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Posts posted by Julian

  1. i wouldnt believe it either except that its the owner of one of the biggest VFX/Design companies in the country and he has said he has shot his last few projects with this set up. very strange.


    Let him show you the proof and keep us updated (and show it...) :) Maybe he's a genius or working on something top secret at Panasonic. Not likely.


    Lets get back on topic. I did a fast 50D vs 5D II test! Will publish this evening.

  2. Really wish rather than trying to port it to so many cameras, Magic Lantern would work on fixing these dropped frames. I keep hearing all this language online about 'Why would Canon cripple their cameras so much and not allow this amazing quality?!' I think the proof is in the pudding: because this stuff is mad unstable and at best unreliable. I wouldn't call the 50d a 'monster' worth selling your GH2 for if you can't even get 10 stinkin' seconds out of it before the thing freezes up. Just my two cents... 


    You are misinformed sir. 1592x720p I can record as long as I want. No 10 second limit or anything. The dropped frames are my fault, yes, it was stupid of me to upload it like that.. Long day yesterday. I exported to 23.976 fps and shot at 24 fps, that might be it. Trying to upload it again.


    Download the DNG's I posted above and see for yourself.


    I'm not selling my GH2 and wouldn't advice anyone to do so. I'm keeping it (or trading it for a G6) next to the 50D.



    @Jlev23: like is said on the previous page:

    Bullshit. There would have been a million topics about it on this forum if that was even remotely true :)

  3. Thanks Tim!


    [url=https://www.wetransfer.com/downloads/6277c46a98731a6c795f8f5e6c5c8d5d20130526234611/38ccc37246a862f48ee3d397f664216a20130526234611/cd541e]500MB DNG sequence[/url]


    Please download and check if the camera skips frames, or if I did something wrong in post. Big chance it's the last option :)

    If the camera skips frames, that will be fixed. It didn't drop any frame during recording at 1280x960p.

  4. Since you have a GH3, I don't see any reason to keep the T2i... ;) Unless you shoot with 2 camera's all the time.


    50D raw is an experimental thing. It's fun, it works, but it's far from perfect. Want to experiment? Go for it! Need something reliable and easy? keep the T2i.

  5. I really have to speed up my workflow... batch editting all the frames (without selecting first) in Adobe Camera Raw and exporting them to edit/select was a bad idea. Takes too much time and Bridge crashes when I try to batch export 11000 DNG's :)


    New version of RAWanizer looks good!





    Next time I'm going to make some proxies first...

  6. Anyone want to take me through the mundane workflow of making a 50d video ready? I understand they don't come with video out of the box - what's the hack needed to make it film operational? Is there also a ML alpha firmware out there to do what Julian has accomplished?


    Download Magic Lantern Unified from the ML homepage, install according to instructions. Then you will have Magic Lantern, but no raw yet.


    Check this topic: http://www.magiclantern.fm/forum/index.php?topic=5586.msg39086#msg39086

    Download the autoexec.bin and replace it with the one that is on your CF card. Also add the modules folder and you should be good to go.


    Simple as that!

  7. You can find plenty of 5DII footage/tests on vimeo or the magic lantern forum.

    The 50D sure is cheaper and does higher resolutions. Would have to do a 1vs1 test to make sure which one is 'better'.


    I have only one fast card for ML, testing 1vs1 is boring and time consuming. Have to swap firmware and card.. etc. Might do a very simple 1vs1 shot later. Busy with my anamorphic shots now. I already made my choice, bought the 50D, just because it's damn cheap.

  8. Bullshit. There would have been a million topics about it on this forum if that was even remotely true :)


    I'm using a Minolta MD 28mm f1.8 glass with an MD to EOS adapter- the crop factor makes it about 40mm . . . 


    I wouldn't suggest Minolta MD/MC or Canon FD glass on Canon EOS mount. It is 'possible', but only with adapters that have an optical element in side. This makes the image quality worse.


    Safe options for Canon EOS are Nikon F and M42, lots of choice in both systems. Plenty other exotics work as well, Leica R and who knows what more.


    Look at this table: http://www.graphics.cornell.edu/~westin/misc/mounts-by-register.html

    Canon EOS has a 44mm register distance. Every system that has a longer distance works. So everything that's below EOS in the list is adaptable in theory.

  9. Magic Lantern is a Canon project and it has been going for years. It's not really an easy thing to do. It takes time. When a new camera is released, maybe a year later you can expect a stable Magic Lantern version. Maybe the OMD is hackable, who knows. Probably everything is hackable in a way. The few talented people who can actually do these kind of things and make amazing things come true can't just hack every camera for everyone. Magic Lantern is by far the most advanced hack on any camera, but it's very unlikely they will start working on other brands. There is always a lot to do and improve. The fact that they just discovered raw recording on 5 year old camera's are a perfect proof of that.

  10. Filled my 32GB card with anamorphic raw shots. 1280x960.. love it!

    Here some previews, while I work on the files.







  11. Don't sell your camera's yet and don't 'expect' anything... it is still very early development. Just be happy there is a super cheap camera that shoots in raw. If you feel like experimenting with it, buy it now! But don't even think of selling your GH2 today and switching over to a 50D to do any kind of work. The 50D has no audio. A raw workflow is much more time demanding, especially right now without CinemaDNG's. The 50D hack is in early stages, it works, but it's just an early port from the 5DII/III hack as far as I know.


    Keep your GH2's. Do buy a 50D to use by it's side. It's a good investment right now :) Don't like it, sell it with a profit in a few months...


    @shijan: Yes, there is some aliassing. But it's not too bad I think. I'm mostly surprised by the absence of color moire. With the 5D Mark II and raw I get a lot of weird color artefacts.(not just moire..). Seems better with my 50D.


    @rommex: it's an early port, and a hack. Practical things might come, or they might not.

  12. Thanks for the front page article, very cool! :D


    This is the fasted card I have Andrew. But I think the camera is the limiting factor. 1592 is the maximum width of the live view in 1x mode. You can go to 1900-something in 5x zoom. I think my card is faster than 50MB/s as well but probably like the 5D2 the 50D has a limitation in the CF controller. Would make sense since it's an old beast. Probably I can test faster cards soon!


    Rendering a video with the extreme iso's, will let you know when it's up, would be nice if you could add it to the article!


    /edit: need sleep.. footage tomorrow :)

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