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TAC Digital

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  1. [quote name='OzNimbus' timestamp='1353705907' post='22202'] What's the maximum frame rate? [/quote] Currently 30fps
  2. [quote name='markm' timestamp='1353754291' post='22235'] If the ikonoskop has three chips each recording colour information at 1920x1080 then you will get better colour reproduction and can make it more film like [/quote] The a-cam is a single chip camera. The sensor (and A/D electronics that interpret and convert its signal to 1s and 0s) has a very unusual response to light- primary colors 'pop' a lot but so do unexpected colors like purple, and the blue channel is VERY strong. As a big RED user this was the most unexpected thing I saw when we first tried it out- I'm so used to anemic blue channels full of noise. Overall we've found that skin tones are reproduced much more accurately and there is more data in those ranges for delicate color correction- RED can be a beast to correct sometimes. It's not a RED or Arri or Canon or Sony killer- it's something else, it's an indie film silver bullet, some new class of camera where there is a definite 'look' to the data it captures.
  3. We've got an a-cam for demo and rent in LA, this review nails every single reason we got one. If you need data, RED and other super35mm digital cinema cameras are fantastic at capturing it. If you want to shoot on a quirky camera with an incredible response to colors that makes everything you point it at look like a dreamy indie film, shoot Ikonoskop ;) "Gus" is shooting on our camera, if you want more info on it or the filmmakers let us know: www.tacdigitalcinema.com
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