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About gepinniw

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  1. I agree that Facebook and YouTube have abdicated their editorial responsibilities. If they want to simply pass along other people’s content, fine, but at least have the decency to vet that content to ensure it meets some basic standards. The Russian trolling of public opinion was a quite disturbing example of what can happen when companies like Facebook shirk their responsibilities.
  2. Glad you were able to get your GH5 earlier than expected. It's a downright shame that Panavision has failed to recognize your many years covering their cameras. The quality of your analysis and the size of your audience surely deserved a pre-production loaner. Hopefully one day you will get the recognition you deserve from the good people at Panavision. I am salivating at the prospect of getting my hands on a GH5 myself. I've put in a request with my bosses to get a GH5 and a G85 as well as a couple of new lenses. A few of the features I am excited about are the 10 bit high bitrate video images, the new stabilizer, and the focus stacking for macro stills. The stabilized video is probably the number one thing for me. We have a big Ronin gimbal but it's mainly for our Red Epic, and reconfiguring it for a smaller camera is quite a chore. Near-gimbal quality always at the ready is very exciting prospect indeed. Looking forward to reading about your impressions of the camera. Keep up the good work!
  3. Really nice looking shots. Very cinematic. What colour profiles/settings did you use? Also, what lens? Much thanks!
  4. "The XL meanwhile is the best Speed Booster yet. It consolidates all of the best Speed Boosters into one adapter. Full EF lens support with image stabilisation (IS) and aperture control, even basic AF." The XL Speed Booster supports "basic AF?" Can you please explain. I thought it did not support AF at all. Thanks!
  5. I'd humbly suggest that 24p, 48p and 72p would be ideal. 96 fps? Can a man dream? Is this somehow impossible, I wonder? My GX7 is amazing but only one over-crank option (60fps) is a wee bit frustrating. At least give us 48fps. Surely there isn't any technical limitation.
  6. I just got a GX7, and I have the 12-40mm on backorder. In the meantime I'm using the Olympus 17mm and I'm quite pleased. The autofocus is very good, and the lens produces nice sharp images. I'll report back on the zoom once I receive it. As for shakiness, yes that's always an issue, but I'm hoping the GX7 in-camera stabilization will be enabled for video in a future firmware update. In the meantime I'm just relying on old fashioned technique, just like the old days. Adding weight to the camera is another thing I might do, just do dampen those lightweight camera jitters and bumps. It's good to know there are decent stabilized lens options out there, too, if necessary.
  7. Just got one yesterday, with the Olympus 17mm f1.8. It is interesting. I haven't shot with Panasonic recently, so the menus are bewildering. I'm used to Canon and Red. I was looking to explore the micro 4/3 format. My interest is equally divided between the still image and video capabilities. My initial impression was 'Cool." The focus is fast, accurate and silent. The video autofocus is quite decent, and the touch focus feature is pretty nifty. The look of the image is pretty impressive. The grain has a different quality that takes some getting used to. I've yet to view it on a projector or high-end display, so I will reserve judgement on that score. It seems pretty clean in low light. I've seen some pretty horrible low light digital video, and seemed to be pretty good. It's fun to learn a new camera. This one is like a swiss army knife. It's going to take a while to figure out how the scissors pop out.
  8. Fantastic images. Love the grading, and the slo-mo/stabilisation looks very fine. Thank you for all your work here!
  9. Yes! I've been waiting for this for a long time now. I am very eager to hear your opinions about this camera.   My caption: "The BPCC ihas arrived?!"
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