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    Emanuel got a reaction from vaga in Did Samsung just kill the A7rii?   
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    Emanuel reacted to The Chris in Why A7Rii is a nogo for landscape   
    Making definitive statements about it being useless for anything is complete hyperbole and a gross overreaction. The hot pixels are in every Sony sensor camera. If you take a long exposure with the lens cap on, push the exposure 5 or 6 stops and lift the shadows all the way and then blow up the image 400% there will be noise. Try the same thing with Canon or and m43 and it won't be any better. You can see the same thing on the A7s and D810 here: http://www.fredmiranda.com/forum/topic/1380165/2 and its also in the A7r files. 
    Capture One easily eliminates all of this with no loss in detail. You can do long exposure noise reduction in cam and it takes a black frame and does the same thing. This does impact people stacking 200 images of star trails as that's not a practical workflow. But for most its a simple fix. Really. 
    All of these declarations are such overreactions. First its the greatest camera ever! Then it overheats shooting non-stop 4k so its junk! Now there's noise in the shadows its useless! Take a step back, the reality is definitely somewhere in the middle. I've seen some pretty damn impressive landscape images from the A7rII and there will be many more. In no way are any of today's cameras holding you back.
    The A7rII certainly has warts, but I've said it before and I'll say it again - its a powerhouse camera that can replace the A7s/A7r and an external recorder for most - except for those that need lots of continuous 4k recording. But it still adds IBIS, 4k internal, better AF, faster startup time, 42mp (18 in crop mode) more adjustments (like minimum SS with auto ISO, assignable record button) and so on...
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    Emanuel reacted to BrorSvensson in Sony A7R II Review - Part 1 - Summoning the devil   
    When recording for long, turning the lcd brightness all the way down help ALOT, on my nex 7 i can only get around 4 min in hot sunlight until it overheates. When i have screen all the way down i get 15min
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    Emanuel reacted to jax_rox in Why A7Rii is a nogo for landscape   
    I don't feel I'm getting defensive - I just think this forum is quick to jump to the most ridiculous conclusions about products, and completely rule out products based on one, single, unscientific 'test' done by someone who is likely a newbie.
    That RED Dragon footage I saw that was insanely noisy, had blown-out highlights, crushed dynamic range, terrible skin tones etc. Instead of saying 'wow, how terrible is the RED Dragon, I'm never going to use it, it's a weak camera with terrible colours, and dynamic range and awful low-light ability' - I watched footage from others and did my own tests and came to the conclusion that you can get really beautiful looking images out of the RED Dragon, and that awful footage I saw was simply user error.
     I've seen 5D stills that are awful. I could have said 'man the 5D is just a terrible camera to use for portraits, obviously.' Of course, we all know that to be untrue - the 5D is a great stills camera. I'm not going to judge it based on a small number of people who aren't photographers, or don't know how to use it or expose their photos.
    No camera is perfect, and learning more about how they perform in certain situations is always good, and allows you to find strategies to compensate - but let's get some perspective here. And lets do our own tests before jumping to random conclusions. As I've said many times - people here talk at length about how 'awful' the colours from the A7s is. I'm yet to have the same issues. I do have some issues sometimes when skin is under-exposed, but overall I don't get anything like the issues that many seem to have here. By doing my own tests, I've figured out what I can get out of the camera, and how to compensate for other things in order to get great images.
    I didn't look at posts from people who were only using the camera for the first time and couldn't expose their images properly to base my decision on purchasing it.
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    Emanuel reacted to BrorSvensson in Best Stills 4K Camera?   
    I'd say wait a bit more for some more long term reviews of the a7rII comes out and make your choice then.
  7. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from agolex in A7Rii Overheating Problem Solved   
    Not perfect, but actually good news here:
    "Follow up
    And I apologize if I posted this already I've been very busy. I tested this again multiple times last night but instead of triggering recording on the camera I triggered recording on the shogun. And the result was that I could record continuously until one of the batteries ran out, usually the cameras, sometimes the shoguns. At most I got about an hour and a half with no overhear warnings; when it shut down is because the battery was exhausted ( as per the message on the screen). I did not test on external power. If I triggered the recording in the camera, making sure that internal recording was off, it would overheat in 30 minutes. I don't know what's going on here and have passed my thoughts to Atomos. My theory is that processing is kicking in when you click record even though it's not dumping to the card but if you just let it roll without hitting the record button on the camera you get the output right from the sensor. I tested the same theory with the RX 100 Mark four. I got the same result. That camera records for less than five minutes before overheating if you record it on camera but if you just roll from The HDMI you can get an hour out of it before the battery dies. Again, with no overheating. Weird."
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    Emanuel got a reaction from Don Kotlos in A7Rii Overheating Problem Solved   
    Not perfect, but actually good news here:
    "Follow up
    And I apologize if I posted this already I've been very busy. I tested this again multiple times last night but instead of triggering recording on the camera I triggered recording on the shogun. And the result was that I could record continuously until one of the batteries ran out, usually the cameras, sometimes the shoguns. At most I got about an hour and a half with no overhear warnings; when it shut down is because the battery was exhausted ( as per the message on the screen). I did not test on external power. If I triggered the recording in the camera, making sure that internal recording was off, it would overheat in 30 minutes. I don't know what's going on here and have passed my thoughts to Atomos. My theory is that processing is kicking in when you click record even though it's not dumping to the card but if you just let it roll without hitting the record button on the camera you get the output right from the sensor. I tested the same theory with the RX 100 Mark four. I got the same result. That camera records for less than five minutes before overheating if you record it on camera but if you just roll from The HDMI you can get an hour out of it before the battery dies. Again, with no overheating. Weird."
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    Emanuel got a reaction from Mat Mayer in Sony RX10 M2 - first part of my review and a mini-comparison with the A7S and Canon 1D C   
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    Emanuel got a reaction from kaylee in Sony has gone internal-4K crazy: A7RII, RX1004, RX10II   
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    Emanuel reacted to douglaurent in Sony A7R II Review - Part 1 - Summoning the devil   
    Thanks Andrew for the info - it's really crazy, the camera has so many great and logical aspects, but Sony still finds a way to make things complicated.  This limitation means i can either have a proper magnification mode for video and can only shoot 36MP photos, or i have a limited magnification and can shoot the full 42MP photos.  Or i have the best photo resolution and the best magnification, but can't frame right before recording a video!    To make things more difficult, Sony wants us to buy several functions like the timelapse mode from their playmemories store which right now offers ca. 30 apps that could be installed on the camera.  I would understand that for special applications, but not basics like a timelapse in a 3500 euro camera.  At least among these 30 apps there are ca. 5-10 usefull tools that the competitor brands don't have, and some are free as well.  It's just pain in the ass to install and manage.
    All in all the A7R2 feels as if i suddenly have the power of a second 1DC, GH4 and D800/5DsR available.  Just if i could choose, for each specialized purpose i would still prefer to use the Canon, Pansonic or Nikon cameras.  In cases where i only can bring one camera or i need the special strength of for example a second 1DC, the A7R2 now is a great choice.  For each user who only has a 5D3, D800 etc, the camera also is a new great alternative.  
    In general the camera doesnt offer better 4k video or phot images than the 2012 technology of a D800 or 1DC.  It's a bit sad, because aside from a stop more in highlights, even the new Red Weapon doesnt seem to offer a different image compared to the 2011 Red Epic MX.  Aside from 1-2 stops more in dynamic range, the C300 II probably also doesnt deliver a better image than the 1DC.  This means that until the year 2018 we can be stuck with the same image quality options that we had 6 years ago.  At some point technology does come to an end, which is seen in the audio world, where certain speaker / microphone standards have not been topped since 20-40 years. 
    Sony has a really nice 50 megapixel sensor that's above what's in the A7R2 and right now built in the Pentax 645z and a Hasselblad and a Phase One.  Unfortunately that only works with medium format and will have sensor cooling issues as well.  Above that Phase One offers an 80 megapixel sensor, which is only usable until ISO 400(!).  I guess the next 2-3 years will be about making existing technologies cheaper, products smaller, and combining more features.  But the image quality has reached a certain limit.
  13. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from sanveer in Two Wheels Self-Balancing Mini Scooter for gimbals   
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    Emanuel got a reaction from AaronChicago in A7rii quick fire real world test edit   
    From same original poster/shooter:
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    Emanuel reacted to fuzzynormal in Resolve 12 Will Change Everything   
    Branding!  It's all about getting people familiar and comfortable with the name brand.  Look how it's worked out for Nikon and Canon.  
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    Emanuel reacted to enny in Resolve 12 Will Change Everything   
    Because if they don't do it somebody else will
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    Emanuel reacted to Ed_David in Resolve 12 Will Change Everything   
    A free non-linear editor that will be good enough to do a lot of work - and a great organizational tool like Resolve futher makes me think this is going to be a game-changer again.  Why put all this stuff out for free?
    I have no clue - guess it gets more people to like Blackmagic.
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    Emanuel reacted to Alex Pasquini in A7rii quick fire real world test edit   
    Thanks Emanuel. 
    Youtube 4k version:
    blog post:
  19. Like
    Emanuel got a reaction from Zach Ashcraft in Sony RX10 M2 - first part of my review and a mini-comparison with the A7S and Canon 1D C   
    While we are waiting for the second part of Andrew's review... ;-)
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    Emanuel reacted to Davide Roveri in Sony A7R II official user thread   
    @ajay I think you misread my statement! :-) AF performance in video mode with native glass is very good and it's much improved compared to the a7S both in terms of speed and functionality (now you can choose the tracking sensitivity and speed for instance)
    My issue was with the adapted canon lens which is not quite as fast in video mode and struggled at longer focal length, hope this clarifies your concern! :-)
    @Emanuel I read about the overheating issues Dan encountered, I haven't had any issues so far but i generally never record for more than 5-10 mins continuously so i can't say is not happening.. I will do a test and get back to you on this! :-)
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    Emanuel reacted to Oliver Daniel in A7rii vs ursa mini   
    The URSA Mini should be compared to the FS7, C300 Mk II and RED Scarlet Dragon, if anything. 
  22. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Davide Roveri in Sony A7R II official user thread   
    I haven't slept much last night but here it is, the α7R II low light test! (i also posted my initial thoughts at the beginning but feel free to skip to the test if you get bored!) 
    The results are very surprising, whereas during the day i couldn't really spot a difference in quality between the FF and S35 modes things are completely different when the lights go down: the S35 mode is vastly superior to the Full Frame, they are not even in the same league! I don't know if that is only the result of the better readout from the sensor in S35 or there is some noise reduction wizardry happening in real time but the output from the S35 mode is way cleaner.
    And not only the S35 mode is cleaner, we're actually talking about α7S levels of performance!  (at least up to ISO 25,600 which is the maximum for the α7R II)
    don't believe that? I included a low light shootout with the Queen of the night itself!
    In the end i decided not to include the 1080 samples because they're quite bad, way worse then the both the 4K modes so it's definitely better to downscale when a 1080 output is required.
    What else to say.. i'm very impressed.. this camera keeps getting better and better by the minute!! 
    Today i'm gonna shoot some real word run and gun footage to see how the Steady Shot performs and how is the footage when graded, needless to say i have very high expectations now!
    Thanks for watching!
    ps. i just noticed how badly YouTube compression affects the video so I uploaded a better version here if you want to have a better look!
  23. Like
    Emanuel reacted to Nick Hughes in anti moire filter yes or no   
    The first time I ever recognized aliasing was after reviewing footage from a shoot in the woods. It was fall/winter so the trees were bare and the branches were aliasing heavily. To be fair, we were shooting 720p60 on footage on the 6D, so there probably would have been aliasing on a white wall, but it can happen out in nature. Still, it's a lot less likely than when you're surrounded by power lines and brick walls. 
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    Emanuel reacted to AaronChicago in anti moire filter yes or no   
    Not sure if you've seen this or not but users have posted detailed comparisons. I would definitely get one b/c the pocket seems useless on alot of shots with the moire and aliasing.
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    Emanuel reacted to elkanah77 in RX100IV 25p/100fps - slow mo with people not effects   
    Trying out the 100/120 fps in real life, shots I'm interested in. Trying to find weakness in the image like aliasing etc.
    Very impressed so far:
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