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  1. I'm totally new to this topic so please excuse if I am writing total bullshit. I just read through some topics today but one thing isn't clear to me: My problem is: I'm looking for a wide-angle lens for my GH2. So after reading through this forum i wondered if the following thing works: I have a Nikon 28mm f2.8 Ais lens. With a 2x anamorphic adapter/lens(?) and 4:3 mode it's 2880x1080 (2,66:1). Cropped to 2,35:1 it would be 2538:1080. So we have 618 more pixels horizontally. Put alltogether in a 1920x817 project, the prime+anamorphic-footage is wider than just the prime-footage, right? Does anything of this make sense? So basically my question is if a anamorpic adapter/lens together with a prime (e.g. 28mm) can be an alternative to a "normal" wide angle lens (e.g. 14mm)? If yes, is there an option, let's say under 400 $?
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