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About mdebono

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    Cinematography, film photography, travel, scotch

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  1. Considering that IBIS is out, what lenses are available (primes & zooms) which include OIS? This reminds me of the time when the original A7S came out - the low light capabilities made it an excellent choice for wedding / event shooters however since this also didn't have IBIS handheld shooters needed to look for stabilised lenses such as the Canon 35mm f2 IS.
  2. Is anyone else using any sort of quick release (something along the lines of Manfrotto 323)? I'd love to replace my Ronin M with the Crane for weddings and small shoots but I need to make sure that it's easy & quick to remove / attach the camera without rebalancing
  3. Just got the camera a week ago and so far ran into the following issues: - timecode / recording time seem to have disappeared after updating to firmware 1.1 - when recording in 4K and using an HDMI monitor, internal screen goes to black. also, there's no way of showing camera's info on HDMI monitor when set to 4K Anyone else experiencing these?
  4. I'm guessing it will be cheaper since the price you quoted for the Osmo already includes the X3 camera (which won't be needed) and the price for the X5 already includes the 3-axis gimbal (which also won't be needed when combined with the Osmo). We just have to wait & see how much such a bundle will be priced since I'm pretty sure there are many who are eager to get the Osmo with the X5 due to the larger sensor (and better low light performance).
  5. I was getting quite intrigued by this camera as it seemed like a good B-cam for run & gun shooting, until I've read that stabilization doesn't work when recording in 4K
  6. Thought it would look more bulky with an A7S! Andrew do you know of any store in Europe that is shipping now? CVP will be shipping in beginning of January according to their site. Also, what resolution & frame rate will the A7S record in camera whilst recording in 4k on the Shogun?
  7. The metabones mkIV I've bought around 2 weeks ago from CVP apparently already had the update installed. However I'm experiencing a number of issues, mainly with the 17-55 (image remains black when camera turned on, unmounting & remounting lens required). Anyone else experiencing such issues?
  8. GH4 looks sharper, however C100 still leads in DR (look at how easily the highlights blow out in the clouds of the GH4 shots). Then again, I'm not quite sure this is a very fair test (although that would be quite a challenge considering the different log formats, crop factor, etc.)
  9. Ah ok. I'll see if I can do more tests in the coming weeks and post updates here :)
  10. That sounds like another good alternative. Have you tried mixing footage (in VisionColor) with WideDR by any chance?
  11. Not really a fan of cinestyle. I think it involves too much hassle to get good-looking footage and the tests I've done a while back did seem to increase a bit of noise. I still need to try out Flaat and Canon's own Camera X-Series Look.
  12. Looks nice! I love WideDR when shooting solo. I've used it for a documentary & for a TVC (latter recorded externally to a Ninja, which works perfectly with the C100 combined with the triggering) and was super easy to get a good looking image out of it. I'm still trying to optimize my wedding workflow though since I have another shooter with a 6D. I've been using Neutral Flat on the 6D and a modified version of EOS Neutral (found online) to match them. Does anyone have any tips for matching DSLRs with the C100? Would love to use the WideDR profile, however not sure which picture style would come closest for DSLRs.
  13. I think I'll wait for April before deciding. I'll decide then whether or not to get a 5D3 depending on the C100 replacement (features & price tag) if that does indeed come out.
  14. Thanks for the helpful replies! I was looking at avoiding investing in a new system since I want as much compatibility as possible (for example if one of my 3 cameras fails I'll still be able to shoot with the remaining cameras and use all my lenses), apart from the cost of new lenses. Then again, the GH4 does look like a nice alternative and while I'm not really interested in 4k, the 96fps might come in handy so I'll definitely keep it in mind! Do you reckon there's gonna be any sort of speed booster for the GH4 to get EF lenses? That would be great!
  15. Only one body. I want to keep the 6D as second body and a NEX5N + speedbooster as third (usually some sort of safe shot). Spending around €3k would be ideal. My only concern at this point is whether I should spend the extra buck (or two!) on the C100 considering that it's a 'proper' movie camera.
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