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Everything posted by Orangenz

  1. This is how I got my visioncolor cubs luts into .vlt
  2. Highly unlikely transporting without gps on a big truck. Maybe a van or small load truck?
  3. 12mm works, 60mm doesn't work. I'm surprised as the phone and rx100 are instant and don't recall any problem with the GH4. It might be out of focus but it would still take a picture. This just does nothing.
  4. I'm getting a refusal to take a photo on this scene unless I turn af off.
  5. Can some others try taking photos of the sky please? Never had problem trying to af on the sky before, all modes.
  6. They look 100% to me already and the upgrade from g85 is less benefit than from gh4. Most of my projects don't go on YouTube, include photos, slow motion, and sky needing extra color depth.
  7. No ibis? I think photos only for a grandpa.
  8. Probably need to share some information about your PC. I did manage to crash Premiere by doing the same thing to open LUTs but that was after trying 10 luts in rapid succession.
  9. So if one had a lot of old Canon FD lenses, so no benefit from AF, what camera body would be good if running a metabones speedbooster? Would a Sony APS-c body be the only one to use the whole lens but also have ibis? Or would an Olympus or G85 be an idea to match lens and body size? Probably only for photos.
  10. Not sure who you're talking to. I think there are cameras with better afc but this is quite usable and consistent. This thread is not for opinions and discussions about such things. There are, however, many many threads that would greatly benefit from such input.
  11. Yes, reported with mov as well as mini ursa footage. <quote> I'm seeing this as well. I've tried different recording formats (MOV or MP4 (LPCM)) and system frequencies on my GH4 and Premiere cuts off at least a second or two of audio in the end. This just started happening recently and I can only guess it was with a recent update. Oh, I also imported some Blackmagic footage from an Ursa Mini and it did the same thing. So, it's not just the GH4. </quote>
  12. Kai blogging with C300ii. "Cheapest Canon with 4k mode that you won't complain about" :D
  13. On some systems running the latest 2017 Premiere some people have a problem with the audio disappearing for the last second of each clip. https://forums.adobe.com/message/9328219#9328219 This seems to be "fixed" by renaming your .MP4 files as .MPEG files before importing. The stated duration in the properties remains the same. I still have a question about what will happen over spanned clips so we will see. Vegas Pro does not have the audio drop at the end of clips and also states a shorter clip duration.
  14. Haha, I remember that interview yeah. There's got to be a lot of that sort of thing in commercial products though. It has to be self-sustaining or things fall down. Like printer manufacturers and the ink cartridges they make with ic chips.
  15. Mmmmm tough call. The GH5 is quite heavy. After the footage gets to youtube GH4 and up all look similar if exposed well. I think the photos are significantly better over the GH4 and the crop sensor with 100-400 suits my birding. If the G85 had 100Mbps 1080 50p then that would be fine :/ As for video, one word, VLOG. No reason for GH5 without it, every reason for GH5 with it. Taking out the cards all the time is annoying. But using up the batteries on the slower usbc is also annoying.
  16. Trust me, it isn't a camera thing, it's a world wide phenomenon. Trump v Hillary, United v screeching man, gender v genderless, sjw v everything. It's not critical articles that are different, but the reaction to them. All or nothing in a world of grey, anything to lift people out of a feeling of mediocrity and give them a pretend sense of both self importance and relevance despite become even more irrelevant. Even Neistat programs to them with the idea to boycott. Sigh. I've got a very big list of very small things that I either don't understand (usb-c but no power) or think are fishy and will be fixed (live view not working in hdr with angle/iso set) and about 2 things on the good list. And the good list still wins. By a long way. Loooooong way.
  17. Will try it in an Easter shoot tomorrow. But even the EM1 has same thing. Main thing I need is the monitor. 4k focus hard! Usual workflow is press to AF then finetune manually. But really, all I care about is that vlog is just so special. I tried to work with it on the GH4 and it was hard work. The image wasn't quite robust for my needs and it never was quite right. This looks pretty in seconds. So love it! Will have to go back and rewatch Luke's grading tutorials now.
  18. They both indicate full once you take a charged battery and put it on the other charger. For the pana battery, one test was after charge on each charger. No significant difference, or to having the screen off for 20 min or so. I'm tempted to get another couple of brands to test but I also think I'll have to end up with panasonics at 5 times the price. Have been trying the afc touch to focus. It's so smooth??!! No dfd bump at each end?! Will play with this more
  19. Final battery test results under constant record 4k 10bit with screen open and on. Panasonic battery (tested twice) 2:23:57 and 2:18:23. Kastar batteries (tested once each) 0:58:57 and 1:16:23 Power2000 batteries (three+ years old, one failed) 1:24:59 Charging Panasonic battery: 3:08+ to oem panasonic charge. 2:07 to lvsun charge.
  20. I just drag and drop the 1_area box on the screen. It focusses when you release it. In afc you don't have to drag and drop, just tap the screen and press set. Will have to try this out as it sure looks smooth to me.
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