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andy lee

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Everything posted by andy lee

  1. do we know who makes the sensor? Im still non the wiser ..I dont think they have said who it is? Do you know? I hope they do get this working ok. How is your camera doing Andrew ? any news on your tests?
  2. I find digital better now the main thing I like is I can alter the colour temperature for every shot .. this is a huge bonus , I dont use preset colour temps I always use the variable colour temp and dial it in so each shot looks its best , Shooting in 3200 tungsten lights and setting the camera to 2500k gives a great 'Bourne' type look alot more cold and blue in camera. I also shoot outside at 10,000k giving a very rich orange look this is great at sunset/ magic hour. and thats separate to changing ISO to shoot each shot/setup I could never do this with film once you load 200 ASA tungsten film in the camera you where stuck with it for that whole reel. I find digital so much more flexable to use on a shot/setup basis. .....and I dont have a fridge full of film cans now either!
  3. ps: 200t rushes look very bland ! you would be suprised!
  4. any variation in colour or saturation or tone , crushed blacks etc is all down to the grade not if its shot on film or digital. you can make film look bland you can make digital look bland just by how you grade it. bare this in mind.... all movie films and pop videos will have a 'look' due solely down to the grade this look is created in post in the grade not in camera . 70mm did not take off due to cost. getting every cimema to kit out for 70mm when they where happily projecting 35mm was too much. there was a big reluctane in cinemas wanting to buy a new projector for 70mm 70mm ended up becoming a projection fromat for special screenings and Premieres due to this.
  5. some nice Skyfall behind the scenes footage with the Arri Alexa mainly all Arri Master Primes (made by Zeiss) Deakins uses these focal lengths alot from looking at all the clapper board photos on line....27mm 32mm 35mm 37mm 40mm 50mm 28-76 zoom 100mm outside with ND's 9 and 6 [u][b][i]spolier warning dont watch if you have not seen the film yet! you have been warned![/i][/b][/u] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kz-ko51xons[/media] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_yQIHIzhAo&feature=relmfu http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLn4_jj5T9M
  6. shot this on Kodak Vision 200T [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AimXxVHbZCQ&feature=related[/media] and this [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fnxne7p4zIw[/media] this was shot digital I really dont think you can tell the differance as I graded it to look like film and added grain [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9QGt2UNxGE[/media] and this was shot Canon 5dmk11 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMXfD-vQ5ng
  7. I've shot on film for the last 20 years with Arri Cameras for work. my favourite stock was 5247 until it was discontinued by Kodak. in the 90's I mainly used Vision 200T when that stock came out as it had a nice grain. I really think Digital is now a better format so I dont shoot film anymore. With Grading you can achieve any look you want with digital. Fuji have already stopped making 35mm film for motion picture cameras its only a matter of time before Kodak stop too.
  8. jeez!! thats looks complicated ..especially this part [b][i]"Now the amazing part is that the first batch of sensors we got that we used for developing the camera and that were fine when we started production were manufactured by a completely different company to the second and subsequent batches of sensors. I could not believe this news when I heard it today as it explains a lot.[/i][/b]" Thats why is been so slow ..different supplier!! Looks like the sensor is NOT made by Fairchild/British Aerospace ? I wonder who does make it??????
  9. [b][u][i]Markm wrote :[/i][/u][/b] [b][u][i]"I hope that digital sensors can improve colour rendition as to my eyes digital either looks over saturated or washed out."[/i][/u][/b] This Film is heavily graded in post Mark ! it' s not straight out the camera uprocessed files! If it looks over saturated or washed out like you say ....that then thats how they wanted it to look in the grade! ie: Its a style feature.... modern films have over stylised grades as thats what people go for these days , Pirates of the Caribbean series of films is shot on Red and graded to hell all saturated teal and amber as thats the style of that film Dragon Tattoo is desaturated dark Fincher look....... another Red Camera film The Alexa sensor is more than capable of handling colours well
  10. Im using Quantum 9b update hack I wonder how similar it is to this?
  11. [quote name='QuickHitRecord' timestamp='1352384414' post='21300'] I haven't seen a side by side test like this so I decided to create one. The video is uploading on Vimeo but I suspect that the compression will make it difficult to gauge, so here are some screen grabs. Please click to view full screen: [center][img]http://www.eoshd.com/comments/uploads/gallery/album_14/gallery_18451_14_61391.jpg[/img][/center] [center]*I should also add that each stripe was sampled from the center of the image.[/center] [center][img]http://www.eoshd.com/comments/uploads/gallery/album_14/gallery_18451_14_298073.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]http://www.eoshd.com/comments/uploads/gallery/album_14/gallery_18451_14_670092.jpg[/img][/center] My previous tests concluded that ISO 320 was the sweet spot. However, when I did the same test this time, ISO 320 gave me a lot of macro blocking. Bizarre! I don't believe that I changed anything between last time's test and this one. To me, these images suggest that you'd be best off parking it in ISO 640 and leaving it there. It's also interesting that different ISOs seem to have different color casts. [/quote] very interesting to see this ! thanks for doing this... what picture profile are you set on?
  12. part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Lh69p5g13Q&feature=relmfu
  13. Roger Deakins talks about using the Arri Alexa on Skyfall the first digital Bond film made http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBvA1ChExAI
  14. middle row are cleaner 200 400 800 etc like old film asa haha! I never use the top row ever
  15. [quote name='JimJeffBeam' timestamp='1352295503' post='21230'] They are annoying... But Andy Lee, does this thing work pretty well? it seems perfect and so cheap, whats the difference between this and a follow focus? [/quote] its very cheap and very simple to use ! I like it as its quick and easy ...it works!! it takes your hand off the lens and stops that heartbeat judder you get hand held and allows smoother focusing I use a dedicated follow focus on my Tecnoir rig set up
  16. or... get one of these off ebay cheap and easy to use I use these alot on hand held shots as I can pull focus easily with it run and gun style [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/310430040229?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/310430040229?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649[/url]
  17. looks good - will only sell to North America - I think the Red One prices are going to drop second hand dramatically now Red have dropped their price. More and more whole rigs like this will start to appear on ebay as people upgrade to Epic now its so much cheaper.
  18. whole Red One Mx system ready to go on ebay - no bids yet [url="http://www.ebay.com/itm/RED-One-MX-4k-Digital-Cinema-Camera-Package-/290806920766?pt=Digital_Cameras&hash=item43b571763e"]http://www.ebay.com/itm/RED-One-MX-4k-Digital-Cinema-Camera-Package-/290806920766?pt=Digital_Cameras&hash=item43b571763e[/url]
  19. [quote name='jgharding' timestamp='1352216410' post='21155'] If I'd had the money when the announcement came, I'd've got a Red One, any other choice seems mad. Regardless of paper spec, you've seen Red on the big screen plenty of times. The footage is amazing. It's not that easy to use but hey, look at the footage!!! I've always been jealous of those who could shoot every whim on Red, DSLRs don't come close right now. Now that the Red costs very little, think of second hand prices soon... I love 550D, Sony FS700, C300 but one has to be realistic, the Red One cinema camera produces incredible images in comparison. I've watched lots of great movies shot with Red One, I've only seen some really OK stuff shot with the BMD cam. Is that down to who's shooting with it? Maybe... but so far it's never looked quite as instantly cinema-like as Red footage. A lot of it has looked very camcorder like. And BMD is not out yet. I'd've cancelled on bloody principle by now if i'd ordered one... can you imagine what'll happen if they need to do a factory recall, or you need any servicing when the BMD actually arrives? Confidece is knocked now, lot's of making up to do. [/quote] I agree Red One Mx is a great camera very cheap now!
  20. [quote name='KarimNassar' timestamp='1352213103' post='21152'] thanks for the tip which basic rig would you recommend for the red one? [/quote] Dont be put off by shooting with rigs - thats how the Red was designed to be used. i would pick up parts off ebay cheap , you can mix n match Tecnoir, Red , Wooden Camera , etc all are Red compatable [url="http://www.tecnoir.co.uk"]http://www.tecnoir.co.uk[/url]
  21. get a RED ONE MX - ITS A NO BRAINER! This camera has shot major Hollywood hit films Its 4k so has future life build in if you want to shoot more than 2k in the future lots of cheap parts on ebay I just picked up a RED ONE 19" rod base plate for $30!! bargin! Get a rig for it , its not that heavy ! I pretty much shoot everything on a rig even with my GH2 and Canons as it gives a much more stable platform to work from I use the TECNOIR CINEMA RIG with my GH2 ......
  22. looks very interesting , Andrew 's review is the most comprehensive test we have seen so far. but I think I will be sticking with hacked GH2 as it has a unique look ! it works for me !
  23. Its a Bond film ....its far fetched they all are !! I thought it was good film I enjoyed it....! it was entertaining and thats what I want at the cinema ;)
  24. gh2 is a classic camera with a unique look ......it will hold its price in the second hand market on ebay.
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