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Everything posted by graphicnatured

  1. If this suggests what we all can't stand (a company purposefully holding their tech back) that is lame sauce. Just makes me more interested in giving BM my money over any other company. Bring it, or don't. Another company forcing your hand makes you a weak follower and definitely not for the customer.
  2. Can you also ask if we might see anamorphic in a firmware update? When I saw the first specs I anticipated it would be included. Disappointed it wasn't.
  3. Sure is worth giving it a go, isn't it?
  4. And I said I was going to buy a GH5S. Good timing, there BM.
  5. Here, here! Why so down on something you haven't seen yet? For all we know the screen might be amazing, etc.,.
  6. Couldn't agree more. I love what I see from the GH5(s) but they still don't have the image those little BMs do. I still want a GH5s for ease and portability and will surely buy one because it is a huge step up from their older GH series. Back to the point though. Every time I'm on a shoot and see the image my Micro produces on my monitor I'm reminded of just how incredible these cheap little boxes are.
  7. I'm assuming lots of EQ and NR, but can you describe your Audition process for these files? I would never even think to use the audio from that cam. Would be interested to learn what you did in case I'm ever in a pinch.
  8. Me as well. That looks wonderful.
  9. They really are amazing. Not as convenient or as loaded as some of the other cameras available, but for the price you cannot buy a nicer image. I think we all know that in this forum though. THAT'S who she was calling. I thought she was calling B&H.
  10. Thanks Jim. This was my old Nikkor 35mm 1.2D, I believe. I used a BMCC Speedbooster, SLR Magic Vari ND and Hoya UV & IR Cut.
  11. I like the 60p, but it just has a different look that I prefer and I also find the screen on the Pocket to be a real pain, especially as my eyesight gets worse in my old age. ;-) I feel like if I'm going to hook an external monitor up then I would much prefer the Micro.
  12. Having used this camera a ton, I have to say I actually prefer it to the Pocket that I also own. I shot with the Micro and the Ursa Mini 4.6k Pro on a shoot last month and they looked fantastic together. The only reason I hold on to the Pocket is it is easier to use with a pistol gimbal if I don't want to use the Ronin. I'm not a review guy so I leave that to those so much more knowledgable than myself.
  13. Yeah, looks more like blocky compression artifacts.
  14. Last week I shot a vid using both Ursa Mini Pro and BMPCC on a gimbal. Both prores, and the Ursa seemed to have so much more DR it was way more of a difference than I anticipated.
  15. I don't see that big a difference either in my Pocket.
  16. Yeah, GoPro photos look great on billboards, even tall buildings. Viewer distance means everything. Perhaps they mean eight foot print from two feet away, I guess.
  17. First one kind of had me thinking BM Pocket, but now I'm thinking they are Canon ML too.
  18. I have the 6 core and feel the same way. I love it for the most part, but After Effects has always been less than stellar.
  19. Looks like it may still be that curved edge with light hitting it in just the right way. The skewed perspective may be tricking us into thinking it sticks up when it doesn't.
  20. Agreed, and the standard 77mm filter thread on 11-16 is also good.
  21. Check out Mercalli. It hasn't worked on everything, but some of the clips it has stabilized have surprised me. I think a lot of my issues are with still getting to know it.
  22. Sorry you all are having problems, but glad you are reporting them so I can stay away for now!
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