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Pavel Mašek

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About Pavel Mašek

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    Czech Republic

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  1. So I have tried 16-235 directly in camera. Potrait style, RGB x1.00 (with some tweaks on each channel) on the right Vivid style, RGB x0.50 (with some tweaks on each channel) on the left So it this case it works like ND filter (you can see different exposure times, aperture is same indeed) and I am quite surprised that DR is almost identical BUT it all depends on scene. So if there less highlights you can lower RGB values/set longer exposure more (I have achieved 1/500s -> 1/200s)
  2. 4K30p, 160Mbps... and ignore histogram, it seems they are completely off (at least in one case) Maybe is noise reduction mapped on RGB gain? I am curious if it is somehow possible to maintain normal DR with benefit of more detailed image of lower RGB... but I guess it is not possible. It can useful in some situations where wide DR is not needed and there is enough light I will check if change to 16-235 or GammaDR could help but I doubt about it. Maybe RGB x0.75 could be compromise.
  3. Thank you all especially @Happy Daze for investigation. I have concluded for myself that boosting RGB values is similar to highering ISO values but it makes sense that this way can help reduce noise reduction that is probably higher on ISO 1600 and above ( @ReinisK video). But I have test it and found out that details in shadows are higher with lower RGB values but downside is the highlights are clipped because of longer shutter speed (unfortunately it does not work as digital ND filter). So maybe RGB x1.0 is still best compromise. But I still do not understand it... NOTE: Images grabbed from video directly in NX1 0-255, ISO100, RGB x1.99 on the left; RGB x0.50 on the right (just longer exposure to compensate loss of brightness). You can see more details on the ground and clipped highlights on the sky on the right (OK, I know it seems to be clipped on the left, but there completely no details on the right - just solid grey...) 0-255, ISO100, RGB x1.00 on the left; RGB x0.50 on the right (look on the bush and grass - they are more detailed). On the otherside white wall looks worse to me on the right (RGB x0.50) image. But maybe it is not so bad... I do not know... So maybe lower RGB values means more details in dark and complex areas but as downside - DR is is lower.
  4. Regarding untouched footage - I am not sure why it should be problem. You can always claim to Samsung layers that it was all just joke and footage was captured by eg. RED camera and EXIF of DNG files has been edited However I can understand your worries in case you will release that hack for public usage. Needles to say that Magic Lantern team thinks that tuning own cameras is completely fine in same way as you can tune your own car or whatever. Moreover there were 2 hacks for NX1 in past and I think both guys who developed them have not faced any legal actions. I am sorry to say that but frame you have provided looks like heavily compressed and oversharpened H265. I really hope that real RAW sample is much better than this.
  5. It makes sense but what i do not understand how it is possible stack 2 RAW images to one DNG 25x per second. You have also mentioned that such a 16bit DNG files has 'convenient amount of data' - I think it It would be ground-breaking not just for NX1 community but maybe to whole industry. I hope you will be able to upload such a DNG here - that would be nice.
  6. Uff, that sounds too good. Even standard NX1 RAW has lot of DR, so video would have more DR than photo (?) ... that is crazy. I hope you will be able to provide some examples or comparisons soon. Wish you all the luck to your exams.
  7. If it really works then I bet that he solved it that way: I think he basically wrote some app (NX1 is running on Linux-like OS Tizen) that is 'snapping screenshots' (maybe directly to DNG) from life view feed in video mode (he mentioned AF and IS works) - so it probably the similar thing as external recorders do. So image is already resized to 4K and minim. aperture is 1/30s. That is why he mentioned same behaviour in low-light (I think it is caused by way how NX1 resamples image to 4K). I would not expect REAL 6,5K 14bit CR2 RAWs but 'only' un-compressed 4K 10bit DNGs. I think it is only one possibility because otherwise would be bitrate huge as already mentioned here.
  8. That is all so interesting and strange in sametime :-D It would meant that you have unlocked electronic shutter on NX1 somehow (only NX500 has this feature for exposure 1/30s and above).You have mentioned same RS too - that would not happened with mechanical shutter. It would be great if such a video-RAW recording would work also for framerates below 10 fps -> very useful for timelapses. Limitations you have mentioned are OK but I am worried about crop (if some) and if it will work with both version of NX1 hack. There has to be display blackouts/freezes during RAW recording even with electronic shutter too, right? And have you achieved it in Photo or Video mode? I am very curious and sceptical but even electronic shutter would be great success.
  9. In static scenes you will not see much difference - maybe only in shadows details. But I always shoot 4k/30p in 160Mbit: I remember one situation in past when I have recorded video with my NX1 (withou any hack that time) was poiting on building against sun (so building was in shadows), there were trees, waving branches in the wind, moving grass, chaning brightness ... that image was full of macroblocking and absolutely awful to me. However I saw also macroblocking on the sky in static landscape shots too so I will never return back to 80Mbit. Below are frame grabs from 160Mbit footage - all done from gimbal in movement (so there is also some motion blur), no grading - just "converted" from 0-255 to 16-235 in Premiere (I am Ok with 8bit colors ;-)), Vivid settings with some tweaks, MBL 0. I have not tried 80Mbit but details would not be so detailed and there would be much more macroblocking - I think image would fall apart completely without hack. You will see macroblocking even here (face, road ) if you will take closer look (I should push it at least to 180Mbit but I was worried about frame drops). If you plan share footage on YT then it is completely different story
  10. I thought you have already switched to some of competitiors (A6500?) ;-) So NX1 is still better?
  11. I am checking Vimeo and youtube and wondering why there are no timelapses done with hacked NX500. I think it has to be great tool for timelapse creators - just imagine same sensor with superb dynamic range in RAW + electronic shutter (which is possible in hacked NX500) + built-in intervalometer (+ USB charging). I think that 6.5k 14bit timelapse videos are quite future proof too ;-) . Only downside is that min. shutter speed is 1/30s. So has anyone tried to use NX500 this way? (I would buy NX500 to my NX1 but still think it is still quite expensive so maybe one day... and do not want to use mechanical shutter on my NX1 for timelapses)
  12. Any effect when using lower bitrate, different frame rate (30p, 1,5p), PAL/NTSC, distortion correction ON/OFF (works also in video mode but only with Samsung lenses)? I do not know... I am just guessing.
  13. Interesting Luca... I always gets dropped frames in some complex scenes when filming 120fps/+100Mbps.
  14. Quite old but maybe still worth of posting here... whole with NX1 and bitrate hack.
  15. I can see that whole footage has around 100Mbps but it just shows 4K60fps which basically means 50Mbps 4K30fps which is even lesser than GP. That is why there is quite lot of macroblocking. 100Mbps is not enough for 4K60fps but it can be great for 24/30fps...
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