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About Wgocin

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  1. Not including the same things. Just for the EOSHD Community 550 Euros Contact me if interested.
  2. Selling similar in case someone is still interested: http://www.ebay.es/itm/Kowa-Prominar-8Z-16H-Anamorphic-Lens-Vid-Atlantic-front-and-rear-Lens-Clamps-/291202489313?pt=ES_C%C3%A1maras_de_v%C3%ADdeo&hash=item43cd055be1
  3. Hello, I am selling my beloved 2X anamorphic lens, the Kowa 8Z. If you have any questions please ask. Excellent condition! Money Back guarantee. Will miss it. Selling it because of money needs. Worlwide shipping. Can ship as a gift. http://www.ebay.es/itm/Kowa-Prominar-8Z-16H-Anamorphic-Lens-Vid-Atlantic-front-and-rear-Lens-Clamps-/291202489313?pt=ES_C%C3%A1maras_de_v%C3%ADdeo&hash=item43cd055be1 600 Euros NEW PRICE
  4. Hello, I am selling my beloved 2X anamorphic lens, the Kowa 8Z. If you have any questions please ask. Excellent condition! Money Back guarantee. Will miss it. Selling it because of money needs. Worlwide shipping. Can ship as a gift. http://www.ebay.es/itm/Kowa-Prominar-8Z-16H-Anamorphic-Lens-Vid-Atlantic-front-and-rear-Lens-Clamps-/291193973300?
  5. Hello, I recently bought a BMPCC and I´am looking for lenses with swirly bokeh, like this one: I cannot fin the largor anywhere. SO the question is, do you know of any similar lenses with nice swirly bokeh? Other question, which taking lens would you recommend me to mount a kowa 8z with the BMPCC? thanks!
  6. Hello, I am building a system to edit and grade 5d Mk3 Raw with davinci,premiere... I am currently looking for a sub $ 300 monitor to buy for color correcting. I know that at this price range it is almost ridiculous to ask for any objective color correction but well, is the money I have. My options so far are: --Asus MX239H 23" --Asus PA238Q 23" Which monitor do you use? What are your recommendations? Thanks!
  7. Thank you very much! I´ve changed some things: http://es.pcpartpicker.com/user/Nicogw/saved/1TFu     What do you think? Whats your take on the storage?   Thanks
  8. Hello, I am sort of a beginner in pc building and so far I´ve come up with this: http://es.pcpartpicker.com/user/Nicogw/saved/1TFu We plan to film a feature film with this rig. What do you think? Will it hold? I need a powerful video card because I want to edit in at least 1080p in two monitor fluent. I would love if this setup could afford (when I have the money for monitors) the capacity for 1440p. I went for 16gb of ram thinking on doubling it in near future for use of rendering and stuff. I bought a SSD for Windows and the software and for the moment a 3tb hard drive for video files etc... AND HERE is my biggest doubt. I know that for fluent editing I will need a RAID system, the thing is I don't know anything about RAID. Which would be the cheapest way of having a RAID system that can back me up at least one copy of everything and having at least 3tb of space (excluding the backup). Which kind of RAID should I use? Also, would you happen to have any recommendations that could lower the price for the same performance? Also, what screen do you recommend me. Thank you very much.
  9. Hello there! Im looking forward to buying a pc rig in order to heavy raw editing with a 5d mk3. Resolve, premiere etc... My budget is around 1400 euros and so far I´ve come to this:   http://es.pcpartpicker.com/p/1dtxX   My focus is to have realtime play ¿Could I? And other question is, could you recommend me a good monitor for color correction? sub 250-300eu.   Thank you very much.  
  10. Anyone knows, have tested or seen tests of an anamorphic resolution (1440x1080 or higher maybe) on the 5D mk2 for use with a 2x adapter? What I´ve read so far is that 5d wont go bigger than 1880x840 but what about other resolutions considering anamorphics.
  11. Hello there, Anyone knows, have tested or seen tests of an anamorphic resolution (1440x1080) on the 5D mk2 for use with a 2x adapter? What I´ve read so far is that 5d wont go bigger than 1880x840 but what about other resolutions considering anamorphics. From what you´ve seen so far, would you recommend switching back to the mk2 from a hacked gh2 in terms of image quality, colors, low light etc...? Thanks
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