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Posts posted by Julian

  1. The for sale threads in the anamorphic forum keep it quite lively and bring about discussion of various unusual lenses. If we hid these away in a sub-section it might make the place a bit more dead.


    What do you think?


    Most for sale topics in the anamorphic forums have 0 discussion (or even replies). I have the feeling a lot of people just come here trying to offload their crappy anamorphic lens for an inflated price, or just drop a link to ebay.


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    Other suggestion: Selling topics allowed within the forum, only if you post proper footage (self made, not some random vimeo cat test).

  2. Very interesting.


    I wonder why they insist on making the wafers circular.


    36% of the area wasted on the full frame sensor yield is pretty wasteful.


    It's not really a matter of insisting. It has to do with the process of making the Silicon wafers and there are numerous other reasons for it, apparently. Some interesting answers here.


    For example:


    Nathan Zeldes

    A key process step that uses the round form of the wafer is photoresist application – this is done by spinning the wafer rapidly and dripping the liquid resist at the center; centrifugal force takes care of spreading it evenly.



    Another issue is the size of the wafer. They have been using 200mm for ages now I think. There is some switching going on to 300mm and 450mm is in development I think, but it probably will take a decade or more before it is standard, because all the machines have to be replaced and remade for the bigger wafers.


    Btw... imagine the cost of that new 50MP Sony medium format sensor :) The price of the Pentax 645Z is incredible if you take that into consideration.



    Interesting stuff on wafer sizes here.

    57.8% of chip production (not only image sensors!) is already done on 300mm wafers. This will be 70% by 2017, but 200mm wafers are still being used for image sensors...

  3. Did I miss anyone? Julian would you like to have moderator powers too?


    Thanks but no thanks Andrew :) I know I spend (too) much time here, but I can't and don't want to commit to anything right now.


    I'd still suggest bringing back the 'marketplace' sub forum though. I'll gladly report al the offenders who still dump their ads in the general or anamorphic forums. With the new police it should be easy to move them swiftly :)

  4. Certainly, I think that a mFT sensor might cost one quarter of the raw materials to make (864mm^2 v 225mm^2 surface area = 3.84 greater area for FF sensor). I assume that higher pixel density would increase the cost though on smaller sensors? IMO I would guesstimate the price difference between mFT and FF as being a factor of three times. The main issue though would be R&D. Followed by where the sensor lies on the "Learning Curve". The Learning Curve means that as time progresses, things get cheaper to produce.


    The cost of producing big sensors rises exponentially. It doesn't have anything to do with pixel density. Smartphone sensors are dirt cheap and have very tiny pixels/high density.


    Sensors are made out of round 200mm (8 inch) silicon wafers. The bigger the sensor, the more (expensive) material you loose. This image explains it well:




    But more important is the yield. When producing sensors, you probably never have a 100% yield. I have no idea what the failure rates are, but the tiniest piece of dust or whatever can ruin a sensor. So if one fullframe sensor is affected, a big part of the wafer is lost.


    I have no idea what the cost is of a wafer. Tried looking it up and found this, that gives a 'typical processed wafer value' of $11,000.


    11,000/24 would be ~$458 per fullframe sensor IF the yield is 100%. Lets say there are two faults on the wafer, two sensors fail, now the cost is already 10% higher per fullframe sensor.


    Compare the Nikon 1 sensors to this (I'm not going to calculate the rates for M43... be my guest :)). 11,000/244 = ~$45 per sensor. If this wafer has the same amount of faults you can still get 242 sensors out of it. The price increase will be less then 1% per sensor.


    Kinda off topic, but I felt like giving some insight in the cost of a fullframe sensor. I do agree that the A7S doesn't have to be more expensive than the A7 seen from the 'cost of sensor' perspective.

  5. The 18-35mm is just too popular to keep up demand for Sigma (because it is f*cking awesome!). That's not the same as postponing a release and not delivering on promised dates like BMD.


    Anyway, I can't tell you when it will be shipping. Check some other dealers? Here some shops have it in stock.


    Anyone with their eyes on the new 50mm.. better preorder it if you want it soon :)

  6. Some short thoughts:


    Frankly it is becoming a real pain to moderate and I just don't have time for it.


    That's quite noticeable. I can understand it, but I think it's not good for the community. The cause is quite simple, the forum is too big for you (or anyone else) to manage it on their own.


    I am considering a change to the forum which would effectively see it closed but for a few selected members who have a proven track record of good posts. The forum would have a lot of exposure and readers. Like a 'second blog' to EOSHD that everybody can get something interesting out of.


    I'd strongly advice against that. You might find it a real pain in the ass, but I'm sure a lot of people value the information and the knowledge that is shared here even with all the bullshit and silly arguments attached.


    Also, I don't see any need in closing things down. If you want to go this way, just make a new sub forum for people who have earned their marks and leave the rest as is. Let people throw mud as much as they want and don't bother with it. I think visitors don't have much trouble filtering out the bullshit and choosing who's opinion they value or not.


    I agree that the anamorphic forum has become a mess. Personally the people that are just hanging around here to sell stuff annoy me the most. I think you should bring back the market place forum. When it was here, nobody used it, but with a zero tolerance policy people will have to. You just need some volunteers to moderate basic stuff like that.

  7. According to PhotoRumors:


    The new Pentax 645z medium format camera will shoot 4k video, announcement on April 14th


    In addition to full HD (1920x1080 @ 60i and 30p in H.264), the upcoming Pentax 645z medium format camera will also have 4k video recording capabilities (3840 x 2160).




    If true, wow!


    It has the same Sony 44x33mm sensor as the Hasselblad H5D-50c, up to iso 6400.

    Wonder what bitrate/format it will shoot...




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