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    Julian reacted to Nikkor in Nikon D750 - rumored 4K camera   
    Well this sensor will have to be something special, because no current method they are using will give them anything near 4K. If they go with the d5200.etc method it will only reach 3000pixels wide, it would need to read out the whole 24mp sensor and downsample that data from 6000 pixels to 3840 pixels, that would be the best picture you can actually get, totally noise free at low isos.
    I really want that, but I doubt it. Maybe it gives 4K in DX mode... 
  2. Like
    Julian reacted to richg101 in Introducing Rectilux FF Single Focus Adapters (Rectilux 5FF, Rectilux 7FF & Rectilux 9FF Announced)   
    No dirty lies here sir!  I think you misunderstand what I mean.  
    I am well aware that the rear optic of the iscorama 36 or iscorama (non 36) is not large enough to deliver the 'light transmission' required to deliver exposures as you would expect from the 85mm f1.4 on it's own,  in order for that the rear optic of the iscorama would need to match that of the 85mm f1.4.  However, I am sure you're aware that the coupling of the optics will still yield the 'look' of a f1.4.  exposure will take a hit granted, but we're here for the 'look'.  even if there were 2 stops of light loss due to the limited transmission, we're still talking a f2.8 exposure which is still adequate.  At most I'd estimate maybe a noticeable loss of 1/2 - 2/3rd of a stop due to the limitations of the iscorama rear optic.  
    Put an iscorama on the front of a 85mm f1.4 zeiss and it doesnt degrade the image very much at all (even wide open) thus in resolving power terms the Iscorama will support use at f1.4 as well as the fastest cinema anamorphics can!, but do it on a full frame sensor.  If you are charging similar amounts of money for your product, put it against the competition your price point dictates otherwise no one will buy them.
    if you want to remove the loss of transmission effects and the cost of aquiring an 85mm f1.4 for testing purposes just stick a 50mm f1.4 lens on the back instead, on full frame and show us the comparison.  The iscorama rear optic is big enough to transmit enough light for a 50mm f1.4.   
    re. weight.
    A 100g increase in weight, as well as what looks like a 1/3rd length increase (before the diopter is at full extention) is a noticable difference once hanging off a prime.  Those rectimascopes are pretty long as standard from that I recall.  Have you used an Iscorama before?  On a helios 44 it's pretty damn compact and doesnt need any rails.
    I don't mean to piss on puddings here, but as an Iscorama user, and enthusiast I felt compelled to come in and query constructively the product since there is suggestion that it will be a possible replacement for the iscorama.  If this is the case then that's awesome. 
  3. Like
    Julian reacted to indianajones in Market for DSLRs shrinking dramatically and why Canon / Nikon are to blame   
    I love your site, but I have to disagree.  You *are* speculating with the facts, we all are.  No one is arguing that sales are down, we're arguing about why sales are down.
    On Oct 26, 2013, you wrote:
    "Consumer digital camera sales are down 36% this year. Why? I think there are four reasons.
    Smartphones Satisfaction with current DSLRs Lack of innovate products Global economic downturn" Today you wrote:
    "Now in an era of falling shipments both companies have blamed smartphones and the world economy. This is completely unacceptable."
    Just a year ago, you agreed in large portion with Nikon and Canon, but now you find those conclusions unacceptable.  Yet I contend that the points you now reject *are* the core reasons why the market has collapsed.  Nikon and Canon spent the last 10 years feeding the market with successively-lower cost product that improved substantially annually.  Unfortunately for them, technology and economics has caught up with them and now everyone has a smartphone that does probably 90% of everything the average buyer will ever do with a camera, and they likely aren't willing to pay $600 to get that extra 10%.  Do you disagree with last statement (of opinion)?
    It's not too different from the computer market.  After years and years of increasingly powerful and more capable desktop computers with increasingly productive features, most people now have more computing power than they'll ever use, and they've stopped buying computers.  Instead, they're buying smaller and smaller devices, because even those devices are powerful enough to meet most of their computing needs.  The smartphone has done that to the digital camera business (and the computer business!).  What possible innovations could be performed on the desktop computer that would bring sales back to the good old days when most people are already happy with their tablet?  The same question could be asked of the digital camera market:
    What innovations do you have in mind that *would* cause the average camera buyer to plunk down $1000 (or $700) on a new camera?  Do you really think that if Canon and Nikon both released killer mirrorless full-frame 4:2:2 4K 240fps@1080p 14-stop DR with ND for $999 that sales would suddenly go back up to the good old days of 2012?  Do you know how many people actually care about those specs?  Pretty much everyone who routinely goes to this awesome website of yours, and almost no one else.
    Yes, there was a compliment buried in there, we all love your site and your opinions, even if we disagree.
  4. Like
    Julian reacted to aldolega in Slow motion on Sony a7s + Atomos Shogun   
    Just because the Shogun can record it doesn't mean the camera outputs it.
  5. Like
    Julian got a reaction from aldolega in Slow motion on Sony a7s + Atomos Shogun   
    It seems so:

    Source: http://www.atomos.com/press-releases/
  6. Like
    Julian reacted to Viet Bach Bui in Nikon D810 scores 14.8 in DR -   
    This guy always post a fake comparison video when a new camera comes out.
  7. Like
    Julian reacted to leeys in $5,000 Cine Lenses vs. L-Lenses - WOW   
    Not sure I can place much faith in this one; stills resolution is much higher, so the lenses actually have to work harder. Cine lenses advantages are in areas other than resolution.
  8. Like
    Julian reacted to Zach Ashcraft in GX-7 with $7.00 lens.   
    I shot this last week with a broken Olympus 50 1.8 I got for free! The rear element has a big crack (you can see the shape of it in the bokeh!) and I poked a hole in the front element with a screwdriver+hammer combo. Obviously not for every shot but definitely a cool look in the tool bag 

  9. Like
    Julian reacted to derekpanther in GH4 + Leica 25mm: Fuzziness?   
    I think you're right-- after playing around a bit more, I've been able to get some really crisp footage, even at f/1.4. I guess my hands were really unsteady in that first 1.8 test!
    f/1.4: '>  and '>
  10. Like
    Julian reacted to QuickHitRecord in Zoom anamorphic with the Pen-F 50-90 F3.5   
    For smaller sensors, I'd go with the Olympus Zuiko 35-70mm f3.6. The 55mm front ring does not rotate, and it is parfocal (which is why I bought it).
    The only downside that I can see is that it extends when focusing OR zooming, so it's best used with 8mm or small 16mm anamorphics only.
  11. Like
    Julian reacted to samuel.cabral in Zoom anamorphic with the Pen-F 50-90 F3.5   
    I really don't know if the front ring of this lens moves but i've heard that's too heavy!
    You should check the Nikon 35-70 F3.3-4.5 MACRO AIS (52).
    It's incredibly small, light and with a fixed front ring! I have one and i love it!
  12. Like
    Julian got a reaction from maxotics in BlackMagic FW update 1.8.2 adds ProRes422 and ProResLT   
    Since raw captures all the raw sensor data, it's impossible to capture more info with any other codec. If that was the case, raw wouldn't make sense.
  13. Like
    Julian reacted to Cinegain in Olympus E-M1 firmware update to address video mode - but will we get 24p and higher bitrates?   
    Well, if you pull that kind of data from the sensor it will heat up considerably.
    And the 5-axis in-body stabilization will not allow for methods to disperse of this excessive heat.
    So, for me 4K on the EM-1 is a nice fairytale, but nothing more.
    You can't just provide 4K as a FW-upgrade. It's impossible.
    Besides, they've never shown any care about us videopeople before.
    I don't even really need them to throw out 4K footage out of the E-M1 and onto my storage medium.
    I just need a proper videomode, with a broader selection of just about everything (especially 25fps!) and maybe a little tweaked bitrate or something like that.
    If they trained their pet into learning new tricks, that's cool. I want to see it. If they drugged it with stereoids and implanted it with a chip I'm afraid something horrible will come of this.
    But so far, for photography it's really awesome. Although I had a few issues with false exposure readings now and then.
  14. Like
    Julian got a reaction from Inazuma in Looking for a ~£100 camera to do reviews   
    Panasonic GF3, since you already have micro four thirds. You should be able to find a body for under 100 gbp.
  15. Like
    Julian reacted to Nog in Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema Camera for $495   
    Good to see BM have just added ProRes 422 LT and 422 Proxy to all cameras on the 1.82 firmware :)
  16. Like
    Julian got a reaction from Andrew Reid in I think DXO labs should reconduct its A7S test   
    It's not the first time I see a weird graph like that on TechRadar. I never valued their tests much personally...
    For example:

    Look at the Nikon D700 graph. So you should shoot at ISO 3200 instead of 1600? the signal to noise ratio is suddenly as good as at ISO 100? - Everybody who has ever used this camera knows this isn't true.

    The EOS 60D has a just under 10 stops of dynamic range from ISO 100 to 3200? Not true.
    I don't believe a firmware upgrade can give a sensor suddenly two stops of extra dynamic range. The RAW image data (like DXO tests) is really up to the hardware Maybe with S-Log you can squeeze out more dynamic range cause of image processing, but DXO tests will never show these kind of results because they test raw sensor data.
    DXO never tested a X-Trans sensor either. Understandable since those camera's work different - you can even see this in Adobe Camera Raw or Lightroom. So it probably doesn't work with their test methods. Same goes for Sigma Foveon chips. Never seen DXO-like tests of those. Just the conventional bayer sensor cameras.
  17. Like
    Julian reacted to solo in Blackmagic Design Pocket Cinema Camera for $495   
    at adorama u can Save up to $300.00 with bundle!!!!    BMPCC $495 + Metabones Leica R  Speed Booster $169 or Metabones Nikon G Speed Booster $189   and this is insane:   BMPCC $495 + NEW Metabones Canon EF Lens to BMPCC Speed Booster $659 = $1154 - $300 = $854!!!!!   holy sh++++!
  18. Like
    Julian reacted to Andrew Reid in Samsung NX30 - better than a Panasonic G6?   
    Yeah 24p on this camera is in a faux cinema aspect ratio with the crop forced on you in-camera, 1920 x 810. 30p otherwise. Nothing about the image is better than the G6 and the codec is FAR worse so beware!
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    Julian got a reaction from jcs in Guess the camera: FS700|GH4|A7S   
    iPhone with blur filter?
    The Depth of Field is enormous. From the front to the back of the hallway everything is in focus... the blur on the sides looks artificial, ugly imo. Could be a tilt lens, but looks more like a fake blur instead of bokeh - correct me if I'm wrong though.
  21. Like
    Julian reacted to Bob Wall in Black magic, 5DMK3, GH4 WHY NOT JUST RED ONE   
    Because few people (at least the type that read this forum)  want to haul around a (fully kitted) 30lb package that requires active cooling?
  22. Like
    Julian reacted to Nikkor in Best new camera for anamorphic?   
    I guess GH4 with a speedbooster, because you have so much resolution to play with you won't miss the 4:3 ratio you can get in ML.
  23. Like
    Julian reacted to Sebastien Farges in Best new camera for anamorphic?   
    GH4, of course ! ;)
  24. Like
    Julian got a reaction from earnesync in 4K Premiere sequence settings with GH4 footage when outputting to 1080p? Need workflow advice.   
    Same effect. Just scale down the footage to 25% after dropping it on your 1080p timeline. Also this gives you the bonus of being able to re-frame/zoom while editing.
  25. Like
    Julian reacted to 64mulford in Nocticron 42.5mm f1.2   
    Ok ended up getting the Nocticron and I'm glad I did. Such an amazing lens!
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