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Everything posted by Orangenz

  1. Indirectly of course it does (and by liberal I mean progressive, not left-right politics). That's why Henk wotsits name gets away with so much and actually appears in ads for Youtube. Here's an example from today https://youtu.be/s0elpY1a90Y
  2. Wow! That's more than reported earlier for sure. lol ? 1) You seem to think it's ok to mock the scientific process that examines evidence as it comes to hand and re-evaluates on the basis of it. Rather, your lol suggests that you either get something right or you can be mocked and laughed at. You can do better. 2) I've been reading commentary on the register article that clarified many of the knee-jerk points made in it. 3) The recent extent article with Intel released list is certainly more extensive than info I've seen elsewhere. Interesting! 4)
  3. At worst it will be 5% and applies to latest 2 or 3 generations. I'm gen 4 i7 so it doesn't apply.
  4. The point is more that 1) youtube didn't censor him or other liberal sex freaks like the youngturks guy while it does censor and demonitise conservative voices all the time. How an algorithm manages such a delicate political perspective I don't know. 2) It sure looked like hammy acting with a terrible hat to me, ie. it's not about the camera but his disrespectful goofing off. Quoted for truth
  5. That's called a tree. And everybody knows Global Warming was replaced by Climate Change which was replaced with Climate Disruption which was, itself, formally called "weather." So the GH5s will be weather sealed. That is all. You're welcome.
  6. That's what you get for living in the Northern Hemisphere at this time of year
  7. How about as it is actually stated? He is obviously wishing everyone happy new years (plural) for the foreseeable future. Not just this new year, but all the ones after that too. Probably a reference to how long we will go without buying a new camera after the GH5s.
  8. I definitely recommend the eoshd pro colour on it. I have the previous version to current release of the procolour I think and it is fantastic. Yes try to run 180 shutter so 1/50 for 25p and 1/100 for 50p. Really I try and shoot everything wide open (A) so that's with built in ND set on, iso 200. I also use a magfilter CPL 42mm or their filter holder with a nice VND. It takes a fair bit to get that shutter speed down. I tend to not use it for video now with the GH5 around but still a lot for pictures (continuous Hi mode) and the VFR 1000fps are very useful.
  9. Oops, I should have said fixes many things
  10. This adaptor is great on my centerpole tripod. Fixes everything. https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/554093-REG/Manfrotto_438_438_Compact_Levelling_Head.html
  11. Nothing you said is based on facts. Just bizarre made up sky is falling the uk will explode if it leaves the EU stuff. Fact 1: until 2015, the FCC had NO authority over Internet. The Net grew free & unregulated. Fact 2: With "net neutrality" the FCC declared power to regulate everything said & done on Internet. That's really bad for freedom You guys are getting everything backwards.
  12. In the same way the Chinese government "protects" the internet. A regulated free-market is a contradiction in terms. Indeed, it seems strange to me how the language of the whole debate has been taken over and reversed. I suspect in the same way that the "antifa" use violence to fight "fascism". You mention two plan options like having choice in plans is a bad thing or like being able to find and select the cheapest best option for your internet use is a bad thing. I get the impression that pro-NN supporters think providers are just waiting for their chance to provide bad deals, to drive away customers, and go bust. Cue Palpatine "muhahaha ultimate powa!" Like I said, it seems more like everyone (I see I'm in the minority) is leaping on the feed-me-government bandwagon. I'm not convinced.
  13. I'm against it. I'm very much in favour of the "sanctity" of the relationship between buyer and seller and not having a third party sticking their nose in, ie. the government and the crony capitalists (ie the ones against freemarket capitalism). The bottom line is all providers shape traffic and small users are always affected by big users using up the bandwidth. Most unlimited broadband deals are actually limited because beyond certain limited it gets cost prohibitive to not charge more. If a provider gives you a bad deal you go shopping down the road. If the government gives you a bad deal, you're stuffed.
  14. It's really hard to respond appropriately when people say ridiculous things like that.
  15. 1. huh? they're 95 so are not blown out, correct. 2. I'd say the opposite, that there are pretty heavy shadows from strong lights at a steep enough angle to not get in the eye sockets or direct front. Increases contrast on face makes it look more interesting. Maybe a black board in front of his face to absorb a bit? 3. You didn't number this but the GH5 does not macro block in the whiter shades whatsoever. Trying to repeat it with Vlog on the GH5 is a bit average but I think my HLG version looks the same except without the pretty lens.
  16. Definitely head and shoulders over hitting nails on the head.
  17. You get the same DoF or even less from the 42.5 F1.7 so no.
  18. But we knew that over three weeks ago Sherlock. lol
  19. I think you need to contact your Panasonic service agent.
  20. Remember forum guidelines, you don't have to requote long reams of material just to add one line at the bottom.
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