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    Emanuel got a reaction from Ed_David in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    He still has the chance for a move in behalf of fairness, peacefulness and his own scalp. As usual, it is up to us. So, It just depends on him. Facts are upon the most benevolence of a well-meaning credulity. IMHO his post has been a mere attempt to test his reputation among the other members of this community. So, there's also a role reserved for all of us.
  2. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from Ed_David in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    Unfortunately, it seems so. I guess it is only a sad story of a teenager who's asking for a severe reprimand. The trouble here is the user himself says in his own signature he is 19 years old already.
    I would have bought it from him too. I'd urge the young fellow with his face spread all over internet sites such as Vimeo, Instagram, etc to refund the buyers immediately, before the things may become even worse.
  3. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from bamigoreng in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    Unfortunately, it seems so. I guess it is only a sad story of a teenager who's asking for a severe reprimand. The trouble here is the user himself says in his own signature he is 19 years old already.
    I would have bought it from him too. I'd urge the young fellow with his face spread all over internet sites such as Vimeo, Instagram, etc to refund the buyers immediately, before the things may become even worse.
  4. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from Nikkor in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    IIRC weren't "they" father and son too, Ed?
  5. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Ed_David in Nikon D5 - Now a full s35 4K DSLR   
    So you know about firmware updates but not about your password?
  6. Like
    Emanuel reacted to IronFilm in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    LOL LOL LOL LOL, I am loving reading these outrageously ridiculous conspiracy theories some folks are making up! Keep them coming :D 
  7. Like
    Emanuel reacted to IshootbeforeItalk in How I got scammed through "Ebrahim Saadawi"   
    He doesn't respond at all when sending him a message about the refund.
  8. Like
    Emanuel reacted to kaylee in The 4K Fuji X-T2 is here   
    me too wtf
    this thread has really devolved smh
    btw the shit im doing is 100% earth shatteirng
  9. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from gatopardo in RIP Abbas Kiarostami   
    One of my favorites ever... And I've heard it only now. Very sad news to me and all of those who love his work.
    The last thread  I see myself to open here or anywhere else :-(
  10. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Don Kotlos in A story about 4K XAVC-S, Premiere and transcoding   
  11. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Andrew Reid in An adventure into the Panasonic GX85/80 begins - and a look at the Leica Nocticron for Micro Four Thirds   
    The camera which Panasonic can't decide what to call (GX80 in Europe, GX85 in the US and GX7 Mark II in Japan!) really excites me.
    It's the first time that anyone has put 5 axis in-body stabilisation in a 4K camera which exceeds the performance of the stunningly good Olympus 5 axis system.
    It's not quite as effective as a gimbal for sweeping handheld movement, but that pain-in-the-ass tripod you can certainly dispense with now, along with that Olympus 1080p mush too!!
  12. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from Michal Gajdoš in I am depressed by the lack of articles on this blog.   
    Andrew, just a small note as a sort of modest reminder... New people are popping up in a daily basis everyday. Reviewers of all kinds, you are actually the earlier one. Don't let yourself going blackout. We'd all be losing something worthy, (y)our lunch for these last years.
    Just my 2 cents :-)
  13. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Andrew Reid in I am depressed by the lack of articles on this blog.   
    Hey Michal. I am glad someone has noticed this.
    I have all the rumors sites in my news feed and I visit some of the other blogs, the truth is these are majorly demotivating for me.
    It seems the general direction of the internet is going away from long form reviews and articles, into quickly thrown up deals and clickbate, along 2-3 minute quickly knocked up youtube video which are nice to have on in the background as you have a cup of tea in the morning, but contain very little actual useful information. If all the attention is going into the wrong content, so what motivation do I have to carry on with EOSHD?
    There's still some great stuff out there but it's few and far between, and getting worse.
    So I actually share your depression with the state of affairs.
    EOSHD articles I used to do are almost unviable today... the formula is broken... the amount of effort required versus the lack of reward in putting so much information out there for free.
    Geez. Thanks for the support... not.
    Facebook and Instagram content is where it's at, sadly.
    A finger swipe, 2 seconds, next.
    In the end the audience will regret allowing the internet to dissolve into a trivial social network where appearances are valued above substance.
  14. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from IronFilm in Kinefinity hands on at NAB 2016   
    Domestic...? Yes, they have it: in China ;-) But they have some US connection as well.
  15. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Jimmy in Canon Says Q1 Profit Hit by Weak Printer, Camera Sales   
    "Continue to die" ... talk about over statement!
    You do realise that the report also says they made a PROFIT of $360m .... Profit, not sales, not income... Profit.
    Why do people throw out all logic just because a brand hasn't made the indie camera they want? Yes, they need to diversify, as both the camera and printer businesses are taking a hit due to mobile and internet tech, but they are still a massive company with fingers in all kinds of pies. They are still head and shoulders the pro choice of still shooters and have a heavy involvement in pro AV too. They are beginning to get into the niche imaging markets and no doubt have involvement in stuff like 3D printing and mobile sensor tech.
    They might be making less profit in one quarter (you know, 3 months), but dying... haha.... I think people actually want it to be true too, just because they haven't sunk as low in price as Sony and Lumix. Imagine that... wanting a huge brand to die out, just because they don't make the camera that ticks your very specific set of boxes. God love the internet.
  16. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from IronFilm in Kinefinity hands on at NAB 2016   
    C'mon guys, let's give a hand for this handy Q&A addressed to Ebrahim, the most prolific EOS HD contributor to pair Mattias and obviously Andrew... Here's my small contribution:
    E :-)
    [summary by David (Peterson) aka IronFilm:]
    "Terra 6K has the same sensor as KineMAX 6k
    Terra 5K: 5K 60FPS, 4K 100FPS, 3K 150FPS, 2K 200FPS
    Option of global shutter, native iso 800
    15 stops DR with rolling shutter and dual gain mode
    13 stops DR with global shutter
    RAW 12bit + ProRes 10bit internal recording, KineLog3, 2.5" SSD
    About the same size as a 5DIII (weighs less too, only 920grams)
    HDMI out with type A connector (big connector), 3.5mm Mic in
    SDI and XLR are there as well.
    New KINIMON and KINEGRIP 2 has also been released (uses Sony BP-U30 instead of Nikon EN-EL15 batteries).
    The 6K version costs slightly more (at around $5,400 US or 34,900 RMB on the Chinese mainland).
    It features 6K at up to 25fps, 4K at up to 100 fps and 2K at 225fps.
    KineFinity cameras can use standard off the shelf SSDs (like the BMPC4K does), so no need to waste your money on expensive MINI-MAGs like with RED cameras."
    Note: 15 stops and global shutter dual option only on Terra 5K.
  17. Like
    Emanuel reacted to mercer in G7 as a stand alone 4k shooter?   
    Good idea, the G7 is awesome. But be warned, after a few weeks with the G7, you may be eyeing the GH5 instead of the 5DIV. Just sayin...
  18. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from kaylee in Kinefinity hands on at NAB 2016   
    C'mon guys, let's give a hand for this handy Q&A addressed to Ebrahim, the most prolific EOS HD contributor to pair Mattias and obviously Andrew... Here's my small contribution:
    E :-)
    [summary by David (Peterson) aka IronFilm:]
    "Terra 6K has the same sensor as KineMAX 6k
    Terra 5K: 5K 60FPS, 4K 100FPS, 3K 150FPS, 2K 200FPS
    Option of global shutter, native iso 800
    15 stops DR with rolling shutter and dual gain mode
    13 stops DR with global shutter
    RAW 12bit + ProRes 10bit internal recording, KineLog3, 2.5" SSD
    About the same size as a 5DIII (weighs less too, only 920grams)
    HDMI out with type A connector (big connector), 3.5mm Mic in
    SDI and XLR are there as well.
    New KINIMON and KINEGRIP 2 has also been released (uses Sony BP-U30 instead of Nikon EN-EL15 batteries).
    The 6K version costs slightly more (at around $5,400 US or 34,900 RMB on the Chinese mainland).
    It features 6K at up to 25fps, 4K at up to 100 fps and 2K at 225fps.
    KineFinity cameras can use standard off the shelf SSDs (like the BMPC4K does), so no need to waste your money on expensive MINI-MAGs like with RED cameras."
    Note: 15 stops and global shutter dual option only on Terra 5K.
  19. Like
    Emanuel reacted to TheRenaissanceMan in Leica 4K 422 10 bit   
    Even accepting your point, I could get a Kinemini 4K package AND a used 1DC for the same price as this Leica and a Ninja Assassin.
  20. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from IronFilm in I'll be at NAB, what would you like me to check out?   
    I'd sincerely appreciate to have more and detail information on this product, as well, full price, etc a year later from such promising presentation:
    Here's more on topic:
  21. Like
    Emanuel reacted to omen in OMENEO LUTs for Sony A7r2   
    Hey Oliver,
    These Primers are for S-Log2 and S-Gamut and A7R2 color response. A7SII is best used with S-Log3 and S-Gamut 3 and requires a set of Primers specifically designed for that log coding and that color space and its specific tonality distribution. In the works.
    I had little WB offsets but that is easily fixed. What Primers fix...isn't. And that's just a part of what they do.

  22. Like
    Emanuel reacted to omen in OMENEO LUTs for Sony A7r2   
    Hi guys. I made these.
    Hey Don, 10 LUTs in the package are color neutral. P01 Base is most subtle and best for further grading. P02-P10 are using specific gammas and very subtle color compensations optimized for different scenes, based on how the sensor responds. So primary color correction with this is set to minimum.
    3 Primers (P11, P12, P13) are using an analog feel and are designed based on film photo prints, to allow a photographic aesthetic and feel in today's advanced camera in motion imagery. You may consider these as a free bonus. I made them initially for myself while testing A7R2 and playing with photographic prints, but threw them in the package for others as well. P11 also has neutral colors but with film gamma response and closer color behavior.
    As for color modes you mention, any color mode you choose has color offsets throughout the range. Slog and S Gamut have the highest, but offer a wider captured range from the sensor. By simply tuning those channels you are not correcting those very specific offsets but the overall image and in camera especially it is done in far lower precision than 3DLUT does. This is much more complex than it may seem just on few frame grabs and quick and easy route cannot achieve this. It goes much much deeper and it took a lot of time and work.
  23. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Don Kotlos in OMENEO LUTs for Sony A7r2   
    "No more “Sony look”" aka "Correct s-gammut color interpretation"
    There are some examples here: http://omeneo.com/primers/
    Camera specific LUTs are always better than generic ones especially for sgammut, but instead of buying packages like that, I would just use another color mode and tune the individual channels to my liking. It takes me just 10 minutes...
    Anyways, the neutral LUTs are the most interesting ones, since you can use them as a base and have secondary rec709 LUTs for a more specialized look. 
  24. Like
    Emanuel reacted to photographer-at-large in OMENEO LUTs for Sony A7r2   
  25. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from nffclml2ppl in Panasonic GX80 - 5 Axis IBIS works on video!   
    Well, Andrew is not an anonymous poster anymore and GH5 sales will hardly compete with a raw camera but, for some buyers speculation on 6K / 4K@60p / internal 10-bit can "bring some noise to" real deals out there on potential customers. Usually, wise business men think twice when ask a loan from the bank.
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