreen focus feature and not focus transition for the last part of the video from 1:40 on (his complain as far as hunting concerns, it doesn't match on the same feature either but only for AF other than that), I guess:
  5. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from shooter in GH5 focus excellence   
    Panasonic 12-35 at 2.8 with dual OIS
    4k 50fps exported to 1080 25fps
    AF Speed +2
    AF Sensitivity 0
    AFS Precise
  6. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from shooter in GH5 focus excellence   
  7. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from shooter in GH5 focus excellence   
    BTW, tap-to-focus is actually part of the GH5 AF system, the point is that works in both AF and MF modes, so... AF, whatever the finest settings we find, could never be such a deal breaker at all! :-)
  8. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from shooter in GH5 focus excellence   
    No GH5 here yet, but as far as I could understand from what I've seen from other users' videos, in MF, you have to drag it, right.
    In AF-C, it is the way you describe.
    But, you can always use it in other AF mode than AF-C or not?
    As for instance here:
    Or here:
  9. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from shooter in GH5 focus excellence   
    AF on 6K Photo mode:
  10. Like
    Emanuel reacted to PannySVHS in Canon 5D Mark IV Officially Adds C-log for $99   
    Log is log. Eoshd color is magic! That is much better, hasslefree awesome color!
    You´re giving Jimmy the Don Rickles all the time. You must love him. Can you gimme some of that too?
    Edit: Hot darn! Just checked EOSHD Vivid Skintone, looking awesome! Andrew would you like to post
    the video with that beautiful color and the beautiful talent in front of your camera?
    Would love to see that in motion!

  11. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Kisaha in Canon 5D Mark IV Officially Adds C-log for $99   
    @wolf33d ...and because Sony A7sIII is not a real camera, or something that exists, then GH5 is the only way!
  12. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Andrew Reid in PSA: Don't buy any gear! NAB 2017 is One Week Away   
    Yeah looking boring so far but remember... it doesn't start proper until Monday.
    And leaks usually don't start to appear until the day before.
    However I am not that hopeful for much excitement on the camera side. Sony probably won't come with an A7S 3 just yet... Panasonic probably won't come with much as GH5 still fresh... Canon probably asleep and Nikon probably doesn't even know NAB is on
  13. Like
    Emanuel reacted to webrunner5 in PSA: Don't buy any gear! NAB 2017 is One Week Away   
    Wow is it me, other than the Sony A9, NAB seems to be a bust so far?? I know it Just started but...
  14. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from Cinegain in Comparison Tests (Compilation) Thread   
    Not necessarily by chronological order, merit or even actual camera models or new gear/technique(s) related, different setups too; only for fun, useful information and good education (yeah, you read it) from others' testing.
    Apples to Oranges -- if so, is discretionary, as well, inconclusive, controversial results, so are also welcome here.
    New posts to follow. Enjoy them as much as possible! Hope it helps and fits your search when may happen :-)
  15. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from Cinegain in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    New T2i or Mini-Alexa? ;-)
  16. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Timotheus in Meanwhile, at DPReview...   
    F-ing brilliant Hans 
  17. Like
    Emanuel reacted to AaronChicago in Meanwhile, at DPReview...   
    Hahaha. Awesome. Distributed by Western Union.
  18. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Hans Punk in Meanwhile, at DPReview...   
  19. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from Ken Ross in GH5 focus excellence   
    BTW, tap-to-focus is actually part of the GH5 AF system, the point is that works in both AF and MF modes, so... AF, whatever the finest settings we find, could never be such a deal breaker at all! :-)
  20. Like
    Emanuel reacted to IronFilm in Sony A6500 or Panasonic GH5...?   
    Exactly, even an old Panasonic GH1 is still a better choice than many filmmakers out there get to make.
  21. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Fritz Pierre in GH5 focus excellence   
    The AF controversy seems to keep reverting back to the Panasonic Reps claiming that the GH5 AF is much better than the GH4...well...it is!...so nothing amiss there..I don't think I've seen a single line anywhere about someone blaming Sony reps for not disclosing that their cameras overheat quickly...lol...criticism seems to be as subjective as image quality...
  22. Like
    Emanuel reacted to mercer in 5D3 ML Raw Screen Grabs   
    So as some already know, I recently purchased a 5D3 primarily to shoot Magic Lantern Raw. Well this week I started my first short film with it. It was definitely a learning experience but I really don't know of any camera where I would have achieved such pleasing images. I also purchased the Canon 24-70mm f/4 lens and I am consistently blown away by what a great lens it is and the OIS is so damn good, even at 70mm, that the majority of my short, thus far, has been shot handheld.
    With the recent 4K Raw developments, I figured I would post some pros and cons in case somebody else is looking to pick one up.
    Well the first pro is that shooting Raw could not be simpler with it. Set up Raw histogram with the overexposure hint and when it shows your color channels are starting to clip or the word "over" appears on the histogram, then just dial back your exposure a touch.
    Another pro is that there are a bunch of people on this forum still shooting with the 5D3 and everybody is helpful. If you have a problem about any aspect of the process or workflow, there are plenty of other ML shooters around here that go out of their way to answer even the stupidest of my questions... not nearly as daunting as the ML forum.
    Now a couple cons... you need a bunch of cards... or a computer and hard drive to offload your footage... 12 minutes on a 64GB cards gets filled quickly. Even with 3 cards, and trying to be conservative with my shots and shot ratios, I still ran out of space 3/4 of the way through my second day of shooting.
    Converting the footage is a bit tedious. The RawMagic route of converting the MLV files to CDNG is fairly fast but then you still have to process the footage through Resolve or After Effects before really seeing what you have. I really like the MLRawViewer program, but although you get to preview your footage, the conversion is slow and after I updated my Mac to Sierra, the version I have does not work with it, but I believe there is a newer version,  so hopefully it will work then.
    I guess that's about it for now, so I'll leave you with a couple graded screen grabs, from a couple shots I briefly messed around with yesterday...

  23. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from kidzrevil in Sony A9 - announcement live stream   
    Because that R stands for Resolution. As same as a7S for Sensitivity. The 1st one of the series is always the midway and the introductory version. Resolution only means different needs, not necessarily higher IQ. The same for speed going with vehicles. Guess if that's important for cargo transportation, as for instance ;-)
  24. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Dimitris Stasinos in GH5 focus excellence   
    AF seems to work fine here, but the shots look stuttery (is this a word?) on my monitor, very distracting...I don't see any words about shutter speed on his description, so i can only guess that this was shot on high shutter speed to minimise DOF and test AF?
  25. Like
    Emanuel reacted to wonderboy in GH5 focus excellence   
    Using these settings the GH5 should become a AF Monster! So no more AF controversy?
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