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Posts posted by Julian

  1. 1 - you'll only use the anamorphic part. You have it unscrew the back lens and use your own taking lens so it doesn't matter.
    2 - not sure
    3 - only buy an isco if you can get a cheap one. Like €150/200. They are pretty heavy and cumbersome to use, although they are pretty sharp.

    I'd suggest searching for a smaller Kowa. The prices can get pretty high but if you are lucky maybe you can find a good one for about €300.

  2. The Panasonic 4K capable sensor... rumour has it that this is present in the GX7, GM1 and Olympus OM-D E-M1 not just the 4K GH4. But the key thing is giving it enough processing power, faster SD card slot, cooler readout circuitry and avoiding other heat issues, plus a few more things I don't know of because I'm not a camera engineer!


    So firmware updates for 4K are probably out on the other cameras despite the powerful sensor.

    Well done Panasonic for making such a great follow up to their GH2 sensor and avoiding a Sony chip.


    Panasonic (Europe) told me the sensor in the GH4 is based on the GH3 sensor (so probably Sony?) and that it's definately not the sensor that is published in the pdf on the Panasonic-site...

  3. I wonder if Panasonic and Olympus came to an agreement when m43 was created. In order to not step on each others toes, Panasonic went for more video-focused cameras, whilst Olympus aimed at the pure photography market.


    My thoughts exactly. Olympus definitely knows we want 25/24p. 100% sure they can do it technically speaking. Something is holding them back from actually doing it. Pretty sure this update wont bring other framerates/bitrates.

  4. Hi all
    Just a short question. Is it a stupid idea to use a manual zoom 35-80mm lense with the slr magic? Just wondering


    In general anamorphics work better with primes. That doesn't mean it's impossible to use a zoom though. Sadly there is only one way to find out if they play nice together...

  5. DSO oval with the anamorphot would be interesting indeed. But the DSO has a fixed aperture, right? (Except for the trump). I can imagine that's a bit hard to work with.

    The video from Edwin Lee looks nice indeed, but the bokeh isn't too obvious anamorphic for my taste. With a 2x lens you still can see the anamorphic character in shots with quite a lot depth of field. I don't care much for the oval highlights (although they are nice), but I love the distorted out of focus background look from a 2x anamorphic, like on the lomo video above...

  6. The lens is very important for the character of the video. The sensor is, but if you can shoot Canon ML raw for example, the sensor is not the problem to get the 'filmic' - or cinematic if you want - look.


    I was really excited about the SLR Anamorphot, and I still am. It is great to have a single focus option for this money, it's great you can use pretty wide angles, but yes, to me too, the lack of character will keep me from buying it. For 16:9 camera's this is nice. But now we can shoot ML raw in 3:2, 4:3 or whatever we want, I'd really prefer the character of a 2x lens. This will never be achievable by a 1.33x.


    I don't blame SLR Magic for that, I don't think it's a bad product because of that. But the difference in bokeh (most important aspect of anamorphic for me) is huge between 1.33x and 2x.

  7. Btw, this looks like a slide where they compare the photographic capabilities (shutter life). I saw a slide of that too (excluding the 7D successor). Keep in mind that most media are focusing on the photographer. Most photography websites/magazines know sh*t about video. Even the technical product manager from Panasonic Europe admitted to having to do a crash course video specs to do the presentation.


    Video is never a big point in presentations of new dslrs / compact system camera's. Mostly just a mention of 'it does 1080p at XX fps'. Of course Panasonic GH is an exception since it's the most 'hybrid' of all camera's, and the GH4 presentation was pretty detailed (and the one in Japan probably more than the European one) but still...


    I'm pretty sure the 7D II will be very photography orientated. Canon can't even make a killer video dslr, just a few improvements and they cannibalize their own Cinema EOS system... Sure it the 7D II will be better than the first. Maybe it'll have 60 fps, maybe they'll finally get rid of the moire. Probably some fancy AF like the 70D. But raw or 4:2:2? How can they with camera's like the C100 and C300 costing that much. It's a dead end.

  8. Interesting. Panasonic didn't show this to me in their very detailed media presentation. I have never seen any camera company mention an unannounced camera in a media presentation and I have seen many over the past 6 years.


    I think this is pure speculation from Panasonic. I'd be pretty conservative if I had to guess what the 7D II would bring, but I'd at least expect a step up in AF and buffer size. This is 70D territory...

  9. Andrew, are you sure internal recording is 4:2:0? Panasonic Europe told me 4:2:2 8 bit and 4:2:2 10-bit over hdmi (no need for the YHAGEHAYGEH). But the tech product manager wasn't very knowledgeable about video, so could be wrong...


    It's hard to find any exact specs on this.


    Btw, the sensor is based on the GH3 sensor... so probably a Sony.

  10. Yes Ebrahim, that is how it works. But you need space for the adapter, so that's why it is available only for mirrorless systems. Dslrs have a longer distance between the mount and the sensor (because of the mirror) so you can use this space to add the speed booster on a mirrorless camera and use it with dslr lenses. It won't work for EF / EF-S, because both mounts use the same distance to the sensor. In theory a speed booster for dslrs would be possible, but then you would have to use medium format lenses.

    @Lucian, exactly. It's a little piece of magic I think!

  11. You are wrong. Actually the speed booster increases the sharpness a bit. If your lens is unusable at f/2, probably you don't want to use it wide open with the speed booster either, but since you win a stop of light, it will act like f/2 lens when set to f/2.8. With the speed booster you still get the performance increase that comes with stopping down the lens.

  12. G6 I forgot. It would come in between the GH2 and GM1. I'll add it to the March chart.


    Show some G6 love Andrew! It's the real successor to the GH2. One of the most underrated camera's of 2013, it should get it's well deserved spot on your site of all places :) Why wait for march to put it in the list?


    Not sure if it's logical to put the GM1 above the GH3. Maybe the GX7 should be in that place? The GM1 doesn't have 60p for example. No audio in- and outputs.


    Also I'd say the D5300 / D5200 should be split. D5300 has 60p over the D5200, so I'd rank it higher.


    Why is the RX10 rated so low? Is the quality worse than the 5D Mark II stock?


    I think it'd be good to add a little bit of info to the list for each camera.

    Like strong points and weak points (moire, resolution, framerates, in/outputs, peaking yes/no, etc).

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