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    Julian reacted to mtheory in EOSHD Moderating Team!   
    Glad to help. What I love about this forum is that it is both non-corporate and mature, and I'd like it to stay that way, with strong opinions or language fine in my book as long as character assassination, gossip and spam stays out. 
  2. Like
    Julian got a reaction from andy lee in Even a small things can do great things like Panasonic G6   
    Great work.
    I said it before, but I'm gonna say it again: the G6 is the most underrated camera of 2013...
    Probably we will see a refresh this year, wonder what the G7 will bring!
  3. Like
    Julian got a reaction from Rudolf in EOSHD Moderating Team!   
    Thanks but no thanks Andrew :) I know I spend (too) much time here, but I can't and don't want to commit to anything right now.
    I'd still suggest bringing back the 'marketplace' sub forum though. I'll gladly report al the offenders who still dump their ads in the general or anamorphic forums. With the new police it should be easy to move them swiftly :)
  4. Like
    Julian reacted to Andrew Reid in Sony A7S specs announced - S for sensitivity. 4K via HDMI to "third party recorder"   
    I love this stuff.
    You're right the price of the Pentax is amazing and it would seem Sony are making huge strides forwards with their CMOS business. Usually very hard to break performance and price barriers both at the same time. Somehow they are managing to mass produce sensors that have unheard of until now spec for the price.
    If Canon are playing catch up in 2 years time and image quality on their DSLRs lags significantly behind Sony, and Nikon are using Sony sensors, it could spell a serious problem for Canon, something not easy to fix overnight as Sony has been building up to this level of sophistication for years and have surely spent many millions of dollars in the process.
  5. Like
    Julian reacted to midloch in Even a small things can do great things like Panasonic G6   
    This is a short trailer to my a brand new documentary movie about looking for yoga in India. I was used to shoot documentaries by very cheap camcoder but thanks to this forum lately I have switched to a DSLR world.
    In my opinion it is possible to make some good shots by cheap camera like Panasonic G6 :-)

  6. Like
    Julian got a reaction from Andrew Reid in Sony A7S specs announced - S for sensitivity. 4K via HDMI to "third party recorder"   
    The cost of producing big sensors rises exponentially. It doesn't have anything to do with pixel density. Smartphone sensors are dirt cheap and have very tiny pixels/high density.
    Sensors are made out of round 200mm (8 inch) silicon wafers. The bigger the sensor, the more (expensive) material you loose. This image explains it well:

    But more important is the yield. When producing sensors, you probably never have a 100% yield. I have no idea what the failure rates are, but the tiniest piece of dust or whatever can ruin a sensor. So if one fullframe sensor is affected, a big part of the wafer is lost.
    I have no idea what the cost is of a wafer. Tried looking it up and found this, that gives a 'typical processed wafer value' of $11,000.
    11,000/24 would be ~$458 per fullframe sensor IF the yield is 100%. Lets say there are two faults on the wafer, two sensors fail, now the cost is already 10% higher per fullframe sensor.
    Compare the Nikon 1 sensors to this (I'm not going to calculate the rates for M43... be my guest :)). 11,000/244 = ~$45 per sensor. If this wafer has the same amount of faults you can still get 242 sensors out of it. The price increase will be less then 1% per sensor.
    Kinda off topic, but I felt like giving some insight in the cost of a fullframe sensor. I do agree that the A7S doesn't have to be more expensive than the A7 seen from the 'cost of sensor' perspective.
  7. Like
    Julian got a reaction from Andrew Reid in EOSHD Moderating Team!   
    Good decision Andrew!
  8. Like
    Julian reacted to Andrew Reid in EOSHD Moderating Team!   
    I am upgrading some members to moderator status. If they choose to exercise their newfound abilities, this upgrade comes with the ability to delete and lock posts as well as the all powerful, all conquering ability to ban members who misbehave!
    Thanks for their positive contributions to life here at EOSHD I am promoting RichG101, mtheory and jonpais to moderator status for the main forum and all sub-sections.
    It carries no extra work or obligations - exercising their privileges will be entirely at the discretion of the moderator. I'll continue as the main admin. But I think having extra eyes and ears plus a few more trusted people with the ability to clean up posts and ban members will help me a lot.
    Also since they expressed an interest, JohnBarlow will moderate the Anamorphic forum and Andy Lee will get his own sticky thread on lenses and lighting which may build into it's own forum section if it is successful.
    I'll create the moderator privileges later in the week. Any objections or any opt outs please have your say on this thread!
  9. Like
    Julian reacted to Nick Hughes in Sigma 18-35 (canon mount) availability?   
    Just called a local dealer listed on Sigma's site and they had one left! They already shipped it and should be here in a matter of days. Local business saves the day.
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    Julian reacted to kazkioken in Letus Anamorph-X GP?   
    I just tried this out the other night and I like it a lot...rather have it on when it makes sense.  It doesn't make sense in a lot of applications because the lens is actually kind of heavy so it won't work well in places where you need the GoPro to be as light as possible (like it won't work with the DJI H3-2D, H3-3D on Phantom, etc.)  but for things like cars, etc. it's great.  Will try out on my helmet at the track on Wed.

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    Julian reacted to Axel in Potential changes to the forum to prioritise good content, suggestions welcome...   
    Let's be brutally honest. Of all the videos in the Screening Room, only, say, ten impressed me at all.  My own stuff would also go unnoticed, for it isn't any better.
    A contest could be a good way to focus our ambitions. Set a motto, a subject, set a date, when all films have to be online on the same day (not earlier, not later). Create a poll for ten days (or so). Allow people from outside EOSHD to vote (don't know how, perhaps via facebook?).
  14. Like
    Julian reacted to Flynn in Potential changes to the forum to prioritise good content, suggestions welcome...   
    An audio section would be very useful.
  15. Like
    Julian reacted to dafreaking in Potential changes to the forum to prioritise good content, suggestions welcome...   
    Yeah and mebbe at the end of the year give away some of your gear to the winner :D :P
  16. Like
    Julian reacted to Andrew Reid in Potential changes to the forum to prioritise good content, suggestions welcome...   
    Good idea about the screening room competition :)
  17. Like
    Julian reacted to Astro in Panasonic GH4 4K Production Diary - Day 2 - Test Footage   
    I just had a good look at this and I also had a good look at the 4K Nick Driftwood short film at Brighton showing skin tones...I did not see any green tinting or magenta or artefacts or moire.
    I also own a GH2 and I am a professional 3d artist for the last ten years...and before that an airbrush mural artist (what would I know?)
    I only mix colors daily for 2d textures on 3d models, define realistic ray trace or hi res shadow map shadows with 3d lights, set sub surface scattering for realistic skin etc...etc...
    I cant see it!!...especially in the Driftwood vid, if you cant make a good image or film with this camera...then you probably cant make a good image or film with whatever else is out there either.
  18. Like
    Julian reacted to animan in Panasonic GH4 vs Sony A7S compared - who wins the 4K battle on paper?   
    i suspect the combination of lens/bokeh, colour grade and nice back lighting is whats most apealing to your visual sense rather than the camera itself.. 
  19. Like
    Julian reacted to Axel in Potential changes to the forum to prioritise good content, suggestions welcome...   
    I subscribe to the 'evolution' theory above.

    There are so many changes in the video market, one just can't google everything. I receive newsletters from Adobe, Avid, BMD, Apple, Panasonic, Sony, CreativeCow, NoFilmSchool, Wolfcrow and a bunch of german sites, but I learn faster and more from EOSHD.

    Here is how it works: Andrew shovels in articles. People leave their comments, many in the way of dogs who set their marks on new trees. But very quickly you have a broad scope of opinions, of aspects. They aren't reliable, many aren't even on topic, but in the end, one knows more.
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    Julian reacted to sunyata in Potential changes to the forum to prioritise good content, suggestions welcome...   
    yea, i've noticed a high level of confrontational people on this forum too, but it's not the dissent that is a problem I think, it's the personal attacks. saying someone still lives at home and uses "mommy's credit card", lol.
    you could just start a warning system with clearly stated rules not to break? no personal "ad hominum" attacks and get a moderator, even if that moderator is a user.
    i'd also advise you to take a less active role in responding to negative comments.. just ignore some of them or issue a warning, but don't engage in an argument.. that just feeds the trolls. don't feel the need to fight back if someone criticizes the site, just consider if it's worthy of an official response.
    from a ux perspective, rather than sorting based on quality of post (or only allowing certain people to speak), just have a collapse of a comment if it gets too many negative votes, just like youtube.
  21. Like
    Julian reacted to HurtinMinorKey in Potential changes to the forum to prioritise good content, suggestions welcome...   
    This cuts down the work for you, and insulates you (somewhat) from criticism about what gets cut from the forum.  You can just tell people to take it up with the mods.  It allows you to play good cop to the mod's bad cop.  It's worth a shot anyway.  It's obviously something you could undo. 
    You might also consider a "shitlist" topic where all complaints can be logged.  This will help to avoid the appearance that you are silencing critics, and allow you to remove these type of posts from what are otherwise on-topic threads (and then  moving them to the shitlist).  
  22. Like
    Julian got a reaction from Orangenz in Panasonic GH4 vs Sony A7S compared - who wins the 4K battle on paper?   
    By the way.... just got this in ;) on loan.. sadly.

  23. Like
    Julian got a reaction from estarkey7 in Sony A7S rolling shutter test   
    Whats your experience with rolling shutter on the GH4 Andrew?
  24. Like
    Julian reacted to SleepyWill in Potential changes to the forum to prioritise good content, suggestions welcome...   
    As a newcomer to the forums, and one who wishes to be a positive member but won't have the time to prove myself, all I ask is that there is some public section, even if you never go there yourself to allow us newbies to prove ourselves and if some few of us prove to be the type of people you want, that we can be highlighted to you somehow and get access!
  25. Like
    Julian reacted to Bruno in Potential changes to the forum to prioritise good content, suggestions welcome...   
    Get a voting system, something simple like "useful or garbage", after a few "garbage" votes the post gets hidden, or goes towards the end and useful replies would stay on top... do the same for forum threads and within threads.
    The downside to an "elitist" system is that new "members", no matter how serious or helpful, would be locked out, and if the ones included start losing interest, it might become a very lonely place.
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