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Everything posted by Gibbsy

  1. Hi Andrew, thanks heaps for the review and video. Very thorough and informative! I also enjoyed your accompanying video. You mentioned that the lens has a longish focus travel. So would you say it is definitely not an issue for pulling focus. This is the only thing putting me off purchasing this lens for my BMPCC and opting for modified Fujinon 12.5 and 25. Obviously the zoom is preferable. What are your thoughts? Cheers again man
  2. Does anyone know how to mount ND's to Bell and Howell (and the likes) c-mount lenses? Trying to avoid matte box and straight ND's.
  3. Used the F5 the other day. I have to say, it's mighty impressive especially for the price. You'd be kicking yourself if you bought a C300!! Regarding 2000ASA my guess is that the roll in ND's are to bring exposure to a level where you can actually control light with glas infront of the lens. Also the fact that using XAVCHD codec you can to fit over twice the amount of footage on the SXS pro + than you can when shooting pro res on the Alexa (without any discernible quality loss) is something that shouldn't be over looked.   Yes skin tones are not quite up to the standard of the Alexa but for the price the thing is amazing. In fact I have a mate who bought a F65 last year and he is spitting chips.
  4.   That statement doesn't make any sense. If what you are trying to say is that you can't get shallow DOF from s16 mm then that's patently untrue, not crazy shallow like FF, but still possible. It all depends on lens size, distance from your subject and aperture. In fact I bet 95% of people slagging off s16mm sensors have never even worked with the medium........ But you know what they say "got a 5D, you're a DOP".
  5. HI Andrew, NIce article! I like your clear stand on the democratisation of film making. I have worked extensively with the Alexa (Plus, M and Studio) and I think there are a couple of things that I think should be pointed out. I feel it is a little misleading to say that crews simply stick the Alexa on Pro Res. Firstly it can only record pro res to the SxS cards (4444, 12 bit mind you), which most found more than enough. Hell for TV 422 is enough. Secondly if you do want to record RAW up until the Gemini recorder (which has it's own problems) you had to record to those bloody codex boxes. Suffice to say all this extra crap is an operators worst nightmare. The other thing not to discount is having a reasonable size VF. Remember how big the 435 VF was especially with an EPL!! DP's used to be able to light from them. The Alexa studios optical VF isn't small either. Anyway man, keep fighting the good fight.
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