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Posts posted by Julian

  1. Nice design :)


    You can already buy PCI-Express SSD's btw. For example the OCZ RevoDrive: http://ocz.com/consumer/pci-express-ssd

    The 'X2' version goes upto 1500/1300 MB/s speeds: http://ocz.com/consumer/revodrive-3-x2-pcie-ssd


    Although I think a 'normal' Sata III SSD is plenty fast currently for video editing.


    Interesting move on Resolve and Premiere going OpenCL.. I bought a GeForce GTX660 and felt kinda 'forced' I had to buy Nvidia to make it work (Resolve 9). Not unhappy with it, but In the same price range I have the feeling AMD is more competitive. Curious how AMD cards will perform!

  2. Canon GH2... good one. It's from Panasonic.


    Magic Lantern = Canon only.


    There are hacks for the Panasonic GH2, they give you very high bitrates, and (out of the box) the  GH2 has better resolution than 5D II and III (also out of the box). There's no such thing as a raw hack for the GH2 and don't expect it will come or that ML will bring it.

  3. Still my camera of choice for this budget. Great little camera. It's very complete. Oled-EVF, high res tilt screen, 1080p50/60. Focus peaking, crop mode. Good stills quality too (less than the GH3 though). Amazing value for money!

    Personally I'm thinking of leaving m43 completely though. Love my 50D with raw and while its not very practical, for my 'hobby' use its ok. I do want to have something smaller/easier (smaller files...) by its side. I thought that was going to be the G6, but lately I've been thinking about the sony RX100 because I would probably use it more than the G6 (could just keep it in my jacket pocket at all times).

    Just afraid a successor might be on the horizon (pure guess) so I don't feel like buying it now. Holding onto my GH2 for a while to see what happens.

  4. Interesting topic... Weird read. Interesting explanations as well by you Erjot. Though I didn't see an explanation why you had different people wire you money at the same time.

    Anyway - the discussion about selling is even more interesting, since this forum seems to have turned into a marketplace the last few months. Actually I like this place to buy and sell (if the members have built up some credits and a post history) I really would like to see it in a separate section.

    Recently Andrew made one, but it was shut down shortly after because no one posted there and just kept spamming other forums, dubbel posting etc. with some strict moderation a separate section should work, but I can understand its trying especially you're doing it all by yourself Andrew. How about some moderators? Not for politics. Just for moving topics to where they belong.

    I like the eBay anamorphic topic. Yeah it might get in your way to score that crazy deal, but the reasons for wanting to close it sound selfish to me. The information is freely available. Shutting it down smells like censoring.

    Forget about finding an iscorama for $500 anyway. Even if only 5 'dealers' worldwide have put out an eBay search for it, your chance to find that crazy deal is tiny.

    Since the topic has been up I've followed a few lenses on eBay and bought some for good prices. I dont report everything that I find to the topic, not if I'm trying to buy it...

    Btw, what I really miss in the rules: show some damn footage! How hard is it to post a clip or upload something to YouTube/vimeo if you're selling something that expensive? That really pisses me off.

    Possible solutions:

    Separate selling/buying section. No more spamming in other sections/topics. Needs some strong moderation.

    Section only available/visible for registered users with a certain amount of active.

    Keep the eBay topic, only make it visible for registered/active users.
  5. 10 Mins 21 Gig - lol sadly no way this will eek its way into any PM's budget. Home use - amazing - real world not yet .

    This is only relevant during acquisition.
    If you don't like the big files you could just convert to cineform 422 or something for small size. You could do this in the field with a laptop - unload your card, convert the raws, empty card, shoot more...

    I think this would work fine for longer low budget projects as well.
  6. Yep, would be great. That would settle about all my diopter needs :) Thanks a lot for the tip, it was you who brought it up after all!


    I just put the 100-500mm Minolta search into my eBay and I've seen a lot of those lenses passing by since. Sometimes they come with the filter included, so if you are looking for a Tokina 72mm 0.4, I think it's a good idea to keep watching the Minolta lenses.


    I think recently there was one for like 560 euro's including the filter. That would be an expensive price to pay for the filter, but you could take the risk and buy the whole thing and try to sell on the lens. I messaged the sellers quite a few times if they were willing to sell the filter separately, no one wanted to do that though...

  7. I bought the Minolta Close-UP lens for 100-500mm... $120 incl. shipping.



    Might sound cheap for an achromatic 72mm 0.43 diopter (that's what it is, right? I hope that really is the truth :P) but I feel dumb because the same seller put exactly this diopter up a week ago, bidding from 0.99 and there were no bids.. I followed it, but forgot it in the end and it went unsold.. damn, that would have been a steal!


    Anyway, if this really is the 72mm 0.43 achromat, then it's probably the cheapest one to get anyway.. I'm not paying $300 for a filter...

  8. Hey Janosch, cool to see you post about your project here. Would love to hear more about it.

    I don't have any knowledge about code and stuff... but maybe it's an idea to look into the Canon raw2dng converter? It converts .raw files to dng's. Probably your .raw files aren't exactly the same as what is coming out of the Canon's, but maybe you can get in contact with the person who made it to finetune your own conversion.

  9. I'm not sure If I can see high flame rates as an advantage though... :lol:


    Don't really understand that slide. It says 19 pieces of 'lenses for motion picture' as of may 30 and 'most lenses for mirrorless cameras'. Looks like it's about their current mft glass?


    Interesting to see the big companies cutting down on compact cameras. It's pretty obvious of course, but now you see them openly talking about it. Olympus recently shot down their complete low level V series. Fujifilm plans to halve it's compact camera line: http://www.amateurphotographer.co.uk/photo-news/539755/fujifilm-to-cut-compact-camera-line-by-50

  10. I'm definitely still interested in reading about BlackMagic. But I did loose interest in buying one myself. Cancelled my pre-order on the Pocket. Still, I read a lot about things that I will never buy, it's just something I'm really interested in. Probably most interested in the 4K model, not because of I will ever use it, but because it is the camera that is the most unknown to date and I'm curious what it has to offer to the world of video. Anyway, that deifnately shouldn't be a reason for you to buy one Andrew :)


    Funny thing: when I joined EOSHD about a year ago, I thought it was funny that the name was EOSHD, while this really was (is) the place to go to for GH2 shooters - one of the reasons I joined here as well (and anamorphic shooting). After all, the name has made a come back it seems ;)


    Sure don't hope it turns into a Canon only thing. The power of the blog is that you write about almost everything that _could_  be interesting to filmmakers. Whatever the brand or the price. That's what I like.

  11. @ScreensPro: I agree there's more than DR. But Nikon also beats Canon on high iso and color depth hands down... and then I'm not even talking about things like autofocus points etc. I don't care about the brand of my camera, not saying you can't make great work with a Canon. I'm just interested in getting the most out of my money. My own experience tells me that for stills, Nikon absolutely has the edge now.


    I'm not so sure about that whole skin tone thing though. If you shoot raw... does it really matter? Can you really tell the difference between Canon/Nikon if it's processed well? I'd like to see a scientific breakdown of that. Wouldn't it make sense that a sensor that has 24.2 bits color depth (D5200) produces better skintones than a camera that has 21.7 bits? (700D, 650D etc). Yeah, the default output and picture profiles are different, but you can change them as much as you want (and with the Nikon more because the sensor just gives you more information in color, dr, etc).

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