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Everything posted by nielsi

  1. I recently got my new Asus PA238Q IPS monitor to connect to my laptop as a replacement screen. I’m very pleased with the color accuracy and consistency! No real light bleeding issues and it all works great for photo editing. The problem is though that I started to notice some very annoying tearing issues in video. When I watch a YouTube or Vimeo video with some movement in it whole parts of the video feel like they’re shifting. Something that I’m not at all used to on the standard laptop display. If I watch a tearing test video like this [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCPkOpMHB7g"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCPkOpMHB7g[/url] the moving bar is tearing very badly. All this display technology is very new to me, so I’m hoping some of you with more experience could guide me in the right direction on how to fix this. I can’t imagine a modern $250,- monitor isn’t able to play video without intense deforming, and this thing poses a real issue when I want to review and edit my videos on this screen. Some background info: The laptop uses a GeForce 9600M GT graphics card with the latest drivers, Windows 7. Changing the refresh rate between 60, 59 and 50hz makes no difference. Turning vsync on in the Nvidia control panel makes no difference (this is under 3D settings, so I’m not sure if that would make any difference for video rendering anyway). I’m using a DisplayPort connection though the HDMI connection shows the same issue. I don’t have a DVI connector on the laptop. The problem is most visible in a windowed mode and less in full screen, occurs in multiple browsers (IE, Chrome, FF) and in video applications like VLC and MPC. Thanks in advance!
  2. I would really love to see them do a GH2 stock vs. hacked comparison. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills, I just don’t see it, yet everyone is talking about it. Just this afternoon I did some more test shots myself. On tripod, all manual set, studio lighting to take away any variables and make every shot exactly identical, stock vs. 88mbit iframe. I just don’t see it. Not at 1080p, not at 200% zoom. I tried high dynamic shots, shots with movement, boosting shadows in post to see if I find more detail in the hacked version..Only if I compare 24L stock (!) to 88mbit hacked I notice the difference in grain/noise in shadows. Almost as if it has more noise reduction on it. But it doesn’t seem to affect a loss in detail (tiny printed letters in my test shot). I guess it doesn’t really matter since I’m not shooting for the big screen anyway and only have clients who want web material. But you obviously want to get the most out of what your camera can bring and it’s frustrating to see a huge filesize increase without really seeing any visual difference. I’d love to know in which situations it makes a difference and see them explain the data.
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