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Posts posted by Julian

  1. It's a bit smaller than the GH2, it is as plastic as the GH2 (very light), not as sturdy as the GH3. I actually prefer the ergonomics of the G6 over the GH2. The grip has a better shape.


    It does feel like a €600 camera (because it is..) and not like a €1299 camera like the GH3.

  2. In short: I got six Old Delft Delrama 8 CP 1.5x lenses. Five of them are seeking a new home. They are in pretty bad condition, but hey, i'm only asking €50 each. Interested? Send me a private message!

    Tired of lugging around your heavy anamorphic lens? Looking for your first anamorphic experience? Always wanted a baby anamorphic? Read on!

    Old Delft Delrama 8 CP1.5x

    The Delrama 8 CP1.5x is a tiny anamorphic prism made by the Dutch company Old Delft, a long time ago. The ones I have here were designed for 8mm and have a 1.5x squeeze. They aren't built with optical lenselements like other anamorphics, but made out of prisms (mirrors).


    What are you buying? A lens in a pretty bad condition to be honest. No fungus or scratches, but the silver on the mirrors is detoriated. If you want to fix it, you have to get someone to resilver the prisms. The Delrama's are pretty easy to take apart, so that should be doable. Might be costly though, I didn't look into further.

    Anyhow, even in this state they are usable. Look for yourself!



    I think it can look pretty good - sharp! - things get funky when you point it into bright light, because of the damaged mirrors.


    How does it work?

    There is no focus on the Delrama. You put it in front of your taking lens (50mm on the GH2, you can go lower, I made a video with the Hexar 40mm 1.8 before, but if you stop down you'll get black bars) and just focus trough. Not sure what the minimum focus distance is, around 2 or 3 meters I think. Gets sharp from f/2.8, better at f/4.


    Shot with GH2, Minolta 58mm 1.4 (mostly at f/2 and 2.8) and a Delrama.

    Where are the flares?

    It does flare, but not in your typical anamorphic way, because it is made out of mirrors. Here's a video I shot with a lot of bright lights. The video is graded, want to see the original? It's here.



    I want one!

    I have five Delrama's for sale. They are listed below with pictures and I made some sample clips with each of them. Even though they are in bad shape and look pretty bad, the results might be better than you'd expect.


    Sample footage from each Delrama!

    Download this zip file with footage from each lens, one shot at f/8, one at f/2.8. (Note that in 30.MTS the focus is a bit off - the cyclist is sharp though!)

    Specimen 30:



    Specimen 35: Sold


    Specimen 37: Sold


    Specimen 50: Sold


    Specimen 82: Sold



    €50 each, excl. shipping.


    First to come, first to pick. Numbers are based on the last digits of the serial no. Don't just judge by the pictures, check the sample footage!


    All of them come in their original box:




    How do I mount it onto my camera?

    I found an easy way... take a (soft) lenscap, make a hole in it and push the Delrama into it. Works fine with my Minolta lenscaps.




    Paypal, bank transfer or local pickup (Den Haag, Netherlands). Can send everywhere, but I suppose Europe is easiest. You pay actual shipping costs.


    Questions? Shoot!

  3. I really like the noise on the G6. I don't know whether I should get a GH2 with more lenses or get the G6? What do you guys think? When do we expect the G6 to be available anyway?


    I say go with the G6. 1080p50 is a nice bonus too. I don't see cheap GH2's flying around anyway. If you are really on a very tight budget, the GH2 is not a bad choice of course. Lenses don't have to be expensive, go for some old cheap glass from eBay.


    Don't know when it is available. I have a test sample, it's actually pre production firmware. Will ask my Panasonic rep tomorrow cause I want to buy one myself asap :)

  4. Anyone care to weigh in on the isco on ebay?


    its cash/bank transfer only, no returns and there is barely any info the listing.I asked a few questions, apparently the focus ring turns smoothly but a little hard,  when asked about fungus he said he didn't know how to check but can't see any. Sounds a bit risky...




    Holy shit. It jumped from €~1150 to a final price of €2.566,56 in the last 10 seconds.

    And I thought I was going to take a big risk with a max bid of ~1200 :P


    So, who got it?

  5. Thanks everyone.


    My first project is going to be a short film of a tribal group of people in Arunachal Pradesh, North East India, but since this will involve a lot of travel I can just tell a lot of it is going to be handheld...

    Do bring a tripod! even if it's a small one. Handheld with the 14mm can be ok, with the 45mm, it's going to be shaky. But it will be nice to use for close-ups / interviews with people from a tripod.


    A standard lens with stabilisation could be quite useful for handheld work. There aren't much options sadly. Either the standard 14-42mm kit lens, the 14-42mm X lens which is a lot smaller and pretty good quality, or the superb but pricey 12-35mm f/2.8.


    If you want to keep cost down, go with a kit lens for handheld work, or maybe a 14-140mm if you really think you'll need long reach. Add a 28mm or 24mm 2.8 prime, so you have a nice set of 14, 28, 45mm when you can control your shots on a tripod.

  6. The important question.. what do you want to shoot?


    I'd say go with cheap manual glass from eBay to fill in the gaps between your 14mm and 45mm. I bought tons of Minolta MD/MC lenses for prices varying from €5 to max €50. For example: 28mm 2.8, 35mm 2.8, 50mm 1.7, 58mm 1.4, 100mm 2.5, 135mm 2.8. If you find yourself using the 35mm all the time, invest in a 35mm 1.4 or 1.8 maybe.


    But it all depend on what you want to do with it... If you just want to make homevideo's of kids playing soccer or something, then a stabilized autofocus zoom lens is a better idea. Anyway, even in that case I'd say buy some manual lenses and fall in love with them :)


    Original shots first, then graded in DaVinci Resolve*

    Panasonic G6 - 1080p24 @ 24Mbps
    Profile: Natural
    Contrast -5
    Sharpness -2
    Color 0
    Noise Reduction -5

    Panasonic GH2 hacked (moon trial 5) - 1080p24 @ ~70Mbps
    Profile: Smooth
    Contrast -2
    Sharpness -2
    Color -2
    Noise Reduction -2

    Always the same settings on both camera's. All shots at iso 160, with Panasonic 14mm 2.5 (on various apertures). White balance fixed (cloudy).

    *The grades are just meant to show what happens to the image if you lift shadows for example. Not meant to improve the image. Each shot from both camera's is graded exactly the same, except for the last shot (extreme grade), which is made to match both camera's for brightness/contrast.


    If you ask me, the G6 eats GH2's for breakfast. On YT the difference isn't that big, the fine grain of the G6 is made into the same garbage as the GH2 because of the compression. On the last extreme grade shot it is pretty clear on YouTube though.


    Will upload originals later.


    Here some screengrabs from the last grade (lifted the shadows with a huge curve in a power window on the right).

    Watch in full res - 1080p!








    This almost makes me wonder if I'm doing something wrong with my GH2, but it really does spit out files with bitrates up to 150Mmbps (the scene I posted earlier) with the Moon Trial 5 hack.


    Anyway. I want this camera!

  8. Quick grading test (wetransfer)


    GH2 original - G6 original - GH2 curve - G6 curve (same curve).


    GH2 @ 1080p24 65Mbps - Smooth -2-2-2-2
    G6 @ 1080p24 24Mbps - Natural -5-2-0-5


    ISO 160, same aperture and shutter speed.


    I'm really impressed. Shadow detail from the G6 is so much nicer, as is the grain. Even in the unedited footage of the hacked GH2 you see some dirty noise in the shadows. With the G6 it's a fine grain.

  9. Sigma +0.5 72mm - this one is interesting since it's a low power, but has this dreadful bayonet ring. I though about buying it, since it's very cheap, and trying to fit into a 72mm UV filter, without the glass. If someone is up to the task, go ahead!



    I have two of those, bought one on marktplaats.nl for 10 euros :) Ordered 2 chinese UV filters for a few euro's, just going to break the glass and superglue the thread to the Tamron (it's not Sigma ;)) filters. This should work fine, I already put it on another 72mm filter (that I don't want to break) and it fits exactly.



    Just bought a super cheap achromat (€30 incl. shipping). Minolta No. 0 (+0.94). It's only 55mm, but it might fit on my Iscomorphot 8/2x.



    Just got this one in. Tried it holding in front of my Iscomorphot 8/2x and it brings the focus down to something like 1,2 meters, have to measure it exactly. No vignetting with 50mm taking lens on Panasonic G6. Looking good!


    Waiting for some step up/down rings to make a filter solution for the Iscomorphot.

  10. Nikon is early in the game. Their first serious attempt at video was with the D800, which is just over a year old.

    Still my point about the D5200/D7100 stands :)


    I don't care about overpriced options, because there are many alternatives and I will probably never buy something from a professional cinema line. If there weren't any alternatives, then yes, I could see that as a bonus. Now you can only see it as a downside, because the pro cinema line will keep the consumer camera's crippled.


    The 550D was great when it was released! So was the 7D and the 5D Mark II (after the firmware update at least). But that is exactly the point, all those camera's are 4 years old. Canon used to be on top of the game with such camera's. And now they aren't.

  11. It's an interesting point actually.... Why do Nikon get away with sitting on their thumbs, by the folk on this forum?


    Nikon have nothing to protect, yet still offer almost zero innovation, yet Canon are the great evil? At least Canon are taking risks, making products that film makers can use... they might be out of your budget, for now, but that will change....


    What can you look at in the Nikon range and think "i'd like that, but damn, it's overpriced, i'll have to wait a year or two for that tech".


    At least i can see that Canon are bringing things like 4K raw into their line up. Overpriced or not.


    I don't hate Canon. If they come up with something really good I'd definitely consider buying it. I hate the fact that they keep using the same chip over and over again. The whole point is that Canon has been class leading and innovative from the beginning of the 2000's till somewhere around 2008. Then everything just seemed to have stopped and that sucks.


    Why does Nikon get away? Maybe because they release camera's like the D5200 and D7100, which perform better in video than their own D800/D600? Don't see Canon doing that. I don't care if Canon has a $25K raw camera.


    Also we know Nikon doesn't have their own Cinema line to protect. You can't really expect Canon to launch a dslr that will beat the C100/C300 in image quality any more, or come up with something ground breaking like raw video on a dslr. Nikon doesn't have that problem.

  12. Going to do some more testing today. Going to include some grading tests as well.


    Just did a very quick test with a detailed scene with the Moon Trial 5 24p hack at 150Mbps. The GH2 does show more detail in this case, but that shouldn't be very surprising :)


    Sharpness -2 on both camera's.


    GH2 @ 150Mbps:



    G6 @ 24Mbps



    Next week I'll compare the G6 to the EOS 100D ;)

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