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andy lee

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Everything posted by andy lee

  1. the lens Doctor , we know where to send our sick lenses for repair now!! ....
  2. superb , this looks great , and I like the pink lipstick and the rack focus pulls too nothing wrong with them , G6 is a great camera , and its all about how you use it ,
  3. Sean please come over to the lens part of the forum and contribute here with me in this new section on lenses and lighting. Not many people on this forum have gone through the whole process from start to finish of making a full length feature film - you and your Brother have and we need you to share your experiences and how you did it and what 'do's and don'ts' you came across while filming . You and I are into the same style of lighting with Practials and augmenting it to looks real .....a la 'Fincher , Bigelow ' etc
  4. I will be making extensive posts on lenses.... new... old, vintage... cheap and expensive and what their main good points are and how to get the best out of them. And also some useful articles on general lens use that will help improve your shooting and make things more dare I say more 'cinematic' and less 'video' which seems to be what alot are asking for. so say tuned folks and watch this space......
  5. that sounds good - lets get busy !!
  6. thanks for posting that Max , very useful to see! Im going to get one!! maybe you can use a dremel drill and grind/ cut away some metal so it fits you bmpcc? be careful !!!! gulp!
  7. Tamron, I have a couple that are good older 70s ones internal zoom Canon FD are good in that range and Canon EF 70-300 is good
  8. wow its a small world you are 10 mins from me haha! yes Ive been going in there for years
  9. Canon FD 35-105MM f3.5 Canon FD L Series 24-35mm f3.5 Canon FD 28-85MM f3.5 Canon FD 35-70mm f4 all zoom internally M42 always worth having are: Carl Zeiss Flektogon 35mm f2.4 is very good (yes I see you have a Mir 37mm) Carl Zeiss Pancolar 50mm f1.8 Fujinon 55mm f1.8 Sigma 24mm f2.8 in FD mount Superwide II
  10. these are both one touch push pull zooms for stills they are very hard to work for video as the zoom front telescopes in and out avoid! a good Vivitar Series one lens is the Vivitar Series 1 24-48mm f3.8 and the 19-35mm which is superb and rectalinear (does not bend at the edges!!)
  11. Sean Cunningham has alot of experience - one of the few people on this forum who has actually made an entire film from start to finish.....90 minuites is a very along time to fill!!! Sean we need you too!
  12. and I do think John Barlow would be very good to moderate the anamorphic forum , ........ he is from Liverpool and I'm from Manchester.....(the North West lens Mafia) - hell we might even film something together !!- he's only 30 miles away!!!
  13. Im up for moderating a section on lenses and lighting , I'll even film examples to post on intersting topics people can do , if anyone is interested?
  14. there is a third party one on ebay right now ! not Metabones but does the same job for $100 we have all been debating this here for some time here - its the same glass in the FD version that is in their EF version '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  15. all you c mount lens lovers will know the Wesley 24mm f1.4 is a great lens on micro 4/3 lots of character well Wesley now have a 33mm f1.6 on offer http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Wesley-33mm-f-1-6-HD-MC-Movie-cine-C-mount-lens-body-only-/121251021432?pt=UK_Lenses_Filters_Lenses&hash=item1c3b1fc278 has anyone tried this yet??? Andrew and Julian are fellow c mount lens gurus any thoughts?
  16. it looks a bit worse to me than my gh2 - which is bad and my g6 which is only slightly less bad! or time to try the David Fincher style of 'House Of Cards ' film making where the camera does not move much.......
  17. also have a section called 'Let Me Google That for You' for all the newbie questions by people who cannot be bothered using Google to ask the most simple things! as these clog up the forum massively, especially this past few months ,as loads of new peolple I have never heard of before ask the most inane questions they can easily find on Google .......
  18. that is a great idea Andrew this past few months it has got hard to trawl though the insane posts of a few who just like to argue for the sake of arguing and dont offer and thing constructive to the forum. I personally try to offer advise on the large amount of lenses I have used over the past 25 years - if I can pass on any helpful tips it all helps peoples choices.
  19. bring it on! 4k medium format is great , I shot stills Medium format for 15 years so all those cool Zeiss lenses are back in business!
  20. just as a note ...the Hexanon 40mm at f1.8 is not the sharpest lens I own , , it is fast so nice narrow DOF , and it blooms at f1.8 so just take that into consideration at f5.6 it sharpens up nicely Panny lense are known to be very very sharp I do like them alot!!
  21. thanks for doing that test, much appreciated yes as you said the Sony has a nicer finer noise , the Panasonic has that random coloured flickery noise , the Sony is a bit finer and cleaner in the under exposed blacks there is not much in it though , and you said the Sony blows out highlights more in daylight. I was thinking of getting one of these A6000 - Im rethinking its not quite the Panasonic beater I thought it was thanks for your help with this Inazuma
  22. this is very useful to know- thanks for this I was hoping it was better than Panasonic in low light Can I ask you a big favour while you have the camera Please can you shoot at 640 iso in low light inside at 3200k (tungsten ) 1/50 sec and save a small 10 sec file as this I was hoping would be better than the Panasonic on these setting. Im interested in seeing how good the noise is in the black areas, Panasonic has random fizzy noise in under exposed black areas. the clip i downloaded Andrew Reed shot of lenses and cameras on his desk at 640 iso was superb with not much noise in the blacks it was very clean I can give you my drop box address to upload the clip to Big thanks Andy
  23. if you could try it on your nikon 24mm set at f3.5 , with and without the speedbooster - as my plan is to get the FD version and use it with my Canon FD 24-35mm f3.5 lens so it widens the 24mm to about 17mm ish at f2.8 ish !! Im very interested to see what this will look like......big thanks for that if I was you I would get the Nikon 16mm so it fits with your other nikon lenses tint/ color wise
  24. well a super 35mm sensor on micro 4/3 mount is a cool thing to have!
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