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    Emanuel got a reaction from shooter in Sony A7S II is out!   
    a7RII is a much better deal... :-)
    You can always use 4:2:2 8-bit going externally in both anyway... ;-)
    LOL OK, apart my jokes, I think you're safer with the most interesting hybrid offer from Sony...
  2. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from shooter in Sony A7S II is out!   
    The Man of the Renaissance is not wrong when says it depends on the priorities, of course. But, tell me where the announced a7SII goes where the a7RII is unable to offer? (that is, apart the 8K stills / 5fps burst as bonus for mere 200 bucks of difference for the 42MP higher density)
    Full pixel readout in FF? But you have speedbooster option, if so. The same applies on the lowlight department. Noisy higher ISOs mean too little, as the last footage released from the new prototype of Canon easily proves it. Aside the fact the difference is nickel-and-dime. Much because of a newer BSI sensor tech.
    399 hybrid phase detection AF points is a way more efficient than only 169 contrast (slower too) detection AF points.
    Even overheating, once it is not coming from sensor but processing, it can happen a negligible difference if any, with the a7SII, because of downsampling has more impact on the a7RII, but I doubt of importance.
    Even rolling shutter won't be much better, considering what we've seen from the older sisters. Actually, the apparent advantage for lowlight performance you gain going FF on a7SII, without mention the speedbooster option available shooting with S35 (on a7RII) but not in FF, you'll end to lose it with rolling shutter.
    Last but not least, the native 800 ISO for S-Log2 on a7RII is much more interesting than 1600 on a7SII (S-Log3), with no mention the PITA of 3200 for the old a7S (S-Log2).
    And let's not forget the color accuracy issues on such sensor (a7S).
  3. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from shooter in Sony A7S II is out!   
    I'm sorry to disappoint you when I can't neglect the benefit of higher bitrate 4:2:2 even if 8-bit...
  4. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from shooter in Canon announces development of 8K Cinema EOS camera and 120MP DSLR   
    LOL Good one, Ebrahim! I am a bit done to see people whining of sky bandings but never tested it with a fancy HDMI recorder to compare the differences... ;-)
    PS: From a previous discussion on dvxuser: http://www.dvxuser.com/V6/showthread.php?335344-New-PIX-E-recorders-monitors-from-Sound-Devices&p=1986537988&viewfull=1#post1986537988

    sample extracted from (minute 28:30):
  5. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from shooter in Sony A7S II is out!   
    Who said 4:2:2 is more important than 10-bit? The difference between 8-bit 4:2:2 and 8-bit 4:2:0, it is more significant for your grading. Much different statement. Of course, for certain type of grading. No mention of raw or alike where even 10-bit is short by default. People too much focused on the 10-bit holy grail tend to forget ; ) But, banding was the topic (hence my "the-real-difference" of my post; numbers help but like machines need i-n-t-e-r-p-r-e-t-a-t-i-o-n :-D) :
    Speaking of math, let's see with a very simple case: 1) 100,000; 2) 1,000,000; 3) 10,000,000. Where's the bigger difference? Now, take these figures as bucks and your single expense as any number between 100,000 and 1,000,000. Which step will make the whole difference?
    Here goes your single example on pictures, posted and reposted more than once:
  6. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from 1tkman in Sony A7S II is out!   
    Don't push it, man of the renaissance... LOL Don't try to take advantage because some other poster said yes in some other topic as the only way to make a point on yours ;-)
    This test (not mine) is "my contribution" to this thread:

    sample extracted from (minute 28:30):
  7. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from shooter in Sony A7S II is out!   
    How will you upgrade to 10-bit when:
    a) the manufacturers have their high-end to protect?
    b) compact size on large format is unable to go higher bit depth when internal 4K 8-bit 4:2:0 by Sony is out there to pop up full of overheating issues?
    The fact 4:2:2 recorded externally brings higher bitrate to you is the only viable choice you have going with a large sensor. Other than that, 10-bit also means a higher bitrate (irrelevant the degree for certain tasks; there's the point), hardly to see internally in these small "toys" whether we cry or not. And for some reason ; ) you have it on GH4 but not on Sonys via HDMI. Why hasn't Blackmagic released yet 4K in a compact package? Because they are too focused on the new Ursas (reason a) above-mentioned) is short to explain it... And when they will, don't count on a large sensor size. The best you can dream about will be the SpeedBooster route. Other than that, you're stuck on 8-bit.
    Whining for 10-bit or higher for this market segment is a futile exercise and meaningless. That test proves we have now a solution to help you out with banding. Not really significant for much other (banding as topic), but a way better than 4:2:0 (again, for banding). The comparison speaks by itself, the variables to second it only testify the grace. There's a difference between to dream with and following the t(r)ip. Reality-wise, of course ;-)
    No one here is against 'the higher', the point is the way those several existent differences (RELATIVE variations, certain gaps, jumps as you call them can weigh much more than absolute values) and variables can have an impact in our tools for real in order to comply some goal. Those you can use in the field. Not mere wishful thinking for a bunch of geeks we are here :-)
  8. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from shooter in Sony A7S II is out!   
    I am not engineer either. No need to be one nor a businessman to figure out a La Palice truth.
    That one on 10-bit 4:2:2 lighter than 8-bit 4:2:0 is the first time I've heard. That is, if same codec, same parameters... To be frank and straightforward with you. No, I won't show off and call you stupid in a public place. Nor thinking and writing you are this or that. Read your post again, you'll likely find inaccuracies in your post. I have no need to write the other side is wrong (you say) anyway. But I can tell you very straight using your lexicon, stupid is when we see real tests proving something and we insist this or that theory is the one valid and keep going what experience proves the contrary.
    Hey, the lady is not mine. The test is not mine, no need to send me the check. The results are there. Very explicit ones, to say the truth.
    A few others much prefer to praise their dolls. Yes, you and others here are also missing the point over there. Apart the fact, brands like to sell expensive toys and whishful thinking has a place but happens to be far away of reality most part of time, you are able to say 8-bit 4:2:0 is not favourable for banding (I've read lots of things over here but this one is new... LOL). OK, let's try to decode your saying, even though, you don't make the necessary effort to decode mine.
    Still on the variables? Who said bitrate/codec don't count?!
    So (no, not necessarily your saying, take it as sarcasm indeed), let's fulfill the 4:2:0 recipient with empty data and try to see if matches 4:2:2, why not? It reminds me those who think they actually record 10-bit in their external recorder only because they read the specs on the paper they're using a 10-bit codec, even when they stream a 8-bit output from camera.
    I only read blah blah but... C'mon, give me, you and everyone a break. This is not a contest to pick up the best smartass ready for. Neither a kindergarten.
    (your) point taken, thanks for the link, nice reading :-)
    PS: Last but not least, speaking of accuracies ; ) the overheating issues seem to come from processing, not sensor. Or you wouldn't be likely to overcome the trouble triggering from the external recorder.
  9. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from Flynn in Sony A7S II is out!   
    Don't push it, man of the renaissance... LOL Don't try to take advantage because some other poster said yes in some other topic as the only way to make a point on yours ;-)
    This test (not mine) is "my contribution" to this thread:

    sample extracted from (minute 28:30):
  10. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from nffclml2ppl in Sony A7S II is out!   
    How will you upgrade to 10-bit when:
    a) the manufacturers have their high-end to protect?
    b) compact size on large format is unable to go higher bit depth when internal 4K 8-bit 4:2:0 by Sony is out there to pop up full of overheating issues?
    The fact 4:2:2 recorded externally brings higher bitrate to you is the only viable choice you have going with a large sensor. Other than that, 10-bit also means a higher bitrate (irrelevant the degree for certain tasks; there's the point), hardly to see internally in these small "toys" whether we cry or not. And for some reason ; ) you have it on GH4 but not on Sonys via HDMI. Why hasn't Blackmagic released yet 4K in a compact package? Because they are too focused on the new Ursas (reason a) above-mentioned) is short to explain it... And when they will, don't count on a large sensor size. The best you can dream about will be the SpeedBooster route. Other than that, you're stuck on 8-bit.
    Whining for 10-bit or higher for this market segment is a futile exercise and meaningless. That test proves we have now a solution to help you out with banding. Not really significant for much other (banding as topic), but a way better than 4:2:0 (again, for banding). The comparison speaks by itself, the variables to second it only testify the grace. There's a difference between to dream with and following the t(r)ip. Reality-wise, of course ;-)
    No one here is against 'the higher', the point is the way those several existent differences (RELATIVE variations, certain gaps, jumps as you call them can weigh much more than absolute values) and variables can have an impact in our tools for real in order to comply some goal. Those you can use in the field. Not mere wishful thinking for a bunch of geeks we are here :-)
  11. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from nffclml2ppl in Sony A7S II is out!   
    I am not engineer either. No need to be one nor a businessman to figure out a La Palice truth.
    That one on 10-bit 4:2:2 lighter than 8-bit 4:2:0 is the first time I've heard. That is, if same codec, same parameters... To be frank and straightforward with you. No, I won't show off and call you stupid in a public place. Nor thinking and writing you are this or that. Read your post again, you'll likely find inaccuracies in your post. I have no need to write the other side is wrong (you say) anyway. But I can tell you very straight using your lexicon, stupid is when we see real tests proving something and we insist this or that theory is the one valid and keep going what experience proves the contrary.
    Hey, the lady is not mine. The test is not mine, no need to send me the check. The results are there. Very explicit ones, to say the truth.
    A few others much prefer to praise their dolls. Yes, you and others here are also missing the point over there. Apart the fact, brands like to sell expensive toys and whishful thinking has a place but happens to be far away of reality most part of time, you are able to say 8-bit 4:2:0 is not favourable for banding (I've read lots of things over here but this one is new... LOL). OK, let's try to decode your saying, even though, you don't make the necessary effort to decode mine.
    Still on the variables? Who said bitrate/codec don't count?!
    So (no, not necessarily your saying, take it as sarcasm indeed), let's fulfill the 4:2:0 recipient with empty data and try to see if matches 4:2:2, why not? It reminds me those who think they actually record 10-bit in their external recorder only because they read the specs on the paper they're using a 10-bit codec, even when they stream a 8-bit output from camera.
    I only read blah blah but... C'mon, give me, you and everyone a break. This is not a contest to pick up the best smartass ready for. Neither a kindergarten.
    (your) point taken, thanks for the link, nice reading :-)
    PS: Last but not least, speaking of accuracies ; ) the overheating issues seem to come from processing, not sensor. Or you wouldn't be likely to overcome the trouble triggering from the external recorder.
  12. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from nffclml2ppl in URSA Mini vs Raven (Updated with Raven 4.5K)   
    The difference can be another one depending on our setup choices, as for instance where 500gr can make a whole difference:
    On the leftover, this is the philosophy:
    Yes, no reason on contrary.
  13. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from nffclml2ppl in URSA Mini vs Raven (Updated with Raven 4.5K)   
    I think you'll find up there the answer you're looking for:
  14. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Oliver Daniel in URSA Mini vs Raven (Updated with Raven 4.5K)   
    I agree. 
    This camera would be much better with an MFT mount - the original EF mount BMCC was a nightmare for this reason. (crop factor with EF lenses). 
    We'll find out more on Friday.
    The big feature is the 4k 120fps, but I still think the URSA Mini 4.6k is very hard to beat because of the value you get with the package. Once you add ergonomics, the Raven will likely cost double, if not more. 
    I'm very curious though because I'm in the market for a major new camera to film a combination of commercial and music video stuff. 
  15. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from shooter in Sony A7S II is out!   
    Don't push it, man of the renaissance... LOL Don't try to take advantage because some other poster said yes in some other topic as the only way to make a point on yours ;-)
    This test (not mine) is "my contribution" to this thread:

    sample extracted from (minute 28:30):
  16. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from Flynn in URSA Mini vs Raven (Updated with Raven 4.5K)   
    The difference can be another one depending on our setup choices, as for instance where 500gr can make a whole difference:
    On the leftover, this is the philosophy:
    Yes, no reason on contrary.
  17. Like
    Emanuel reacted to ntblowz in URSA Mini vs Raven (Updated with Raven 4.5K)   
  18. Like
    Emanuel reacted to andrgl in URSA Mini vs Raven (Updated with Raven 4.5K)   
    Your CFast media price seems a little wonky.
    Cursory search reveals that the approved Lexard 3400x cards cost:
    128GB = USD 341.99
    256GB = USD 677.80
    And I mean, those are B&H prices. Guaranteed you can find a better deal.
    That said, this stuff (media prices) changes by the second, so I respect your compiling effort.
    I await the published Raven specs. Hoping for some real awesome DR and possibly even HDRx capability.
  19. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Jimmy in URSA Mini vs Raven (Updated with Raven 4.5K)   
    From what I have read at REDuser, the thinking is that these sensors are a quarter cut of the 8K sensor... If that is the case, then 4K will be the max. If true, it is a concern, as RED is quite soft (compared to BM with no OLFP)
  20. Like
    Emanuel reacted to TSV in Can the RX100IV replace the AX1000?   
    Hi, Thanks for getting back to me.
    Well, the RX10II cost as much as the AX1000 and it is as bulky as the GH4...  What will make the RX10II superior to the AX1000 beside the S-Log? Better AF like Handycam experience? 
  21. Like
    Emanuel reacted to sudopera in Is Red about to release an affordable camera?   
    URSA Mini 4.6K can switch between rolling and global shutter(but lose some DR) so really it should have an advantage in that department.
  22. Like
    Emanuel reacted to KarimNassar in Is Red about to release an affordable camera?   
    ursa mini weight is 5lbs, red weapon is 3.3lbs and it is said that the Raven will be lighter
    weapons bare body is much smaller than the ursa mini bare body, much more compact and better suited for movi type stabilizers.
    image quality wise I would be surprised if the new 4.6k ursa sensor performs better than the red dragon sensor but wait and see.
    but the price of a working red raven package will likely be at least twice that of a ursa mini 4.6k though.
  23. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from Lintelfilm in What do you expect to see in the GH5?   
    But, for that, they shall run it in much higher bitrate...
    Upcoming post-focus feature will happen.
    And I hope for 4K/60p as same as DVX-200.
    S35 won't happen, I bet. But, have you used the speedbooster going with the GH series? You'll reach the same optically.
  24. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Mattias Burling in What do you expect to see in the GH5?   
    8-bit 4:2:2 and I would buy it.
    (I will buy pretty much the first DSLR/Mirrorless that does, maybe the 5Div)
  25. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Don Kotlos in Claim of hacked Sony A7S   
    This guy is a pathological lier. 
    Even for a second don't believe what he claims. He was the one behind the E-M1 4K fiasko. 
    Keep your camera safe and away from any of his hacks. 
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