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Everything posted by Julian

  1. That Phantom 65 is interesting.... Wanted to read more about it, I can find talk about it from years back, bit weird it's gone from the website. It comes with Mamiya or SuperPL mount and a huge 65mm sensor.. found a clip on youtube of someone holding the chip in their hands:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PzvGLjO7Zw   Isn't it kinda weird that the only (as far as I know) big format video camera is a high speed one? Wouldn't this be a good digital replacement for the 70mm IMAX-camera's?   Apperently they use it for 3D, by using 2 lenses projected onto one sensor: http://blog.abelcine.com/2011/04/08/doug-trumbulls-phantom-65-z3d-shoot/ What a shame, wasting that big beautiful chip with 3D... ;)   When Red started, they had talks about f*king huge sensors. Like this 617 'brain'... (6x17cm...)     Crazy, awesome, but it never happened.   Also the 'modest' Epic 645 never happened.  
  2. That colleague of yours is talking bollocks. The super35mm sensor doesn't use all the image area offered by the Zeiss (as you can see in your comparison with the fullframe 5D), but adding an anamorphic gives you a wider field of view, no matter the sensor size.
  3.   Read more: http://www.amd.com/us/press-releases/Pages/amd-and-adobe-2013apr5.aspx   Wonder if it also will work in DaVinci Resolve. I had to buy a Nvidia card specifically for Resolve (on Windows). Would be good to have some choice.
  4. https://vimeo.com/63297368   It's definitely the thing he was talking about. Read the blog: http://blog.vincentlaforet.com/2013/04/04/movi-a-revolutionary-handheld-stabilized-system-takes-flight/       It looks pretty nice to me, but definitely not 5D2 gamechanger style in this price range.
  5. With a dual focus setup you can't use continuous autofocus. The autofocus lens will adjust the focus, but you'll have to adjust the anamorphic as well if the distance to the subject changes.
  6. Nikon released a firmware update for the D600. If the crippled 95% hdmi output bothered you, that's fixed now:     http://support.nikonusa.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/18267/kw/D600/session/L3RpbWUvMTM2NDg3NzMxMS9zaWQvQTJSKndHbWw%3D    
  7. There isn't anything similar to the Nikon 1's, definitely not better. Casio has compact camera's that do 30 fps (full res) for one second in jpg.   With a Canon 1D X you can shoot continuous jpg's at 14 fps for '5K video'. That's the fastest dslr, and thats about it. There's not much of a database to make imo.   http://youtu.be/qU71wZBoA1E
  8.   This would obviously be something that would only work in live view, with mirror lock up.
  9. It could be 1920p video saved as 60 seperate jpg frames.. ;)
  10. I'd like to see something like you suggest Andrew, I haven't seen any clues of such a product though. Hope they managed to keep everything secret and we will be seeing something new...
  11. Did you shoot any video andrew? Would love to see some footage with the same feel as these stills. Looking great for straight-out-of-camera shots.
  12. Damn, thats sexy. Must have been expensive... Quite some distortion going on, curious how it will look in a 'real world' test.
  13.   Yes, of course most of it is. But it's not difficult to find some good 'curated' stuff. I love http://shortoftheweek.com/ for this. Or the Vimeo Staff picks, or some channels on Vimeo.
  14.   Not true, at least for photography.   Canon EOS 300D: first consumer dslr Canon EOS 5D: first fullframe consumer dslr Canon EOS 5D Mark II: first fullframe dslr with film function   Up till the 5D II and 550D, Canon was always pretty innovative and providing a lot of bang for your bucks.
  15. No other pro-camera's either, at least no dslrs.
  16. Not fair to accuse Nikon of doing the same thing Canon is doing imo.   I'm fine with (yearly) incremental upgrades in this segment. As long as they are actually upgrades...   From the Canon 300D, 350D, 400D, 450D, 500D to the 550D, there was a steady progress. Not always spectacular, but things changed, the picture quality improved. I can forgive Canon the 600D, the flip screen is a good addition and the sensor wasn't that bad at that time. The 650D and 700D are kind of insulting.   The Nikon D3000, D3100 and D3200 each got a new and better sensor, amongst other changes that actually matter. On top of that they are dirt cheap, more in line with the 1100D from Canon. For Photographers, a D3200 is a lot of bang for your buck imo.   Nikon's D5000, D5100, D5200 line-up is better compare-able to the Canon Ti/XXD's. All those camera's got major changes with every upgrade. The D5200 has the best aps-c sensor on the market right now, freaking 39 points autofocus, for the same money as Canon's 4 year old 700D with 2013 firmware. That's a hell of a deal you get with the Nikon.   The only reason I can think of, why Canon puts out this 700D, is that they are saving their new sensor for the 70D/7D Mark II, to create a bigger difference with the consumer models. So no more 7D in a 550D... Anyway, I don't have high expectations anymore of Canon's new sensor generation, whenever it will come.
  17. I don't think it will. So much good free stuff on Vimeo/Youtube. Why pay? And that's probably how 99% of the internets think. Also, it is apparently restricted by region. I just clicked trough the available movies and some of them are not available.   I do like the idea of a cheap watch-now price and a more expensive download option. Would be nice if you could 'watch now' and pay the difference if you want to download it afterwards.   Also, I think a micro payment system would be more interesting. I wouldn't care to spend 10 cents on watching a short. Still, 100.000 views would give the makers $10K. There are so many shorts i've seen on vimeo that have much more views.
  18. How are you using a tablet as monitor? There aren't any tablets with video input as far as I know.
  19. It does 30 fps for 1 second or 60 fps for half a second.
  20. Nice read :) Thanks for sharing. I watched the movie before I even knew what an anamorphic lens was or did, it didn't bother me for sure, didn't really notice it.   Just watched the extended trailer and I can see it now. Mostly in close shots in the interior of the ship, works well in sci fi.
  21. Oops.. need more coffee :) 60 fps raw is nice indeed. The shooting limit withholds me from going this way, but i'm curious what people will make of this. Did some calculating, in theory the hardware could be suitable to capture 24/25 fps raw in 1080p, for much longer I think. A Nikon NEF-file is roughly 1MB per megapixel, so lets say the buffer can hold 600MB of data (which it does, according to specs). In theory it could do 1080p raw (2MB) for 300 frames, being 12,5 seconds @ 24 fps... That would make a datarate of 48MB/s. This probably is too much to write directly to the even the fastest SD card in realtime, but still... Nikon could make a BMCC killer out of this :)
  22. The GH2 has 40 fps in 4K jpg, right? Anyone experimented with that? I'll give it a try tonight.
  23. I don't want to burst your bubble, but with current digital camera's, there aren't any benefits in shooting 35mm film photography. Except for the nostalgia and the 'look'. In terms of resolution or even dynamic range, you're not going to beat the 5D.   Be sure to get a Nikon F to EOS adapter so you can enjoy those Nikkor lenses on your T2i / 5D! ;)
  24. Thanks for sharing, interesting to watch. I didn't realize you'd need so many programs to add a 3D object to a frame. Boujou looks nice, but it costs like 5K to 10K? ouch!
  25. Good idea, I'd join that. I participate in the 'Vimeo Weekend Challenge' most of the times, they give a simple assignment or a theme and some requirements. An anamorphic version of that would be cool. I'd suggest to keep it fairly simple, so participation is easy and accessible for amateurs like me :) of course then it's up to the filmmaker how complicated you want to make your submission (just like the Vimeo Weekend Challenge).
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