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  1. Like
    Emanuel reacted to webrunner5 in GH5 focus excellence   
    Well we all know it is Way to early on tests to show weather the GH5 is "normal" GH4 AF or they did make a real improvement.
  2. Like
    Emanuel reacted to kinvermark in GH5 focus excellence   
    Likely, what you say is true... the answer is "it depends."    On the subject, conditions, skill of videographer, etc.      But this implies that when reviewing complex equipment used in a specific and limited  way (the "test"),  one should not be too confident in your own results, and should certainly not use melodramatic language like "it sucks."    How can anyone take this kind of comment seriously?
    Now there appear to be other individuals on youtube supporting the "it sucks" position even though they don't even own the camera and haven't done any testing.   That's really foolish.
  3. Like
    Emanuel reacted to deezid in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    Well, Panasonic will say: At least it's free of noise, lol
  4. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from deezid in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    One of the most interesting low light GH5 samples seen these days was shot through a 20 bucks 'plastic lens':
    Reason why I had the need to open this protest here:
  5. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Hanriverprod in No Joke - RAW 4K on the 5D Mark III   
    More footage:
  6. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from deezid in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    Well, maybe we need to save the grace going on with some filter in the front of the camera in order to put it soft, I guess. Apart, work @post.
  7. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from deezid in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    But, you've made it with your GH4... BTW, you should be hired for Lumix Luminary instead.
  8. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from hyalinejim in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    I'm sorry guys for my non-native English! : D Trust me, even in Portuguese, my writing (just trying to go after my thoughts) is not so straightforward, as I'd like and it should be variably assigned. In English, much more labyrinthic, I believe. At times, it is per style such as subliminal speech to be read between-the-lines indeed. This happens especially with people like you I am used to read in a frequent basis.
    My bad I fail to leave it with you when happens. You are not the first ones nor the last ones to notice, I guess. I love complex stuff, true. I bet that's the reason why GH5 AF system attracts me enough to advocate myself in Panasonic's behalf... LOL
    Take a look in the messages I left there. Maybe they can help to follow my thinking on topic, I think so :-)
    BTW, thanks for your care and earlier compliments too!
    E :-)

  9. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from Ken Ross in GH5 focus excellence   
    I believe in his honest efforts to begin with. But, his perspective is flawed now. To criticize the GH5 manual disclaimer, some other example, doesn't help at all, only can confirm it. He's trying his best only to stay reliable on the picture. Unless he had a malfunctioning unit to test with (which I doubt), your testing shows there's something going wrong with the methodology of his tests. To me, he had to even be more complete than he was. GH5 AF system is complex enough to require the customization of distinct scenarios.
    Still hoping he will come to understand and stand corrected it.
  10. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from zetty in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    Oh by my goodness, what did I write you had disliked? (I've just done a little edit up there)
    That's non sense. We need to be able to stand any discussion when polite. I won't second you, though. I'll still be able to follow and like your posts when you make it happen. I'll miss your usual likes anyway. Pity you're unable to be reciprocal for such matter ;-)
    YT mediocrity rules over our heads.
  11. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Orangenz in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    Well I fail to see how EP was attacking maxies integ with the comment you ignored him on. Anyway, it's pretty clear, the GH5 af is best on single area. And it doesn't behave like the rx100v at all in the other settings. I thought it would be better. Everyone can probably move on though until Pana do an update. ALthougH... maybe I should do an AF video....
  12. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from Ken Ross in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    Yeah, Ken. You're right! At this point of the route, trolling is the fair word to call it ;-)
  13. Like
    Emanuel reacted to dbp in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    Auto focus killed my sister and ruined my marriage!
  14. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Orangenz in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    This thread would be a lot easier if you'd tag yourselves as being pro max (he can do no wrong) or pro gh5 (he can do no wrong) or maybe that 3rd option no one is interested in that the "GH5 smacks everything else down in many areas, is equal in many others, but only a bit better (ohhh there's an argument) than the GH4 on AF and we guessed that (well JP did anyway) absolutely ages ago" group. I think Max does a lot of weddings and leaving AF on - set and forget - is really important to him and presumably many others.
  15. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from Orangenz in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    Oh by my goodness, what did I write you had disliked? (I've just done a little edit up there)
    That's non sense. We need to be able to stand any discussion when polite. I won't second you, though. I'll still be able to follow and like your posts when you make it happen. I'll miss your usual likes anyway. Pity you're unable to be reciprocal for such matter ;-)
    YT mediocrity rules over our heads.
  16. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Borbarad in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    So much about awful the GH5 AF.........
    Well, its seems their is a nice learning curve in howto.... and then the GH5 does AF
  17. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Orangenz in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    You've been posting some rather impressive pics from the gh5, nice work! Can't really follow your comments here, lost in translation a tad :D 
  18. Like
    Emanuel reacted to matthere in GH5 focus excellence   
    The key seems to be to test and learn the camera settings..
  19. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Fritz Pierre in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    Yes Ken...I tend to agree....and the weird thing is that a couple of negative GH5 threads have already been opened by the AF crowd...but as they don't get enough traffic I guess, they've now spilled over into the thread that was intended for people who actually want this camera...are excited to learn about and discuss it...perhaps time for a separate"only people who are excited about the GH5 and DON'T CARE about AF" thread....where those who've waited patiently since  2014! (me) can enjoy discussing and sharing in things re this camera instead of defending yet another level of outstanding features in the newest GH release.
    PS: Things must be way too quiet in the canon or sony threads...all those owners seem to be over here!
  20. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Ken Ross in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    Fritz, superb idea!!! This is done on other forums to keep the trolls out. I like it!
    Orangenz, it's amazing isn't? I watch these guys adjusting speed to +5 and responsiveness to -5 and then 20 settings in-between to achieve the 'perfect balance', and all I did was use central area focusing at the default settings. Done. I think some guys are making this more complicated than it needs to be in many instances. Sure, it might not be perfect for every situation, but hell, I've used it in a variety of environments and it's worked every time.  
  21. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from Orangenz in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    You can stop hunting, locking AF when focused to begin with. As simple as that. Set up the focus peaking and keep the distance to the area in focus, monitoring it in order to not put the focus off over your subject.
    Depending on the camera movement (RS has never been quite of a trouble when people understand the way a camera should move not exactly spinning around, except when motivated by the subject, that is, formulas like soap operas never much helped the aesthetics of film), it is rather possible to smoothly and quickly move the focus box in the touch screen even with the camera on gimbal.
    I even bet that an extra IBIS will help you out to keep the stabilizer steady : D Techie pleonasm apart and yes, these things require solid training but, like the bikes, once you get it... ; )
    Not yet? As eltorrete has just posted, mobile app will be easy going and your friend. Let's not forget touch to focus is part of AF system and if has worked in a 5-years now GF5, count on it shooting with their last and improved toy. This 'GH5 AF sucks' is pure BS. Only shooters do suck if/when that happens.
    Moreover, AF performance is not all the same, neither all the Panasonic/Olympus lens models, focal lengths, etc, with several versions included, better to test it before going to shoot without mention the infinite range of settings combination, various speed, sensitivity on responsiveness (Max Yuryev only tested +3 and -3... c'mon *Phew* see Tommy Callaway's test and his different settings, for example) and so on (again, no free lunch), isn't it? :-)
    Here's another test, not mine, but gives a scope that even the most lazy AF varies on the results in the very end:
    And why not to take a look on the comments too? ;-)

  22. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Ken Ross in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    Max's camera is on par? Really? With what, another broken camera? Despite other videos which show something quite different, including the ones I've posted? There appear to be a couple of folks here that would rather pick one video as representative of the AF and all other videos be damned. It's an interesting thing to watch people ignore what is clearly contradictory evidence.
  23. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from Ken Ross in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    You can stop hunting, locking AF when focused to begin with. As simple as that. Set up the focus peaking and keep the distance to the area in focus, monitoring it in order to not put the focus off over your subject.
    Depending on the camera movement (RS has never been quite of a trouble when people understand the way a camera should move not exactly spinning around, except when motivated by the subject, that is, formulas like soap operas never much helped the aesthetics of film), it is rather possible to smoothly and quickly move the focus box in the touch screen even with the camera on gimbal.
    I even bet that an extra IBIS will help you out to keep the stabilizer steady : D Techie pleonasm apart and yes, these things require solid training but, like the bikes, once you get it... ; )
    Not yet? As eltorrete has just posted, mobile app will be easy going and your friend. Let's not forget touch to focus is part of AF system and if has worked in a 5-years now GF5, count on it shooting with their last and improved toy. This 'GH5 AF sucks' is pure BS. Only shooters do suck if/when that happens.
    Moreover, AF performance is not all the same, neither all the Panasonic/Olympus lens models, focal lengths, etc, with several versions included, better to test it before going to shoot without mention the infinite range of settings combination, various speed, sensitivity on responsiveness (Max Yuryev only tested +3 and -3... c'mon *Phew* see Tommy Callaway's test and his different settings, for example) and so on (again, no free lunch), isn't it? :-)
    Here's another test, not mine, but gives a scope that even the most lazy AF varies on the results in the very end:
    And why not to take a look on the comments too? ;-)

  24. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from Ken Ross in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    Trust me, I am not YT user 'Real World Endo' in disguise... :-D

  25. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from a_reynolds in Panasonic GH5 - all is revealed!   
    Man, read the last pages: this is previous week news. Sorry, but you know how news run fast these days... ;-)
    This kind of reports on bad AF performance reminds me when people want to mimic Hollywood from default settings on their Walmart camera :-D
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